Garish And Classless

Mayor deBlasio do not be intimidated as you do the work you were elected to do, Police officers are necessary for the job they do , they are not above the laws. They should and must respect the laws like everyone else. We are with you Mayor.
Mayor deBlasio
do not be intim­i­dat­ed as you do the work you were elect­ed to do, Police offi­cers are nec­es­sary for the job they do , they are not above the laws. They should and must respect the laws like every­one else.
We are with you Mayor.

Members of the NYPD who turned their backs on may­or deBlasio did not do them­selves their fam­i­lies nor the city any jus­tice today . The Mayor has a job to do, and he is doing it. The NYPD’s tone deaf­ness to the con­cerns and the cries of cer­tain com­mu­ni­ties is indica­tive of their lack of respect for some cit­i­zens of the city of New York.”

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Again they have show a total lack of class and respect by turn­ing their backs on the Chief Executive Officer of 8.5 mil­lion peo­ple. Members of the NYPD seem to believe that oth­ers should bow to them. By their own actions they con­tin­ue to do irrepara­ble harm to the depart­ment and to them­selves by their class-less thug­gish and gar­ish dis­play in both words and deeds.

Events like these which ought to elic­it empa­thy and sup­port from cit­i­zens are wast­ed as this Agency dis­plays ten­den­cies which have some cit­i­zens up in arms in the first place.Their actions fur­ther cements the views that the Agency is a Gang of crim­i­nals who believe they are above the laws or a law onto themselves .
Clearly there are sys­tem­at­ic prob­lems with­ing this police depart­ment that needs seri­ous solutions.
The Giuliani and Bloomberg years has cre­at­ed a Force which is alien to the needs of most New Yorkers.
Clearly being the biggest does not mean the best. 
This is a dis­gust­ing tasteless,disrespectful ‚dispi­ca­ble and taste­less act.