Florida Police Fire Officer Who Fatally Shot Black Musician Corey Jones

Officer Nouman Raja
Officer Nouman Raja

The Florida police offi­cer who shot and killed a black ama­teur musi­cian wait­ing for help along­side a high­way after his car broke down last month has been fired, a Palm Beach Gardens spokes­woman said Thursday.

Officer Nouman Raja, 38, had been on admin­is­tra­tive leave from the city’s police force fol­low­ing the shoot­ing of Corey Jones on Oct. 18. Jones’ death drew out­rage after law enforce­ment offi­cials revealed the offi­cer was in plain­clothes and nev­er showed a badge.

The death of the 31-year-old Jones is the lat­est fatal inci­dent across the coun­try involv­ing police and black men. It has sparked anger and calls for greater trans­paren­cy, as local law enforce­ment offi­cials have been slow releas­ing details about the Oct. 18 shooting.

Jones was wait­ing for a tow truck beside a high­way off-ramp at 3 a.m. when Raja pulled up in an unmarked van. A con­fronta­tion ensued and Raja fired six shots hit­ting Jones three times, author­i­ties said.

Corey Jones and Nouman Raja
Corey Jones and Nouman Raja

Jones nev­er fired the .380 cal­iber hand­gun recov­ered at the scene, accord­ing to the Palm Beach County state attorney’s office. He had a per­mit allow­ing him to car­ry a con­cealed gun, which he had pur­chased legal­ly three days earlier.

Raja, who had been hired by the upscale community’s police depart­ment in April, had pre­vi­ous­ly been inves­ti­gat­ing rob­beries in the area.

Telephone records obtained by the Palm Beach Post news­pa­per show that Jones had been on a 53-minute phone call with AT&T road­side assis­tance at the time of the shooting.
Florida police fire offi­cer who fatal­ly shot black musi­cian Corey Jones