You can't make this up
You can’t make this up

Just when you thought Rudy Giuliani could­n’t get cra­zier, the for­mer NYC may­or blamed Obama for the bru­tal beat­down at a Brooklyn McDonalds —and said the pres­i­dent should be more like Bill Cosby.

Obama is ignor­ing “enor­mous amounts of crime” com­mit­ted by African-Americans, Giuliani said Thursday. And he said President Obama is to blame for the brawl inside a McDonald’s in Brooklyn as well as the shoot­ing of two cops in Ferguson because of the anti-police “tone” com­ing from the White House. The for­mer may­or, speak­ing on AM970 radio this morn­ing, was asked what he thought about a num­ber of dis­turb­ing issues in the news. Host John Gambling asked for Giuliani’s take on the vicious McDonald’s fight, the recent police shoot­ings in Ferguson and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton get­ting booed Thursday at a City Council hear­ing by protesters.

It all starts at the top. It’s the tone that’s set by the President,” Giuliani said. He added he just returned from a mul­ti-city trip over­seas and the United States is con­stant­ly derid­ed there as a “racist state.” “It is the oblig­a­tion of the President to explain … that our police are the best in the world,” said Giuliani. He also said Obama should have used his “bul­ly pul­pit” to stop protests in Ferguson over the sum­mer, but didn’t.

Obama is also not address­ing the “enor­mous amount of crime” that’s being com­mit­ted by African-Americans due to “his­tor­i­cal” rea­sons, Giuliani said.

I hate to men­tion it because of what hap­pened after­wards, but (he should be say­ing) the kinds of stuff Bill Cosby used to say,” said Giuliani.

Cosby, before his pub­lic image was tar­nished with a slew of rape alle­ga­tions, had spo­ken fre­quent­ly and often in blunt terms about how African-Americans need­ed to focus more on edu­ca­tion, be bet­ter par­ents and avoid lives of crime.

Giuliani, who was round­ly crit­i­cized for say­ing Obama wasn’t patri­ot­ic, made a point of say­ing a few nice things about the President.

I dis­agree with Barack Obama on almost every­thing, but I think he’s a good fam­i­ly man and a good man,” said Giuliani.http://​www​.nydai​lynews​.com/