Gender Double Standards

NFL star Adrian Peterson plead­ed no con­test Tuesday in a Texas court to one count of mis­de­meanor reck­less assault, avoid­ing jail time for whip­ping one of his chil­dren. Peterson appeared in a Montgomery County court in Conroe after pros­e­cu­tors and his attor­neys reached a plea deal. Judge Kelly Case agreed to the terms of the deal, in which Peterson plead­ed to a less­er charge. The Minnesota Vikings star was sen­tenced to two years of pro­ba­tion, a $4,000 fine and 80 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice, half of which will be tak­en care of by a pub­lic ser­vice announcement.He also will take par­ent­ing class­es. http://​www​.cnn​.com/​2​0​1​4​/​1​1​/​0​4​/​j​u​s​t​i​c​e​/​a​d​r​i​a​n​-​p​e​t​e​r​s​o​n​-​p​l​e​a​/​i​n​d​e​x​.​h​tml  .

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Adrian Peterson was sus­pend­ed from his job as a mem­ber of the Minnesota Vikings Football Team.

Double standard allows soccer star Hope Solo to stay in the game

It’s the crown­ing dis­grace of the sports world. Yet anoth­er renowned ath­lete has been hit with charges of domes­tic vio­lence — alleged­ly pum­mel­ing two rel­a­tives, leav­ing a 17-year-old boy bleed­ing from a cut on his ear and a woman’s cheek­bone swollen and pur­ple. But while belea­guered offi­cials of the NFL have made belat­ed attempts to stop the vio­lence — exil­ing play­ers accused or con­vict­ed of using their hands for rea­sons unre­lat­ed to a play­ing field — this sports fig­ure con­tin­ues to smack a ball around. Charged in Washington state with two counts of mis­de­meanor fourth-degree domes­tic-vio­lence assault is Hope Solo, super­star goal­keep­er for the US women’s nation­al soc­cer team and for the pro­fes­sion­al National Women’s Soccer League club the Seattle Reign. She’s accused of pick­ing a vicious fight dur­ing a fam­i­ly par­ty at her half-sister’s house in June.

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So why is Solo, a two-time Olympic gold medal­ist, still allowed to play ball? Simple. She’s a woman. The dou­ble stan­dard is alive and well. The US Soccer Federation should bench Solo. Now! The goalie, 33, who appeared to be intox­i­cat­ed, was arrest­ed after she alleged­ly punched her 17-year-old nephew in the face repeat­ed­ly and called him “too fat and crazy’’ to be a pro ath­lete, accord­ing to a police report. Solo’s half-sis­ter tried to break up the fight, but Solo punched the woman in the face, the report said. Her nephew broke a wood­en broom han­dle over her head and point­ed a non-work­ing BB gun at her, accord­ing to cops. She plead­ed not guilty to the charges against her and faces up to six months in jail if con­vict­ed at a tri­al sched­uled for next month. It has­n’t slowed down her career. http://​nypost​.com/​2​0​1​4​/​1​0​/​0​6​/​d​o​u​b​l​e​-​s​t​a​n​d​a​r​d​-​a​l​l​o​w​s​-​s​o​c​c​e​r​-​s​t​a​r​-​h​o​p​e​-​s​o​l​o​-​t​o​-​s​t​a​y​-​i​n​-​t​h​e​-​g​a​me/

We just con­clud­ed a flur­ry of activ­i­ties all geared at stamp­ing out domes­tic vio­lence. All across the Country peo­ple fall over them selves to stand on the side of women who are vic­tims of Domestic Violence. I sat through the ser­mon of a woman, a pub­lished Author who claimed she was abused for years by her Pastor husband. 

After the ser­mon I felt like an abused Parishioner. Unfortunately there is no recourse for me because of my gender.

Some Black men have vol­un­teered their char­ac­ters and careers as a rogues gallery for Domestic Violence. 

Baltimore Ravens run­ning back Ray Rice. Minnesota Vikings Running back Adrian Peterson. Carolina Panthers Greg Hardy. Arizona Cardinals Running back Johnathan Dwyer. The list is not con­fined to black men but for one rea­son or anoth­er they are the ones who find them­selves on the wrong end of the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem. The men men­tioned above are being pun­ished by the NFL and the Court sys­tem. Hope Solo ? Naaaah , She is a Woman who just hap­pen to be white.

There is your Domestic abuse prob­lem. Only men should be held account­able, just as only women are vic­tims of abuse.(sic.