Former Intelligence Chief James Clapper’s Dark Warning About Donald Trump

I worry frankly about the access to nuclear codes.”

Former intel­li­gence chief James Clapper did not mince words fol­low­ing President Donald Trump’s remarks at a cam­paign-style ral­ly in Phoenix, Arizona, Tuesday night.

I found this down­right scary and dis­turb­ing,” the for­mer direc­tor of nation­al intel­li­gence said on CNN.

Clapper told host Don Lemon Trump’s per­for­mance Tuesday night was not nec­es­sar­i­ly a sur­prise, but fur­ther proof to him that the president’s fit­ness to serve is questionable.

This behav­ior and this divi­sive­ness, and the com­plete intel­lec­tu­al moral and eth­i­cal void that the pres­i­dent of the United States exhibits … How much longer does the coun­try have to ― to bor­row a phrase ― endure this night­mare?” he said.

Most of all, Clapper said, he wor­ries about Trump exer­cis­ing the pow­er of the presidency.

I wor­ry about frankly the access to nuclear codes. In a fit of piqué, if he decides to do some­thing about Kim Jong Un, there’s actu­al­ly very lit­tle to stop him,” he said, refer­ring to the threats Trump made to the North Korean dic­ta­tor this month.

The whole sys­tem is built to ensure a rapid response if nec­es­sary,” Clapper added. “So there’s very lit­tle in the way of con­trols over exer­cis­ing a nuclear option, which is pret­ty damn scary.”