Former Minneapolis Officer Who Brutally Beat Black Man During George Floyd Protests Sentenced To 15 Days

We all remem­ber the unrest that came after the unjust death of George Floyd, and right­ly so. But I think it’s caused the Minneapolis Police Department to fall under the radar. Outside of the tri­al involv­ing the four offi­cers respon­si­ble for Floyd’s death, there have been a pletho­ra of oth­er cas­es where local Minneapolis police offi­cers have been accused of ter­ri­ble acts, most notably exces­sive use of force.

Stetson only stopped after his sergeant told him to stop. Due to the inci­dent, Stallings suf­fered a frac­tured eye sock­et. The inci­dent was record­ed on police body cam­era footage: Stetson admit­ted in court in May that he went too far in his treat­ment and plead­ed guilty to the assault of Stallings. But do you think he’s going to serve any real prison time? Of course not. 

After accept­ing a plea deal, the now ex-Minneapolis offi­cer was sen­tenced to only 15 days in the coun­ty work­house on Monday, accord­ing to the Associated Press. His plea deal includes two years pro­ba­tion, com­ple­tion of an anger man­age­ment course, pay­ment of $3,000 in fines, and is “refrained” from ever apply­ing to anoth­er law enforce­ment job for the rest of time. To no sur­prise, this has frus­trat­ed Stetson’s vic­tim, who said in court Monday, “The sys­tem that I believe was designed to pro­vide jus­tice to cit­i­zens … pro­tect­ed my attack­er but not me,” accord­ing to the Associated Press.