Forbes To Return To Work

Senior super­in­ten­dent of Police James Forbes is set to return to work on Wednesday, July 28th. Forbes was sen­tenced in May of 2014, Forbes was found guilty of attempt­ing to per­vert the course of jus­tice and fined $800,000 or six months at hard labor.

Observer page..

Forbes & busi­ness­man Bruce Bicknell were charged in 2012, sur­round­ing alle­ga­tions that attempts were made to get a traf­fic tick­et issued to Mr. Bicknell quashed. Bicknell was freed by the courts. The appeal was heard in 2018.
The Court of Appeal apol­o­gized for the delay in the deci­sion but said admin­is­tra­tive issues had made the delay unavoidable.
This pub­li­ca­tion is pleased that James Forbes is return­ing to serve the coun­try we all love. He has a lot more to offer, I hope he will return to work a man much wiser.