Former President Carter, Trump Illigitimate.…..

a man and woman cutting a cake
  • Former President Jimmy Carter called President Donald Trump an ille­git­i­mate pres­i­dent and said he only won his 2016 elec­tion because of state-spon­sored Russian inter­fer­ence to ben­e­fit him.
  • Carter made the con­tro­ver­sial com­ments along­side his Vice President Walter Mondaleat a June 28 human rights forum host­ed in Leesburg, Virginia.
  • A full inves­ti­ga­tion would show that Trump did­n’t actu­al­ly win the elec­tion in 2016. He lost the elec­tion, and was put into office because of the Russians inter­fer­ing on his behalf,” Carter said.
  • When the mod­er­a­tor fol­lowed up and asked if Carter believed Trump was an ille­git­i­mate pres­i­dent, Carter said, “based on what I just said which I can’t retract, yes.”
  • Carter’s com­ments came after Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared to laugh off Russia’s elec­tion inter­fer­ence when the two lead­ers met at the G20 sum­mit in Osaka, Japan.

Former President Jimmy Carter called President Donald Trump an ille­git­i­mate pres­i­dent and said he only won his 2016 elec­tion because of state-spon­sored Russian inter­fer­ence to ben­e­fit him.

Carter, who is 94 years old and served as America’s 39th pres­i­dent from 1977 to 1981, made the con­tro­ver­sial com­ments along­side his Vice President Walter Mondale at a June 28 human rights forum host­ed in Leesburg, Virginia and mod­er­at­ed by pres­i­den­tial schol­ar Jon Meacham.

There’s no doubt that the Russians did inter­fere in the elec­tion. I think the inter­fer­ence, although it’s not quan­ti­fied, a full inves­ti­ga­tion would show that Trump did­n’t actu­al­ly win the elec­tion in 2016. He lost the elec­tion, and was put into office because of the Russians inter­fer­ing on his behalf,” Carter said.
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