Former Police Officer Thomas Lane Pleads Guilty To Manslaughter In Killing Of George Floyd

By Mark Osbourne & Billy Hutchinson

Thomas Lane, one of the for­mer Minneapolis police offi­cers involved in George Floyd’s killing, has plead­ed guilty to sec­ond-degree manslaugh­ter, accord­ing to the Minnesota attor­ney general.

State Attorney General Keith Ellison said the plea agree­ment reached with Lane rep­re­sents an “impor­tant step toward heal­ing the wounds of the Floyd fam­i­ly, our com­mu­ni­ty, and the nation.

Lane, 38, had been sched­uled to go to tri­al next month in state court along with his for­mer Minneapolis police col­leagues J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao.

All three defen­dants were con­vict­ed in February by a fed­er­al jury on charges of vio­lat­ing George Floyd’s civ­il rights by fail­ing to inter­vene or pro­vide med­ical aid as their senior offi­cer, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on the back of the hand­cuffed 46-year-old Black man’s neck for more than nine min­utes in the May 25, 2020, incident.

Former cop Thomas Lane