Former Lucea Mayor Now Under Criminal Probe After DPP Reverses Decision..

HARRISON... expressed regret that it took DPP eight months to change desision LLEWELLYN... the police now have to go and collect the statments from the witnesses
HARRISON… expressed regret that it took DPP eight months to change desi­sion LLEWELLYN… the police now have to go and col­lect the stat­ments from the witnesses

Contractor General Dirk Harrison yes­ter­day expressed regret that it took the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) eight months to be con­vinced that the pub­lic sec­tor pro­cure­ment reg­u­la­tions apply to the pur­chase of all goods, works, and ser­vices, irre­spec­tive of the value.

Harrison was respond­ing to DPP Paula Llewelyn’s rever­sal of her deci­sion that there was noth­ing crim­i­nal for which for­mer Lucea may­or Shernett Haughton could be charged in rela­tion to the issu­ing of con­tracts to rel­a­tives and friends.

Haughton will now be the sub­ject of a crim­i­nal investigation.

Llewellyn had orig­i­nal­ly dis­missal Harrison’s inter­pre­ta­tion of the pub­lic pro­cure­ment reg­u­la­tions, and his call for crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ings against Haughton.

But yes­ter­day Llewellyn con­ced­ed that she was wrong in dis­miss­ing the con­trac­tor gen­er­al’s inter­pre­ta­tion of the reg­u­la­tions, based on his report on the charges of nepo­tism and crim­i­nal­i­ty against Haughton, who has resigned as may­or but remains as the People’s National Party coun­cil­lor for the Green Island Division of the Hanover Parish Council.

While the con­trac­tor gen­er­al wel­comes this change of stance, albeit late in the day, his regret is that it took the insti­tu­tion of a court action, sub­se­quent con­sul­ta­tion with a Queen’s Counsel and the act­ing chief par­lia­men­tary coun­sel after the case was well under­way and the pas­sage of eight months, for the DPP to prop­er­ly advise her­self that in essence, the reg­u­la­tions which gov­ern pub­lic sec­tor pro­cure­ment are applic­a­ble to all pro­cure­ment of goods, works, ser­vices irre­spec­tive of the val­ue, and that Circular No. 16 does not exclude con­tracts below $500,000 from crim­i­nal lia­bil­i­ty,” Harrison said in a statement.

HAUGHTON… resigned as mayor
HAUGHTON… resigned as mayor

In a report tabled in the House of Representatives on March 24, Harrison had rec­om­mend­ed that Haughton relin­quish her posi­tion as coun­cil­lor, as well, on the basis of her uneth­i­cal behaviour.

The report accused her of nepo­tism and crim­i­nal offences in the Hanover Parish Council’s award of 22 con­tracts, with a cumu­la­tive val­ue of $3.7 mil­lion, to her rel­a­tives and affiliates.

In her response in April, Llewellyn dis­missed Harrison’s rec­om­men­da­tion that Haughton’s actions con­sti­tut­ed crim­i­nal offences, claim­ing that none of the con­tracts went over the $500,000 threshold.

Harrison not­ed that Llewellyn also made pub­lic state­ments in sev­er­al news­pa­per arti­cles sug­gest­ing that he had “very lit­tle chance of suc­ceed­ing” in con­vinc­ing her through the court, after he took the mat­ter to court.

We will be ready to meet any and every pos­si­ble argu­ment that the OCG will posit…,” he said the DPP respond­ed in one arti­cle to his deci­sion to take the mat­ter to court.

But yes­ter­day, Llewellyn, in con­ced­ing that she was wrong, com­ment­ed that she is “only human”.

I have indi­cat­ed that, based on the report (from the con­trac­tor gen­er­al) there is a pri­ma facie case in respect of a breach of the reg­u­la­tions. The police now have to go and col­lect the state­ments from the wit­ness­es,” she said.

Yesterday, Harrison said that DPP would also have to meet the cost of the court’s intervention.
Former Lucea may­or now under crim­i­nal probe after DPP revers­es decision