‘Get your moral courage in gear’ - mikebeckles.

Get Your Moral Courage In Gear’

Novelette Grant strong­ly believes that the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) is ready to be led by a woman.

Though she is yet to sub­mit her appli­ca­tion for the post of police com­mis­sion­er, adver­tised rough­ly two weeks ago, Grant, who is now act­ing com­mis­sion­er, yes­ter­day declared her inten­tion to apply. The post offi­cial­ly became vacant last Friday, the last day of Dr Carl Williams’ tenure, after he exit­ed the job on ear­ly retire­ment. Yesterday, at a JCF press con­fer­ence held at the Commissioner’s Office, Grant explained why she should take lead­er­ship of the 150-year-old organisation.“What I bring is 35 years of knowl­edge of this organ­i­sa­tion. I think I have an excel­lent under­stand­ing of its work­ings and I think I have an excel­lent under­stand­ing of its fail­ings, too,” Grant said.
See sto­ry here :http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​G​r​a​n​t​-​r​e​a​d​y​-​f​o​r​-​t​h​e​-​t​o​p​-​j​o​b​_​8​6​290