Florida Man Arrested After His 4‑Year Old Daughter Told Police: “My Daddy Was Shooting”

Miami, FL — Hector Reyes, a 26-year old man from Miami, is fac­ing felony charges for an alleged shoot­ing after a ver­bal alter­ca­tion with a white man. He tried deny­ing the accu­sa­tions, but his 4‑year old daugh­ter spon­ta­neous­ly told the police that her father was shooting. 

According to reports, Reyes was with his daugh­ter and her moth­er vis­it­ing fam­i­ly when the inci­dent hap­pened. Reyes and his broth­er-in-law con­front­ed a man who was alleged­ly mak­ing obscene ges­tures toward Reyes’ daughter’s mother.

After a brief argu­ment, Reyes, his daugh­ter, and her moth­er got in a car and that’s when Reyes start­ed shoot­ing towards the direc­tion of the man he argued with, wit­ness­es said.

A few min­utes lat­er, police chased his car and pulled him over. Police were ques­tion­ing him when out of the blue, his daugh­ter told the police, ”My dad­dy was shooting.”

The girl’s moth­er, who was also in the car, imme­di­ate­ly refute what her daugh­ter was say­ing and said that she didn’t know why her daugh­ter would say some­thing like that. She added that it must be because the child was always talk­ing about police.

Reyes was arrest­ed on one felony count each of aggra­vat­ed assault with a dead­ly weapon and pos­sess­ing a dead­ly weapon while com­mit­ting an offense. He’s also fac­ing four counts of felony child abuse with no great bod­i­ly harm.

Despite that, Reyes main­tains he is not involved in the shooting.