Fox News Report On Kamala Harris Not Saluting Gets Fierce Fact Check

A Fox News report crit­i­ciz­ing Vice President Kamala Harris for not salut­ing the mil­i­tary hon­or guard at Air Force Two got plen­ty of back­lash on Tuesday. Critics ripped the con­ser­v­a­tive news chan­nel for stir­ring up false out­rage, point­ing out that the vice pres­i­dent is not in the mil­i­tary chain of com­mand and was not vio­lat­ing pro­to­col. Fox News wrote in a report on its web­site of Harris “appear­ing to break with prece­dent and fail­ing to salute the hon­or guard” when board­ing the plane. It includ­ed insult­ing tweets from for­mer NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik and right-wing radio host Charlie Kirk, who showed a video of a recent Air Force Two approach and accused Harris of being dis­re­spect­ful to men and women in uniform.

Then who would jump in with a fact-free & mis­guid­ed com­ment, olé Bernie Bernard Kerik, for­mer con­vict­ed felon and for­mer NYPD Commissioner of police

Bernard B. Kerik. @BernardKerik


Kamala Harris refus­es to salute the hon­or guard at the steps of the air­craft. It is a clear demon­stra­tion of her dis­like for those in uni­form, both law-enforce­ment and military.

The old Felon should still be locked up but was par­doned by anoth­er crim­i­nal, seek­ing rel­e­vance was fact-checked immediately.\

Ex-Vice President Mike Pence and President Joe Biden were seen on video salut­ing hon­or guards when they were vice pres­i­dent, Fox News not­ed. But Dick Cheney, who served as veep under GOP President George W. Bush, is shown else­where on video not salut­ing.
Many on Twitter point­ed out that Harris was not break­ing pro­to­col because she is a civil­ian and not in the chain of command.
Even the com­man­der-in-chief is not required to salute. The late President Ronald Reagan began the prac­tice as a “mat­ter of cour­tesy,” U.S. Naval War College pro­fes­sor Tom Nichols wrote.
“There is no over­ar­ch­ing instruc­tion or reg­u­la­tion that requires the President or Vice President to return hand salutes from mem­bers of the Armed Forces,” Pentagon press sec­re­tary John Kirby wrote to HuffPost in a state­ment on Wednesday. “Vice President Harris has made very clear her respect and admi­ra­tion for the men and women of the mil­i­tary, as well as their families.”

Many on Twitter jumped at the oppor­tu­ni­ty to fact check Fox News:

Geoff @GeoffFrck

It’s not pro­to­col. Fox News con­sis­tent­ly fails to tell the truth.

POX @xpjupiter
She is not in the chain of com­mand. Then again, you know this. You want to stroke dis­cord and hate for clicks and ratings.
VP is a civil­ian. Fox News isn’t news.
You should real­ly review the pro­to­col. She is not required, nor should she feel com­pelled to salute.
Actually, she’s gone back to prece­dent as she is not in the COC.…»»
Bio: Former NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik - TIME

The fore­gone were only a few of the Twitter fact-checks that hit the old con­vict­ed crim­i­nal Bernard Kerick. One would think that this embar­rass­ment to police offi­cers every­where would shut his pie hole and find a hole to crawl into but no.…
Bernard Kerik worked from 1982 to 1984 as chief of inves­ti­ga­tions for the King Faisal Specialist Hospital’s secu­ri­ty divi­sion in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Six mem­bers of the hos­pi­tal secu­ri­ty staff, includ­ing Kerik, were fired and deport­ed after an inves­ti­ga­tion in 1984 by the Saudi secret police.[12] In his auto­bi­og­ra­phy, Kerik wrote that he was expelled after a phys­i­cal alter­ca­tion with a Saudi secret police inter­roga­tor; how­ev­er, in 2004, after he was nom­i­nat­ed Secretary of Homeland Security, nine for­mer employ­ees of the hos­pi­tal told The Washington Post that Kerik worked with a hos­pi­tal admin­is­tra­tor to sur­veil peo­ple’s pri­vate affairs, lead­ing to a scan­dal part­ly based on Feteih’s use of “the insti­tu­tion’s secu­ri­ty staff to track the pri­vate lives of sev­er­al women with whom he was roman­ti­cal­ly involved, and men who came in con­tact with them. (w)

Bernard Kerik joined the New York City Police Department in 1986. He first met Rudolph Giuliani in 1990, and dur­ing the 1993 New York City may­oral elec­tion cam­paign, he served as Giuliani’s body­guard and dri­ver.
As Rudolph Guiliani’s water­boy serv­ing as the NYPD’s com­mis­sion­er, Kerik had a tense rela­tion­ship with the FBI; he was accused of bla­tant abuse of power.
The New York Times report­ed that: “Behind the scenes, Bernard Kerik ruled like a feu­dal lord, many for­mer employ­ees have said. He had tak­en up with a woman who was a cor­rec­tion offi­cer; he was accused of direct­ing offi­cers to staff his wed­ding. He befriend­ed the agen­cy’s inspec­tor gen­er­al, whose watch­dog respon­si­bil­i­ties require keep­ing an arms-length rela­tion­ship, and the inves­ti­ga­tor attend­ed his wed­ding.” On one occa­sion, Kerik sent homi­cide inves­ti­ga­tors to inter­view and fin­ger­print sev­er­al Fox News employ­ees whom Kerik’s pub­lish­er, Judith Regan, sus­pect­ed of steal­ing a neck­lace and mobile phone.
Bernard Kerik plead­ed guilty in Bronx Supreme Court on June 30, 2006, to two ethics vio­la­tions (unclas­si­fied mis­de­meanors). Kerik acknowl­edged that he accept­ed a $250,000 inter­est-free “loan” from Israeli bil­lion­aire Eitan Wertheimer and failed to report it dur­ing the time he was Interior Minister of Iraq. Kerik first met the bil­lion­aire, whose vast hold­ings include major defense con­trac­tors. Kerik took a four-day trip to Israel less than two weeks before September 11, 2001, to dis­cuss counter-ter­ror­ism with Israeli officials.
On November 8, 2007, Kerik was indict­ed by a fed­er­al grand jury in White Plains, New York, on tax fraud charges and mak­ing false state­ments to the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment about the $250,000 he received from Wertheimer. Prosecutors fur­ther accused Kerik of receiv­ing about $236,000 from New York real estate mogul Steven C. Witkoff between 2001 and 2003. Some of the New York charges were dropped in December 2008, but Kerik was then re-indict­ed on the same charges in Washington, D.C.

On November 5, 2009, Kerik plead­ed guilty to eight felony tax and false state­ment charges, specif­i­cal­ly two counts of tax fraud, one count of mak­ing a false state­ment on a loan appli­ca­tion, and five counts of mak­ing false state­ments. He was sen­tenced to forty-eight months in fed­er­al prison and three years super­vised release (pro­ba­tion). Criminal defense attor­ney Michael F. Bachner rep­re­sent­ed Kerik. He sur­ren­dered to the U.S. min­i­mum-secu­ri­ty prison camp in Cumberland, Maryland, on May 17, 2010. He was dis­charged from fed­er­al cus­tody on October 15, 2013, and after serv­ing five months’ home con­fine­ment, his super­vised release con­clud­ed in October 2016.

Donald Trump par­doned his ser­i­al criminal.
This is what is known about the crim­i­nal, Bernard Kerik, we do not know what he did and was not pros­e­cut­ed for, but this is the punk that crit­i­cizes the vice-pres­i­dent of the United States.