Foreign Money Funding Anti-police Groups

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Illegal guns are flood­ing Jamaica, cre­at­ing a dire nation­al secu­ri­ty cri­sis. This video exam­ines who’s to blame and delves into the sys­temic chal­lenges that have plagued the coun­try for decades. Every fac­tor is scru­ti­nized from the alarm­ing ship­ments of firearms to the crit­i­cal role of law enforce­ment and for­eign-fund­ed orga­ni­za­tions like Jamaicans for Justice. This issue, addressed for over a decade, high­lights the strug­gle of the secu­ri­ty forces work­ing with lim­it­ed resources to com­bat esca­lat­ing violence.

In 2024, Jamaica had 1,141 mur­ders, accord­ing to Statista. This is a decrease from 2023 when there were 1,393 mur­ders. 
Most of the lives lost were attrib­uted to ille­gal firearms. This empha­sizes the need for sys­temic reform. This dis­cus­sion cri­tiques the influ­ence of exter­nal fund­ing from enti­ties like the Open Society Foundation, rais­ing ques­tions about their impact on Jamaica’s poli­cies and sov­er­eign­ty. The video explores the bal­ance between human rights advo­ca­cy and law enforce­ment pro­tec­tion, invest­ing in solu­tions that break the cycle of vio­lence and cor­rup­tion. We salute the brave police offi­cers and cit­i­zens who stand firm against these threats, refus­ing to let Jamaica slide into chaos.