Get The F*** Out Of My Town’: 48-Year-Old Connecticut Man Confronts 11-Year-Old Black Boy

A Connecticut man is fac­ing a pletho­ra of charges for alleged­ly knock­ing an 11-year-old boy off his bicy­cle and telling him to go back to where he came from. The boy’s moth­er believes her child was tar­get­ed because of his race, say­ing a form of this kind of bul­ly­ing hap­pens to their fam­i­ly on a dai­ly basis. Jameson Chapman, 48, has been charged with third-degree assault, risk of injury to a child, and sec­ond-degree breach of peace after he was iden­ti­fied as the man cap­tured on two now-viral videos fea­tur­ing a pre-teen bira­cial boy named Daniel Duncan. A police report notes Chapman told state troop­ers while being processed that the young boy “deserved it.

The man nev­er address­es the child’s com­ments but tells him he doesn’t belong in Deep River. “Get the f**k out of my town,” Chapman says to the child 37 years younger than him. “Where did you grow up? Did you grow up in Connecticut?” The boy says, “No.” “No, you didn’t… So, get the f**k out of my town,” he repeats. One of the videos were post­ed on TikTok by a per­son claim­ing to be relat­ed to Daniel. The text over­laid on the clip said, “We need jus­tice!” “So sad this is hap­pen­ing to our chil­dren. When will this end,” it con­tin­ued. “Deep River CT, man assault­ing my nephew because he is not white! Need jus­tice for Daniel! Just like many oth­ers.” Another video shows the man in a dif­fer­ent sec­tion of the city push­ing Duncan, a sixth-grad­er, off his bike.

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As he attacked the young boy, the footage shows him yelling, “Get the f*** off your bike.” In a police report, Duncan told offi­cers that Chapman had bumped into his friend while they were rid­ing their bikes. The group attempt­ed to evade Chapman after he cursed at them for a sec­ond time while in a con­ve­nience store. They wait­ed in the park­ing lot for Chapman to leave, but encoun­tered him for the third time, result­ing in the push. The alter­ca­tion has trau­ma­tized Duncan, his fam­i­ly says. The boy’s moth­er, Desiree Dominique, watched the video and said, “went into total shock.” “I could not con­tain my anger,” she remarked. She also said to WFSB, “Daniel is afraid to leave the house. He’s ter­ri­fied to leave the house.” However, she also notes his fear is not square­ly root­ed in the recent alter­ca­tion. She says her chil­dren faced racism every day in Middlesex County town. Another exam­ple, she gave to Fox 61 New was of an assault on a dif­fer­ent son who was shot with a pel­let gun by neigh­bor­hood teens while he was rid­ing in a car

These acts against her chil­dren don’t make Dominique feel great about the plight they are in, liv­ing in this par­tic­u­lar com­mu­ni­ty, “I feel very upset. I feel anger. I feel sad­ness. I feel a sense of pow­er­less­ness.” Dominique moved her fam­i­ly to the pre­dom­i­nate­ly white town four years ago. According to the 2020 cen­sus, Deep River has about 4,466 res­i­dents and is one of the least pop­u­lat­ed munic­i­pal­i­ties in the state. White peo­ple make up 91.0 per­cent, com­pared to Blacks at 2.4 per­cent. Racism has been an issue for the town. The com­mu­ni­ty mes­sage board includ­ed deroga­to­ry terms toward peo­ple of col­or. Town First Selectman Angus McDonald said the racist behav­ior seen on the mes­sage board and in the afore­men­tioned cas­es is unac­cept­able. She fur­ther does not reflect the vast major­i­ty of the peo­ple that live in Deep River. Criminal records show that Chapman has a vio­lent past and was con­vict­ed of third-degree assault in 2018. Despite his his­to­ry of vio­lence and his cur­rent charges, Chapman has been released from cus­tody on a $10,000 bail. Chapman is due in Middletown Superior Court lat­er in July.