For Each Family It Is Not Mere Statistics, These Were Living Breathing Family Members And Friends…

I wrote about this well over a year ago; still today, the scum who took this inno­cent man’s life has not been brought to jus­tice, to my knowl­edge, nei­ther has jus­tice been brought to him /​them. Hundreds of mur­der­ers are walk­ing around in Jamaica today, “kill and col­lect, drink and for­get,” they say. Even though he spoke to some­one on the phone, some­one who may have orches­trat­ed or known who orches­trat­ed rob­bing and mur­der­ing him, it is a near cer­tain­ty that no one sought to get his tele­phone records to see who the per­son was. Last year my own queries led me to a so-called detec­tive who acknowl­edged that he was han­dling the case.
So at best, there is a state­ment in a file cab­i­net some­where which con­sti­tutes the inves­ti­ga­tions into the heinous mur­der. This was months after Elvis Richards was mur­dered; he con­ced­ed then that he had still not spo­ken to the mur­dered man’s sig­nif­i­cant oth­er. A state­ment in a rink-ding file cab­i­net now con­sti­tutes this good man’s life.
Neither Miss Alcie, Elvis’s mom, nor Eliese, his lov­ing daugh­ter, has had any clo­sure; like hun­dreds of fam­i­lies each year who lose loved ones, the police are either over­whelmed, ill-equipped, don’t care, or incompetent.

An Admission That Crime Is Out Of Their Control, Now What?

June 3rd, 2020

There is absolute­ly no one in our coun­try that has not been touched one way or anoth­er by vio­lent crime.
That speaks vol­umes about the emo­tion­al toll it takes on indi­vid­u­als and the nation as a col­lec­tive. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly trau­mat­ic to those not con­tribut­ing to the wave of law­less­ness that has tak­en over our streets and our schools. As I sat to write this arti­cle, I am also hum­bled that I was hon­ored by the beau­ti­ful daugh­ter and moth­er of my life­long friend Elvis Richards, or ( Dozi), who offered me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to say a few words in trib­ute to his life.
Elvis, a lov­ing kind (Rastaman), became a vic­tim of the rabid crim­i­nal­i­ty that has now char­ac­ter­ized our country.
Elvis loved his coun­try, so much so that he would ask me (suh wen yu a cum bak cum liv Inna di place bredrin)?

Gone but nev­er to be for­got­ten, I will try to make sure that the filthy scum who took your life away will con­tin­ue to be haunt­ed by your face.

Here was a man work­ing to take care of his fam­i­ly, tak­en away by rabid degen­er­ates, and for what.….. a few thou­sand dol­lars in his pock­et? His life was tak­en from him, leav­ing his fam­i­ly to grieve, includ­ing his minor child, left to grow up with­out her lov­ing dad.
This sto­ry is of hun­dreds of fam­i­lies each year who do not have lav­ish police pro­tec­tion or cas­tles in the hills. Across the length and breadth of the tiny Island and all across the dias­po­ra, the con­se­quences of these killings res­onate and impact the psy­che of those left behind.
The dai­ly killings have now been baked into the cul­ture; they no longer evoke alarm, nei­ther do they gar­ner grass­roots resis­tance against them.
Rather than lis­ten to what works from peo­ple who have actu­al­ly worked at this, the nation’s lead­ers embarked on cos­met­ic ini­tia­tives designed to pla­cate the nation, designed to give a false sense of com­fort, that just around the cor­ner a respite awaits, with­out doing the hard work to guar­an­tee it.
Because of this administration’s mis­guid­ed stance on crime, we have seen a rapid and sus­tained rise in vio­lent crimes, but that is not all, the police are lit­er­al­ly unable to enforce the nation’s road traf­fic Act, as they are being attacked even as they try to write tick­ets to the law­less motorist who plies the road­ways as taxi-oper­a­tors. In the schools, the stu­dents now fight their teachers.
No laborites, I don’t want to hear your shit that the PNP is to blame; your par­ty is in pow­er now; save it.
This is big­ger than nar­row par­ti­san politics.

And now we hear the top-most leader admit that the lev­el of vio­lent crimes across the coun­try is out­side of the country’s abil­i­ty to deal with.
The coun­try is at the mer­cy of the killers.
On tak­ing office, this Prime Minister decid­ed that he want­ed a pol­i­cy of hug­ging up and cod­dling the most vio­lent crim­i­nals in the country.
No, he did not actu­al­ly say he want­ed to hug them, but his attacks on polic­ing prac­tices and pro­ce­dures, some­thing he knows noth­ing about, all but told the crim­i­nals they had a friend in Jamaica house. They already knew they had one in INDECOM.
When the prime min­is­ter was embark­ing on this path, I wrote sev­er­al arti­cles warn­ing that he was open­ing up a pan­do­ra box, that the nation would not be able to con­tain what comes out of it.
Talk about police kick­ing in doors to people’s hous­es, talk about not on my watch will they, (the police), con­tin­ue to shoot peo­ple, was Holness’s call­ing card, as he embraced the anti-police activist Terrence Williams.
In the streets, the mur­der­ers were laugh­ing; they knew they had a friend in this guy.
Instead of hir­ing a police com­mis­sion­er who knew about polic­ing, Holness hired his friend Antony Anderson, an army man, and made him com­mis­sion­er of police. Not that a com­mis­sion­er who came up with­in the ranks is a panacea to what’s going on, but at least he would be able to speak to the nation defin­i­tive­ly on the issue.
Instead of insti­tut­ing train­ing for the police that gives them the edge they need to fight the crim­i­nals, he insist­ed on human rights train­ing, not just for the police but for the mil­i­tary, and placed them in some­thing cre­at­ed and named Zones Of Special Operations or (ZOSOS’s).

Officers start­ed leav­ing in droves rather than try to moti­vate and incen­tivize them to stay; Holness dou­bled down on dra­con­ian mea­sures designed not just to make it dif­fi­cult for dis­grun­tled offi­cers to leave but crim­i­nal­ize them with stiff prison time if they fail to give advanced warn­ings that they intend to resign.
Not only are these mea­sures uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, but they also did not stop the attri­tion. And so Holness was forced to send stu­dent con­sta­bles to man his ZOSOS & SOEs for a frac­tion of what they should be paid and for pro­tract­ed peri­ods of time over which they should be exposed with­out the appro­pri­ate training.
The police are in an exis­ten­tial fight with zero back­ings from the gov­ern­ment. The failed Commissioner of Police Antony Anderson has no solu­tion to the killings; he does not know what to do, he was nev­er a cop​.At the same time, his lev­el of fail­ure has been far worse than any com­mis­sion­er of police who has come up through the ranks.
The silence is deaf­en­ing; there is no demand to fire the com­mis­sion­er com­ing from the usu­al quar­ters. What we hear now (crick­ets) is deaf­en­ing silence because Anderson is their boy.
Set of fuck­ing sanc­ti­mo­nious hypocrites.
It is only the government’s stat­ed com­mit­ment that will send a mes­sage to the crim­i­nals that the country’s lead­er­ship is solid­ly behind the secu­ri­ty forces.
Now it is abun­dant­ly clear that ZOSO’s & SOE’s will not stop the killings; they have thrown up their hands in despair.
They dug them­selves a hole of pre­tense from which they can­not remove themselves.
There is only one solu­tion to deal­ing with these ver­min, and that is to exter­mi­nate them.
The pre­ferred route to remov­ing them from soci­ety is to arrest them and have them face the courts. But in Jamaica, even the damn judges seem to be in bed with the murderers.
That leaves just one solu­tion, but the pop­u­la­tion has its head too far up its own ass that it is stuck talk­ing about the human rights of mur­der­ers while no one talks about the human rights of those who have their lives tak­en from them.
A few cars and the like are not a com­mit­ment to law enforcement.
This Administration has stead­fast­ly refused to step back from its com­mit­ment to obstruct the efforts of law enforce­ment; as a con­se­quence, the nation must con­tin­ue to weep and bury its dead.
Until the peo­ple decide to rise and do some­thing about it themselves…


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.