Gay Man Murdered: Kartel Freed Of Murder Charge.


Dwayne Jones: This is the por­trait of Dwayne Jones an alleged gay Jamaican man who was bru­tal­ly shot and stabbed to death in Adelphi Saint James.The Jamaica Gleaner reports Jones, of Paradise Rowe and Porto Bello in St James was at a par­ty when he was alleged­ly attacked by a group of per­sons. A num­ber of explo­sions were heard and the police were called. Jones’ body was found on the road­way, with mul­ti­ple stab wounds and a gun­shot wound. One does­n’t have to be homo-sex­u­al, one does­n’t have to believe in the homo-sex­u­al lifestyle to know this is wrong ! How can a peo­ple, any peo­ple ‚under any cir­cum­stance do this to anoth­er human being? Does even the most anti-gay per­son with a shred of human­i­ty, believe that the rea­son these sav­ages killed this young man is total­ly because of his sexuality?

Who are the crim­i­nals? Does some­one of a dif­fer­ent sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion deserve the death penal­ty? What does it say about a peo­ple who can sum­mar­i­ly exe­cute some­one and walk away as if noth­ing hap­pened? I know that some peo­ple will have all kinds of com­ments and opin­ions on this mur­der, they will argue back and forth about the pros and cons of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, I will not get into that debate. A life was sum­mar­i­ly tak­en, that’s what is at stake, irre­spec­tive of what that young man did or did not do, every­one who par­tic­i­pat­ed in tak­ing his life are expo­nen­tial­ly more guilty than he could ever be.




Dance-hall Disc-Jockey Adidja Palmer o/​c Vybes Kartel was freed in the Home Circuit Court on Wednesday July 24th. Palmer who is accused of com­mit­ting two mur­ders, was freed on the mur­der of a Saint Catherine Business-man Barrington (Bossy) Burton.

Palmer will remain in cus­tody how­ev­er, as he awaits tri­al on the oth­er mur­der. Supreme Court judge Bryan Sykes instruct­ed the 12-mem­ber jury to return the ver­dicts ‚after the pros­e­cu­tion informed the court that it had no fur­ther evi­dence against the men.

The tri­al Judge Bryan Sykes alleged­ly barred two state­ments from being admit­ted into evi­dence, report­ed­ly those actions were the cat­a­lyst for the destruc­tion of the pros­e­cu­tion’s case.

images (13)Paula Llewellyn DPP:

As bystanders are we to believe that the Director of Public Prosecution Paula Llewelyn’s office under­took to pros­e­cute a homi­cide sole­ly on two eye-wit­ness­es state­ments? If this is so, it is a seri­ous indict­ment on that office, on the police and on what obtains for a jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica. No crim­i­nal Justice sys­tem is fool-proof, as we have seen recent­ly in Florida, but it is seri­ous cause for alarm and con­ster­na­tion , when mur­der­ers are allowed to walk free because of bad laws, tech­ni­cal­i­ty, or shod­dy work by those tasked with bring­ing crim­i­nals to justice.

When jus­tice can be thwart­ed sim­ply because a wit­ness can­not be found , it is incred­i­ble incen­tive for future killers to make sure wit­ness­es are nev­er found, giv­ing rise to many more mur­ders. It is a vicious­ly wicked cycle which can only be arrest­ed when crim­i­nals are held to account for their crimes. This is done by metic­u­lous­ly going about inves­ti­ga­tions in a painstak­ing and pro­fes­sion­al way.

There is no great harm in allow­ing a suspect/​s to remain free until inves­ti­ga­tors, work­ing with com­pe­tent pros­e­cu­tors, are sure they have all the evi­dence avail­able or pos­si­ble to gain a con­vic­tion. Whether sci­en­tif­ic, eye-wit­ness, cor­rob­o­ra­tive, or cir­cum­stan­tial, police and pros­e­cu­tors owe it to the deceased and their fam­i­lies to do due dili­gence before arrest­ing a sus­pect. Most west­ern democ­ra­cies includ­ing Jamaica pro­tects a cit­i­zen’s con­sti­tu­tion­al right against dou­ble jeop­ardy, (can­not be tried twice for the same offence).

Because of those con­sti­tu­tion­al guar­an­tees, it is impor­tant that pros­e­cu­tors and law enforce­ment get it right the first time. As a young detec­tive can­di­date, a lec­tur­er told us quote. “There is no greater task giv­en any­one, than that which empow­ers him to bring the killer of the inno­cent to justice”.

That admo­ni­tion will always remain with me, even though I am no longer involved with law enforce­ment , I have pledged that I will always be on the side of inno­cent vic­tims, so help me God.

The views expressed here makes no assump­tions about the guilt or inno­cence of the accused Adidja Palmer.

3 thoughts on “Gay Man Murdered: Kartel Freed Of Murder Charge.

  1. I am so pissed at the police this is not good i know the judge a per­son with a good heart but dur­ing the tri­al with­in a tri­al the evi­dence was over­whelm that the police is not truth­ful mike i know a famous Jamaican musi­cian that was held with a AR15 Bush mas­ter and the same music played at his tri­al Paula need to be friend­ly with the police like her the oth­er peo­ple who hold the office before her .i hope the hood catch up with Mr Palmer soon

    • Great point sir, this DPP was a defense attor­ney worked for the DPP when I was a young detec­tive, it seemed even at that time how­ev­er that she was more into show-boat­ing than actu­al­ly mak­ing a sub­stan­tive con­tri­bu­tion. Her tenure as DPP has been less than impressive.

  2. I don’t sup­port the killing of any human being, unless it is defend­ing your life; pro­tect­ing prop­er­ty or pre-emp­tive strike by the gov­ern­ment. If you are a crim­i­nal and you are respon­si­ble for killing oth­ers, it is fair play to kill you on sight!!! Be your­self! If you are a man act, behave and behave like a man! If it was me, I would do the same! You don’t have any vagi­na and then you are deceiv­ing me, anoth­er man! It/​him or who it wants to be, get what it/​him gets or want. His actions con­tribute to his demise! He should have behaved as such as a man, I have no sym­pa­thy for it/​him, he choos­es this route and it/​him knew the end result, this is Jamaica. The bat­ty men com­mu­ni­ty would hap­pi­ly accept it/​him to their com­mu­ni­ty. Be your­self! Don’t vio­late a man who is not into your “do, do, or shit­ty” world. This wan­na be woman and trans­gen­der, who has all the phys­i­cal traits of a man, vio­lat­ed the oth­er man big time; there­by caus­ing him seri­ous embar­rass­ment. The man in ques­tion wants a real woman, not a “wan­na be woman or trans­gen­der!” Imagine, the taunt­ing that man is going through right now in his com­mu­ni­ty??? More or less he has to move out, because the com­mu­ni­ty and its envi­rons will always laugh­ing at him and says “is him did a kill the bat­ty boy with whin­ing, like him ready to give him the John. Little did he know it was a man?” Some peo­ple are going to say “he knew that it was a boy, it was because he was exposed, so he and his friends have no alter­na­tives but to lynched the youth.” Hopefully, these “bat­ty­men” sick peo­ple knows them­selves. Keep your nas­ti­ness to your group; don’t bring it around oth­ers who don’t share your thoughts, feel­ings and views. The “bat­ty­men” in Jamaica get­ting too bright!!! How on God’s earth you are a man dressed as a woman “whin­ing up” on anoth­er man, pre­tend­ing to be a woman! More fire! Burn out all nas­ti­ness! It is pure­ness we are not pro­mot­ing, no nas­ti­ness or nasty lifestyle. If you are a bat­ty­man, keep it in your com­mu­ni­ty. Why do you want to push this lifestyle on anoth­er man? That’s wrong!!! It/​him is the one who asked for the “Calvary” and they came out in droves and did him in that way. I am not sup­port­ing the killing of this it/​him by any means, but there are lim­its in every person’s behav­ior and this one is over the top! This is rur­al Jamaica speak­ing to the “gay and com­mu­ni­ty” don’t bring your nas­ti­ness to coun­try; if not you will meet the same fate as this youth, who try to imposed his unhealthy lifestyle on one of our own. We are not “New Kingston or Uptown Kingston” we are the real Jamaicans, who do not believe in European lifestyles, as it goes against the laws of “nature and sci­ence.” Where no bones are pro­vid­ed, no dogs are invit­ed. Know your com­mu­ni­ty and those who are from and are a part of your com­mu­ni­ty, don’t stray, if not bad things will hap­pen to you. A word to the wise is “suf­fi­cient.”

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