Garland calls Trump's bluff , Trump is now silent... - mikebeckles.

Garland Calls Trump’s Bluff , Trump Is Now Silent…

Hmm…So now the facts are start­ing to seep out. Donald Trump may have had nuclear secrets at his House/​club Mara Lago, where peo­ple pay to rub shoul­ders with the for­mer liar-in-chief.
All of the right-wing Republican anar­chists Jim Jordon, the insignif­i­cant Newt Gingrich who no one remem­bers, Kevin McCarthy, the two Cubans Liddle Marco Rubio, Raphael Cruz, and the oth­er anti-American despots who want to turn America into a trump-ruled author­i­tar­i­an banana repub­lic have filth on their faces.
But that’s okay; these peo­ple are used to hav­ing filth on their faces. They are lying morons unde­serv­ing of respect. How could any­one respect Marco Rubio, who said the cir­cum­spect Barack Obama had no class? President Obama’s crime was that he invit­ed the rap­per ‘Common’ to the White House.
Marco Rubio, how­ev­er, sees noth­ing wrong with Donald Trump, a total freak of nature and one of the most despi­ca­ble crea­tures ever to walk this earth.
But this brief is not about these deplorable it is about the chess=playing head of the Justice Department, who addressed the nation on Thursday and said he made a motion to the Court to release the con­tents of the search warrant.
Donald Trump has a copy of that war­rant, knows what the DOJ was search­ing for, knows what they took, and knows that he was sub­poe­naed to hand over the prop­er­ty of the American Government but failed to do so. Donald Trump allowed his min­ions to embar­rass them­selves on his behalf even though he knew that the DOJ was in the right.
It is impor­tant to under­stand the dan­ger posed by the right-wing Republicans’ utter­ances, calls for civ­il war, calls for killing FBI Agents, calls to destroy the FBI, calls to arrest FBI agents, calls to shoot FBI agents, calls to defund the FBI, calls to stock up on weapons and ammu­ni­tion, calls to sleep well because tomor­row is war.
It is what occurred on January 5th, 2021, 2.0. on that occa­sion, lives were lost, and nei­ther Trump nor his min­ions were held accountable.

This is the trump sup­port­ing crack­pot Ricky Schiffer, who attacked the FBI Cincinnati field office, fired at police, and was killed on Thursday…He was report­ed­ly at the Capitol on January 6th dur­ing the Insurrection.

It hap­pened on Thursday when one nut-job Ricky Schiffer, approached the FBI field office in Cincinnati, Ohio, and fired a nail gun at the build­ing… Police lat­er killed Ricky Schiffer after he fired an AR15 weapon at them.
Donald Trump knew that the Agents at his estate were there legit­i­mate­ly. Yet, he allowed his bootlick­ers, Rubio, Cruz, Ron Johnson, his per­son­al water­boy Kevin McCarthy, and oth­ers to dis­grace themselves.
They will feel no shame as more infor­ma­tion comes out; they will change the nar­ra­tive to anoth­er lie and say he declas­si­fied what­ev­er doc­u­ments he had.
That, too, will be proven a lie.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.