Former Cop Who Raped Woman During Traffic Stop Exposed Her To HIV

Capitol Heights, MD — Martique Vanderpool, a 30-year old for­mer police offi­cer from Maryland, was arrest­ed for alleged­ly rap­ing a woman after con­duct­ing a traf­fic stop. He is fac­ing addi­tion­al charges since it has been deter­mined that he is also HIV pos­i­tive.
In September 2019, Vanderpool stopped a woman for speed­ing in Capitol Heights. He alleged­ly forced the woman to have sex with him at the police sta­tion or else, she will be jailed. Vanderpool, who resigned from the police depart­ment after the inci­dent, was recent­ly indict­ed by a grand jury on 11 counts, includ­ing first-degree rape, reck­less endan­ger­ment, mis­con­duct in office and know­ing­ly attempt­ing to expose some­one to HIV.

He was ini­tial­ly arrest­ed in December but was lat­er released on bond. He was arrest­ed again on Wednesday and is now being held with­out bond. The author­i­ties are wor­ried that there could have been oth­ers who were vic­tim­ized by Vanderpool. They are ask­ing the pub­lic to report any oth­er inci­dent that involved him. “This con­duct cre­ates in me con­cerns that we have oth­er peo­ple that may have been impact­ed whether as the vic­tims of crime or in rela­tion­ships with the indi­vid­ual in ques­tion,” Prince George’s County Police Chief Hank Stawinski said at a news conference.[BN]