Framework Of Deal Reached With Iran, Israel And It’s Allies In The Congress Still Hell-bent On Scuttling Any Possibility Of Peace With Iran.

With The basis for an agree­ment for a peace­ful Iranian nuclear pro­gram and a lift­ing of sanc­tions against that nation has been reached, EU for­eign pol­i­cy chief Federica Mogherini announced Thursday in Switzerland. 
President Obama took to the Airwaves to explain to the world the choic­es the world had in deal­ing with the issue of Iran’s nuclear program.
Before Obama could get to the micro­phone once a deal was reached Israeli Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz issued a state­ment point­ing to Iran’s alleged involve­ment in Yemen and talked about what he sees as Iran’s sup­posed spon­sor­ing of ter­ror in the region.
The details of a deal has not yet been reached ‚yet Israel has sig­naled that it mat­ters not what the details of any deal is they will be opposed to one.
In fact while teh frame-work for a deal was being worked on assid­u­ous­ly by major pow­ers Netanyahu was busy try­ing to scut­tle the pos­si­bil­i­ty of any deal.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the world from the lofty perch of the United States House of Representatives.
But that was not all Israeli func­tionar­ies were busy try­ing to influ­ence world lead­ers on how to deal with the issue before them.
Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said Thursday that all options includ­ing mil­i­tary action were on the table in the face of the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran.

Speaking to Israel Radio as crunch talks on Iran’s nuclear pro­gram con­tin­ued in Switzerland, Steinitz said Israel would seek to counter any threat through diplo­ma­cy and intel­li­gence but “if we have no choice we have no choice… the mil­i­tary option is on the table.”

Asked about pos­si­ble US objec­tions to Israeli mil­i­tary action, Steinitz point­ed to Israel’s uni­lat­er­al attack against the Osirak nuclear reac­tor in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq in 1981.

That oper­a­tion was not car­ried out in agree­ment with the United States,” he said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz (L), at the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, November 23, 2014. (photo credit: Ohad Zwigenberg/POOL/FLASH90 ) Read more: As nuclear talks resume, Israel threatens military option | The Times of Israel  Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ® and Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz (L), at the week­ly cab­i­net meet­ing on Sunday, November 23, 2014. (pho­to cred­it: Ohad

Steinitz, a close ally of Benjamin Netanyahu, said the Israeli leader had left no doubt as to the country’s response to nuclear-armed Iran.“The prime min­is­ter has said clear­ly that Israel will not allow Iran to become a nuclear pow­er,” Steinitz said.

Israel will con­tin­ue to work as a mole in under­min­ing the poten­tial of a work­ing deal between the west and Iran.
What Israel wants is mil­i­tary dec­i­ma­tion of the Islamic state of Iran.
If Israel can­not get America to do it there you have it they are now threat­en­ing they will do it them­selves, or at least try to.

Prof. Petras
Prof. Petras

Prof. James Petras Global Research, November 02, 2013.

Pro-Israel Policy groups such as AIPAC work with unlim­it­ed fund­ing to divert US pol­i­cy in the region ( Middle East )” Jack Straw, Member of Parliament and for­mer Foreign Secretary of the British Labor Party. “The United States should drop a nuclear bomb on Iran to spur the coun­try to end its nuclear pro­gram” Sheldon Adelson, biggest donor to the Republican Party and major fundrais­er for pro-Israel polit­i­cal action com­mit­tees, speech at Yeshiva University, New York City, October 22, 2013.


The ques­tion of war or peace with Iran rests with the poli­cies adopt­ed by the White House and the US Congress. The peace over­tures by new­ly elect­ed Iranian President Rohani have res­onat­ed favor­ably around the world, except with Israel and its Zionist acolytes in North America and Europe . The first nego­ti­at­ing ses­sion pro­ceed­ed with­out recrim­i­na­tion and result­ed in an opti­mistic assess­ment by both sides. Precisely because of the ini­tial favor­able response among the par­tic­i­pants, the Israeli gov­ern­ment esca­lat­ed its pro­pa­gan­da war against Iran . Its agents in the US Congress, the mass media and in the Executive branch moved to under­mine the peace process. What is at stake is Israel’s capac­i­ty to wage proxy wars using the US mil­i­tary and its NATO allies against any gov­ern­ment chal­leng­ing Israeli mil­i­tary suprema­cy in the Middle East, its vio­lent annex­a­tion of Palestinian ter­ri­to­ry and its abil­i­ty to attack any adver­sary with impunity.

To under­stand what is at stake in the cur­rent peace nego­ti­a­tions one must envi­sion the con­se­quences of fail­ure: Under Israeli pres­sure, the US announced that its ‘mil­i­tary option’ could be acti­vat­ed – result­ing in mis­sile strikes and a bomb­ing cam­paign against 76 mil­lion Iranians in order to destroy their gov­ern­ment and econ­o­my. Teheran could retal­i­ate against such aggres­sion by tar­get­ing US mil­i­tary bases in the region and Gulf oil instal­la­tions result­ing in a glob­al cri­sis. This is what Israel wants.

We will begin by exam­in­ing the con­text of Israel ’s mil­i­tary suprema­cy in the Middle East . We will then pro­ceed to ana­lyze Israel ’s incred­i­ble pow­er over the US polit­i­cal process and how it shapes the nego­ti­a­tion process today, with spe­cial empha­sis on Zionist pow­er in the US Congress.

The Context of Israeli Military Supremacy in the Middle East

Since the end of World War II , Israel has bombed, invad­ed and occu­pied more coun­tries in the Middle East and Africa than pre­vi­ous colo­nial pow­er, except the US . The list of Israel ’s vic­tims includes: Palestine , Syria , Lebanon , Egypt , Iraq , Jordan , Sudan and Yemen . If we include coun­tries where Israel has launched qua­si-clan­des­tine ter­ror­ist attacks and assas­si­na­tions, the list would be great­ly expand­ed to include a dozen coun­tries in Europe and Asia – includ­ing the US through its Zionist ter­ror network.

Israel ’s pro­jec­tion of mil­i­tary pow­er, its capac­i­ty for wag­ing offen­sive wars at will, is matched by its near-total impuni­ty. Despite their repeat­ed vio­la­tions of inter­na­tion­al law, includ­ing war crimes, Israel has nev­er been cen­sored at an inter­na­tion­al tri­bunal or sub­ject­ed to eco­nom­ic sanc­tions because the US gov­ern­ment uses its posi­tion to veto UN Security Council res­o­lu­tions and pres­sure its NATO-EU allies.

Israel’s mil­i­tary suprema­cy has less to do with the native tech­no-indus­tri­al ‘bril­liance’ of its war-mon­gers and more to do with the trans­fers and out­right theft of nuclear, chem­i­cal and bio­log­i­cal tech­nol­o­gy and weapons from the US (Grant Smith “Ten Explosive US Government Secrets of Israel” IRMEP). Overseas Zionists in the US and France have played a strate­gic (and trea­so­nous) role in steal­ing and ille­gal­ly ship­ping nuclear tech­nol­o­gy and weapon com­po­nents to Israel, accord­ing to an inves­ti­ga­tion by for­mer CIA Director Richard Helms.

Israel main­tains huge nuclear, chem­i­cal, and bio­log­i­cal weapon stock­piles refus­ing any access to inter­na­tion­al arms inspec­tors and is not oblig­ed to abide by the non-pro­lif­er­a­tion treaty, because of US diplo­mat­ic inter­ven­tion. Under pres­sure from the local ‘Zionist pow­er con­fig­u­ra­tion’ (ZPC), the US gov­ern­ment has blocked any action which might con­strain Israel ’s pro­duc­tion of weapons of mass destruc­tion. In fact the US con­tin­ues to pro­vide Israel with strate­gic weapons of mass destruc­tion for use against its neigh­bors – in vio­la­tion of inter­na­tion­al law.

US mil­i­tary aid and tech­nol­o­gy trans­fers to Israel exceed $100 bil­lion dol­lars over the past half cen­tu­ry. US diplo­mat­ic and mil­i­tary inter­ven­tion was cru­cial in res­cu­ing Israel from defeat dur­ing the 1973 war. US President Lyndon Johnson’s refusal to defend the unarmed intel­li­gence ship, the USS Liberty in 1967, after it had been bombed and napalmed by Israeli fight­er planes and war­ships in inter­na­tion­al waters, con­sti­tut­ed a tremen­dous vic­to­ry for Israel thanks to Johnson’s Zionist advis­ers. Because of its impuni­ty, even in killing American ser­vice­men, Israel has been giv­en a free hand to wage aggres­sive wars to dom­i­nate its neigh­bors, com­mit acts of ter­ror­ism and assas­si­nate its adver­saries through­out the world with­out fear of retaliation.

Israel ’s uncon­test­ed mil­i­tary supe­ri­or­i­ty has con­vert­ed sev­er­al of its neigh­bors to qua­si-client col­lab­o­ra­tors: Egypt and Jordan have served as de fac­to allies, along with the Gulf monar­chies, help­ing Israel repress the region’s nation­al­ist and pro-Palestinian move­ments.  

The most deci­sive fac­tor in the rise and con­sol­i­da­tion of Israel ’s pow­er in the Middle East has not been its mil­i­tary prowess but its polit­i­cal reach and influ­ence via its Zionist agents in the US . Washington ’s wars against Iraq and Libya , and its cur­rent sup­port of the mer­ce­nary assault against Syria , have destroyed three major sec­u­lar nation­al­ist oppo­nents of Israel ’s hege­mon­ic ambitions.

As Israel accu­mu­lates more pow­er in the region, expand­ing its col­o­niza­tion of Palestinian ter­ri­to­ry, it looks east­ward toward destroy­ing the last remain­ing obsta­cle to its colo­nial poli­cies: Iran .

For at least two decades, Israel has direct­ed its over­seas agents – (the ZPC) – to destroy the gov­ern­ment of Iran by desta­bi­liz­ing its soci­ety, assas­si­nat­ing its sci­en­tists, bomb­ing its mil­i­tary estab­lish­ments and lab­o­ra­to­ries and stran­gling its economy.

After the ZPC suc­cess­ful­ly pushed the US into war against Iraq in 2003 – lit­er­al­ly shred­ding its com­plex sec­u­lar soci­ety and killing over a mil­lion Iraqis – it turned its sights on destroy­ing Lebanon (Hezbollah) and the sec­u­lar gov­ern­ment of Syria as a way to iso­late Iran and pre­pare for an attack. While thou­sands of Lebanese civil­ians were slaugh­tered in 2006, Israel ’s attack of Lebanon failed, despite the sup­port of the US gov­ern­ment and the ZPC’s wild pro­pa­gan­da cam­paign. Hysterical at its fail­ure and to ‘com­pen­sate’ for its defeat at the hands of Hezbollah and to ‘boost morale’, Israel invad­ed and destroyed much of Gaza (2008÷9) – the world’s largest open air prison camp.

Lacking mil­i­tary capac­i­ty to attack Iran on its own, Israel direct­ed its agents to manip­u­late the US gov­ern­ment to start a war with Teheran. The mil­i­tarist lead­ers in Tel Aviv have unleashed their polit­i­cal assets (ZPC) through­out the US to work to destroy Iran – the last for­mi­da­ble adver­sary to Israel suprema­cy in the Middle East .

The Israeli-ZPC strat­e­gy is designed to set the stage for a US con­fronta­tion with Iran , using its agents in the Executive branch as well as its ongo­ing cor­rup­tion, bribery and con­trol of the US Congress. ZPC con­trol over the mass media enhances its pro­pa­gan­da cam­paign: Everyday the New York Times and the Washington Post pub­lish arti­cles and edi­to­ri­als pro­mot­ing Israel ’s war agen­da. The ZPC uses the US State Department to force oth­er NATO states to like­wise con­front Iran .

Israel’s Proxy War with Iran: US Political Pressure, Economic Sanctions and Military Threats

Alone, Israel’s ‘war’ with Iran would not amount to much more than its cyber sab­o­tage, the peri­od­i­cal assas­si­na­tions of Iranian sci­en­tists using its paid agents among Iranian ter­ror­ist groups and non-stop brow-beat­ing from Israeli politi­cians and their ‘amen crowd’. Outside of Israel , this cam­paign has had lit­tle impact on pub­lic opin­ion. Israel’s ‘was’ on Iran depends exclu­sive­ly on its capac­i­ty to manip­u­late US pol­i­cy using its local agents and groups who dom­i­nate the US Congress and through the appoint­ments of offi­cials in key posi­tions in the Departments of Treasury, Commerce, and Justice , and as Middle East ‘advi­sors’. Israel can­not orga­nize an effec­tive sanc­tion cam­paign against Iran ; nor could it influ­ence any major pow­er to abide by such a cam­paign. Only the US has that pow­er. Israel ’s dom­i­nance in the Middle East comes entire­ly from its capac­i­ty to mobi­lize its prox­ies in the United States who are assigned the task of secur­ing total sub­mis­sion to Israel ’s inter­ests from elect­ed and appoint­ed gov­ern­ment offi­cials – espe­cial­ly in regard to Israel ’s region­al adversaries.

Strategically placed, ‘dual US-Israeli cit­i­zens’ have used their US cit­i­zen­ship to secure high secu­ri­ty posi­tions in the Government direct­ly involved in poli­cies affect­ing Israel . As Israelis, their activ­i­ties are in line with the dic­tates of Tel Aviv. In the Bush admin­is­tra­tion (2001−2008) high placed ‘Israel Firsters’ dom­i­nat­ed the Pentagon (Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith), Middle East Security (Martin Indyk, Dennis Ross), the Vice President’s office (‘Scooter’ Libby), Treasury (Levey) and Homeland Security (Michael Chertoff). In the Obama admin­is­tra­tion the ‘Israel Firsters’ include Dennis Ross, Rahm Emanuel, David Cohen, Secretary of Treasury Jack “Jake the Snake” Lew, Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and Michael Froman as Trade Representative among others.

Israel ’s Proxy Power with­in the Executive branch is matched by its dom­i­nance of the US Congress. Contrary to some crit­ics, Israel is nei­ther an ‘ally’ or ‘client’ of the US . Evidence of the gross asym­me­try of the rela­tion abounds over the past half cen­tu­ry. Because of these pow­er­ful prox­ies in Congress and the Executive branch, Israel has received over $100 bil­lion dol­lar trib­ute from the US over the past 30 years, or $3 bil­lion plus a year. The US Pentagon has trans­ferred the most up-to-date mil­i­tary tech­nol­o­gy and engaged in sev­er­al wars on Israel ’s behalf. The US Treasury has imposed sanc­tions against poten­tial­ly lucra­tive trad­ing and invest­ment part­ners in the Middle East ( Iran , Iraq and Syria ) depriv­ing US agri­cul­tur­al and man­u­fac­tur­ing exporters and oil com­pa­nies of over $500 bil­lion in rev­enues. The White House sac­ri­ficed the lives of over 4,400 US sol­diers in the Iraq War – a war pro­mot­ed by Israel ’s prox­ies at the behest of Israel ’s lead­ers. The State Department has reject­ed friend­ly and prof­itable rela­tions with over 1.5 bil­lion Muslims by back­ing the ille­gal set­tle­ment of over half mil­lion Jewish colonists on mil­i­tary-occu­pied Palestinian land in the West Bank and Jerusalem .

The strate­gic ques­tion is how and why this one-sided rela­tion between the US and Israel per­sists for so long, even as it goes counter to so many strate­gic and élite US inter­ests? The more imme­di­ate and press­ing ques­tion is how this his­tor­i­cal­ly lop­sided rela­tion effects con­tem­po­rary US-Iran sanc­tions and nuclear negotiations?

Iran and the Peace Negotiations

Undoubtedly the new­ly elect­ed Iranian President and his Foreign Minister are pre­pared to nego­ti­ate an end to hos­til­i­ties with the US by mak­ing major con­ces­sions ensur­ing the peace­ful use of nuclear ener­gy. They have stat­ed they are open to reduc­ing or even end­ing the pro­duc­tion of high­ly enriched ura­ni­um; reduc­ing the num­ber of cen­trifuges and even allow­ing intru­sive, unan­nounced inspec­tions, among oth­er promis­ing pro­pos­als. The Iranian gov­ern­ment pro­pos­es a roadmap with end goals as part of the ini­tial agree­ments. The European Union’s Foreign Secretary Lady Ashton has com­ment­ed favor­ably on the ini­tial meeting.

The US Administration has giv­en con­flict­ing sig­nals fol­low­ing the Iranian over­tures and the open­ing meet­ing. Some indi­vid­ual com­ments are guard­ed­ly pos­i­tive; oth­ers are less encour­ag­ing and rigid. Administration Zionists like Jack ‘Jake’ Lew, the Treasury Secretary, insists sanc­tions will remain until Iran meets all US (read ‘Israeli’) demands. The US Congress, bought and con­trolled by the ZPC, rejects the promis­ing Iranian over­tures and flex­i­bil­i­ty, insist­ing on mil­i­tary ‘options’ or the total dis­man­tling of Iran’s legal and peace­ful nuclear pro­gram – ZPC posi­tions designed to sab­o­tage the nego­ti­a­tions. To that end, Congress has passed new, more extreme, eco­nom­ic sanc­tions to stran­gle the Iran ’s oil economy.

How Israel’s Political Action Committees Control the US Congress and Prepare War with Iran

The Zionist Power Configuration uses its finan­cial fire­pow­er to dic­tate Congressional pol­i­cy on the Middle East and to ensure that the US Congress and Senate do not stray one iota from serv­ing Israel ’s inter­ests. The Zionist instru­ment used in the pur­chase of elect­ed offi­cials in the US is the polit­i­cal action com­mit­tee (PAC).

Thanks to a 2010 US Supreme Court deci­sion, Super PACs-linked to Israel spend enor­mous sums to elect or destroy can­di­dates – depend­ing on the candidate’s polit­i­cal work on behalf of Israel . As long as these funds do not go direct­ly to the can­di­date, these Super PACs do not have to reveal how much they spend or how it is spent. Conservative esti­mates of ZPC- linked direct and indi­rect funds to US leg­is­la­tors run close to $100 mil­lion dol­lars over the past 30-year. The ZPC chan­nels these funds to leg­isla­tive lead­ers and mem­bers of Congressional com­mit­tees deal­ing with for­eign pol­i­cy, espe­cial­ly sub-com­mit­tee chair­per­sons deal­ing with the Middle East . Unsurprisingly, the largest Congressional recip­i­ents of ZPC mon­ey are those who have aggres­sive­ly pro­mot­ed Israel ’s hard-line poli­cies. Elsewhere around the world, such large scale pay­offs for leg­isla­tive votes would be con­sid­ered bla­tant bribery and sub­ject to felony prosecution­ and impris­on­ment for both par­ties. In the US , the pur­chase and sale of a politician’s vote is called ‘lob­by­ing’ and is legal and open. The leg­isla­tive branch of the US gov­ern­ment has come to resem­ble a high-price broth­el or white slavers’ auc­tion – but with the lives of thou­sands at stake.

The ZPC has pur­chased the alliance of US Congress peo­ple and Senators on a mas­sive scale: Of 435 mem­bers of the US House of Representatives (sic), 219 have received pay­ments from the ZPC in exchange for their votes on behalf of the state of Israel . Corruption is even more ram­pant among the 100 US Senators, 94 of whom have accept­ed pro-Israel PAC and Super PAC mon­ey for their loy­al­ty to Israel . The ZPC show­ers mon­ey on both Republicans and Democrats, thus secur­ing incred­i­ble (in this era of Congressional dead­lock), near unan­i­mous (‘bipar­ti­san’) votes in favor of the ‘Jewish State’, includ­ing its war crimes, like the bomb­ing of Gaza and Lebanon as well as the annu­al $3 bil­lion dol­lar plus US tax-pay­er trib­ute to Tel Aviv. At least 50 US Senators have each col­lect­ed between $100 thou­sand and $1 mil­lion in ZPC mon­ey over the past decades . In exchange, they have vot­ed for over $100 bil­lion in trib­ute pay­ments to Israel … in addi­tion to oth­er ‘ser­vices and pay­ments’. The mem­bers of the US Congress are cheap­er: 25 leg­is­la­tors have received between $238,000 and $50,000, while the rest got peanuts. Regardless of the amount, the net result is the same: Congressional mem­ber pick up their script from their Zionist men­tors in the PACs, Super PACs and AIPAC and back all of Israel ’s wars in the Middle East and pro­mote US aggres­sion on behalf of Israel . 

The most out­spo­ken and influ­en­tial leg­is­la­tors get the biggest chunk of Zionist pay­ola: Senator Mark Kirk (Bombs over Teheran!) tops the ‘pigs at the trough’ list with $925,000 in ZPC pay­offs, fol­lowed by John McCain (Bombs over Damascus!) with $771,000, while Senators Mitch McConnell, Carl Levin, Robert Menendez, Richard Durban and oth­er Zionophilic politi­cos are not shy about hold­ing out their lit­tle beg­ging bowls when the pro-Israel PAC bag­men arrive! Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen tops the ‘House’ list with $238,000 for her 100% pro-Israel record as well as for being more war-mon­ger­ing than even Netanyahu! Eric Cantor got $209,000 for cham­pi­oning ‘wars for Israel ’ with American lives while cut­ting Social Security pay­ments to US seniors in order to increase mil­i­tary aid to Tel Aviv. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, got $144,000 for ‘whip­ping the few wob­bly’ Democrats back into Israel ’s ‘camp’. House Majority Leader John Boehner was paid $130,000 to do the same among the Republicans.

The ZPC has spent huge amounts to pun­ish and destroy a dozen or so dis­si­dent leg­is­la­tors who had stood up to Israel ’s wars and grotesque human rights record. The ZPC has poured mil­lions into indi­vid­ual cam­paigns, not only financ­ing oppo­si­tion can­di­dates who pledged alle­giance to the Israel but mount­ing scur­rilous char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tions of Israel’s crit­ics in office. These cam­paigns have been mount­ed in the most obscure parts of the US , includ­ing in major­i­ty African-American dis­tricts, where local Zionist inter­ests and influ­ence are oth­er­wise absolute­ly nil.

There are no com­pa­ra­ble PACs, Super PACs, par­ty lead­ers, or civic orga­ni­za­tion that can con­test the pow­er of Israel ’s Fifth Column. According to doc­u­ments archived by the coura­geous researcher, Grant Smith of IRMEP, when it comes to Israel , the US Justice Department has adamant­ly refused to enforce its own fed­er­al laws requir­ing the pros­e­cu­tion of US cit­i­zens who fail to reg­is­ter as for­eign agents while work­ing for a for­eign coun­try – at least since 1963. On the oth­er hand, the ZPC, through the so-call ‘Anti-Defamation League’, has suc­cess­ful­ly pres­sured the Justice Department, the FBI and NSA to inves­ti­gate and pros­e­cute law-abid­ing, patri­ot­ic US cit­i­zens crit­i­cal of Israel ’s land grabs in Palestine and the Zionist cor­rup­tors of the US polit­i­cal sys­tem on behalf of their for­eign master.

The cor­rup­tion and degra­da­tion of US democ­ra­cy is made pos­si­ble by the equal­ly com­pro­mised and cor­rupt­ed ‘respectable press’. Media crit­ic, Steve Lendman, has point­ed out the direct link between Israel and the mass media in his inves­ti­ga­tion of the New York Times. The lead­ing (‘fair and bal­anced’) jour­nal­ists report­ing on Israel have strong fam­i­ly and polit­i­cal ties to that coun­try and their arti­cles have been lit­tle more than pro­pa­gan­da. Times reporter Ethan Bronner, whose son served in the Israel Defense Forces, is a long-time apol­o­gist for the Zionist state. Times reporter Isabel Kershner, whose ‘writ­ing’ seem to come straight out of the Israeli Foreign Office, is mar­ried to Hirsh Goodman an advis­er to the Netanyahu régime on ‘secu­ri­ty affairs’. The Times bureau chief in Jerusalem, Jodi Rudoren, lives com­fort­ably in the ances­tral home of a Palestinian fam­i­ly dis­pos­sessed from that ancient city.

The Times unflinch­ing pro-Israel pos­ture pro­vides a polit­i­cal cov­er and jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the cor­rupt­ed US politi­cians as they beat the war drums for Israel . It is no sur­prise that the New York Times, like the Washington Post, is deeply engaged in dis­parag­ing and denounc­ing the cur­rent US-Iran nego­ti­a­tions – and pro­vid­ing ample space for the one-sided rhetoric of Israeli politi­cians and their US mouth­pieces, while stu­dious­ly exclud­ing the more ratio­nal, pro-rap­proche­ment voic­es of expe­ri­enced for­mer US diplo­mats, war-weary mil­i­tary lead­ers and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the US busi­ness and aca­d­e­m­ic communities.

To under­stand Congress’ hos­til­i­ty to the nuclear nego­ti­a­tions with Iran and their efforts to scut­tle them through the impo­si­tion of ridicu­lous new sanc­tions, it is impor­tant to get to the source of the prob­lem, name­ly the state­ments of key Israeli politi­cians, who set the line of march for their US proxies.

In late October, 2013, Former Israeli Defense Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin spoke of ‘hav­ing to choose between ‘the bomb’ or the bomb­ing’ – a mes­sage which imme­di­ate­ly res­onat­ed with the 52 Presidents of the Major American Jewish Organizations (Daily Alert, October 24, 2013). On October 22, 2013, Israel ’s Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz, called for harsh new sanc­tions on Iran and insist­ed that the US use them as lever­age to demand that Iran agree to entire­ly aban­don its peace­ful nuclear ener­gy and enrich­ment pro­gram. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon affirmed that ‘ Israel will not accept any deal that allows Iran to enrich ura­ni­um’. It is Israel ’s posi­tion to threat­en war (via the US ) if Iran does not sub­mit to uncon­di­tion­al sur­ren­der of its nuclear pro­gram. This defines the posi­tion of all the major pro-Israel PACs, Super PACs and AIPAC. They in turn pro­ceed to dic­tate pol­i­cy to their ‘lick-spit­tles’ in the US Congress. As a result, Congress pass­es even more extreme eco­nom­ic sanc­tions on Iran in order to sab­o­tage the ongo­ing negotiations. 

Those who have received the biggest Zionist pay-offs from the pro-Israel PACs are the most vocif­er­ous: Senator Mark Kirk ($925,379), author of a pre­vi­ous sanc­tions bill, demands that Iran end its entire nuclear and bal­lis­tic mis­sile pro­gram (!) and declared that the US Senate “should imme­di­ate­ly move for­ward with a new round of eco­nom­ic sanc­tions tar­get­ing all remain­ing Iranian gov­ern­ment rev­enue and reserves” (Financial Times, 10/​18/​13, p. 6). The US House of Representatives (sic) has already passed a bill sharply lim­it­ing Iran ’s abil­i­ty to sell its main export, oil. Once again, the Israel- ZPC – Congressional axis seeks to impose Israel ’s war agen­da on the American peo­ple! In late October 2013, Secretary of State Kerry was ‘grilled’ for 7 hours by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu with the craven Kerry promis­ing to pro­mote Israel ’s agen­da on dis­man­tling Iran ’s nuclear enrich­ment program.

To counter the cam­paign to stran­gle Iran ’s oil econ­o­my, pro­mot­ed by Israel ’s flunkeys in the Congress, the Iranian gov­ern­ment has offered gen­er­ous con­tracts to the US and EU oil com­pa­nies (Financial Times 10/​29/​2013, p 1). Existing nation­al­ist pro­vi­sions are being removed. Under the new terms, for­eign com­pa­nies book reserves or take equi­ty stakes in Iranian projects. Iran hopes to attract at least $100 bil­lion dol­lars in invest­ments over the next three years. This sta­ble coun­try boasts the world’s largest gas and the fourth largest oil reserves. Because of the cur­rent US ( Israel )-imposed sanc­tions, pro­duc­tion has fall­en from 3.5 mil­lion bar­rels per day in 2011 to 2.58 mil­lion bar­rels per day in 2013. The ques­tion is whether ‘Big Oil’, the giant US and EU com­pa­nies have to pow­er to chal­lenge the ZPC-stran­gle­hold over US-EU sanc­tion pol­i­cy. So far, the ZPC has dom­i­nat­ed this crit­i­cal pol­i­cy and mar­gin­al­ized ‘Big Oil’ using threats, black­mail and coer­cion against US pol­i­cy­mak­ers. This has effec­tive­ly shut out US com­pa­nies from the lucra­tive Iranian market.


As the US and the 5 oth­er coun­tries attempt to nego­ti­ate with Iran , they face enor­mous obsta­cles over­com­ing Israel ’s pow­er over the US Congress. Over past decades Israel ’s agents have bought the loy­al­ties of the vast major­i­ty of Congress peo­ple, train­ing them to rec­og­nize and obey the whis­tles, sig­nals and script from the war mon­gers in Tel Aviv.

This ‘Axis of War’, has inflict­ed enor­mous dam­age on the world result­ing in the deaths of mil­lions of vic­tims of US wars in the Middle East, Southwest Asia and North Africa . The gross cor­rup­tion and wide­ly rec­og­nized bank­rupt­cy of the US leg­isla­tive sys­tem is due to its slav­ish sub­mis­sion to a for­eign pow­er. What remains in Washington is a debased vas­sal state despised by its own cit­i­zens. If the ZPC con­trolled Congress suc­ceeds once again in destroy­ing the nego­ti­a­tions between the US and Iran via new war-like res­o­lu­tions, we, the American peo­ple, will have to pay an enor­mous price in lives and treasure. 

The time to act is now. It is time to stand up and expose the role played by the Israeli PACs, Super PACs and the 52 Major American Jewish Organization in cor­rupt­ing Congress and turn­ing “our” elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives into flunkeys for Israel’s wars. There has been a deaf­en­ing silence from our not­ed crit­ics –few alter­na­tive media crit­ics have attacked Israel ’s pow­er over the US Congress. The evi­dence is open­ly avail­able, the crimes are unde­ni­able. The American peo­ple need real polit­i­cal lead­ers with the courage to root out the cor­rupt­ed and cor­rup­tors and force their elect­ed mem­bers in the House and Senate to rep­re­sent the inter­est of the American people.

It’s impor­tant that there be an under­stand­ing of what the dri­vers are in this con­flict between Iran and Israel’s obses­sion with the destruc­tion of the Iranian people.