Flaws And All, American Democracy Was One Many Nations Aspired To, That Will Be Gone Soon…

Flaws and all, American democ­ra­cy was one many nations aspired to, but that will be gone soon…The unrav­el­ing of the American Democratic exper­i­ment was prob­a­bly des­tined to go the way it is going because when the thin veneer of equal­i­ty is peeled back, the world sees that it was a mirage. It was not built on equal­i­ty, jus­tice, and fair play, it was all a lie because it was only intend­ed to ben­e­fit white people.

Whether one believes there is a supreme deity (God), that the uni­verse is con­stant­ly on the alert, effec­tive­ly keep­ing things in bal­ance or that there is some­thing called luck, either way, one of the fore­gone may fac­tor into the midterm elec­tions sched­uled for November 8th, 2022.
Cable news that every­one on the polit­i­cal rights insists is a cesspool of left­ist ide­ol­o­gy, has engaged in 247 inces­sant talk of reces­sion even as the Democratic admin­is­tra­tion in the white house has been pro­duc­ing jobs at a record number.
Sure, gas prices are high and have fluc­tu­at­ed over the last sev­er­al months. The Administration has tak­en sev­er­al steps to mit­i­gate the pain at the pump, includ­ing releas­ing some US reserves for even­tu­al­i­ties such as this.
The real­i­ty is that the admin­is­tra­tion has pre­cious lit­tle to do with the oil prices, which are deter­mined by mar­ket forces.
Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine is one such force.

Food prices, too, are extra­or­di­nar­i­ly high as the mar­ket tries to find its way back to a sem­blance of nor­mal­cy after a dead­ly pan­dem­ic that has dev­as­tat­ed the world over the last two years.
Violent crime is up per police data; nev­er­the­less, over the last two decades, when crime trend­ed down dur­ing both Democratic and Republican admin­is­tra­tions, no one knew pre­cise­ly why crime trend­ed downwards.
Now that crime is on the upswing, the polit­i­cal right and its prox­ies ‑police unions are using ris­ing crime sta­tis­tics to blud­geon Democrats.
The argu­ments from the fas­cist right are that the small moves that have been made to cor­rect some of the grave injus­tices of police vio­lence after the mur­der of George Floyd and the release from prison of peo­ple locked up for non-vio­lent drug crimes; usu­al­ly mar­i­jua­na sales are the rea­sons for the uptick in vio­lent crime.

There is absolute­ly no data sup­port­ing that lie, but it is enough for the racist vot­ers that vote Republican to latch onto. The lies val­i­date the built-in bias­es and hatred their vot­ers har­bor for every­one, not pig­ment deficient.
The fact is that vio­lent crimes are high­er in states run by Republicans; that’s a fact. There is anoth­er fact they ignore, a large per­cent­age of the vio­lent crimes they are try­ing to pin on so-called defund­ing the police mea­sures with­in urban areas are straw­man accu­sa­tions. Funding has gone up for police since police mur­dered George Floyd, not down. Most of the dead­ly vio­lent crimes are not being com­mit­ted by Black men in urban areas but by white mass killers.
Republicans have tried to over­throw the almost two-hun­dred-and-fifty-year democ­ra­cy to replace it with auto­crat­ic rule by a failed real­i­ty tele­vi­sion personality.
Despite this, vot­ers will go out and, in all like­li­hood, elect elec­tion deniers to the house, sen­ate, gov­er­nor­ships, and oth­er trai­tors all the way down the ballot.
These are the very same peo­ple the cor­po­rate media and their talk­ing heads con­stant­ly referred to as work­ing-class Americans; I’m sure you remem­ber those char­ac­ter­i­za­tions, then they referred to them as blue-col­lar Americans. What a laugh, I have always insist­ed that those vot­ers were nei­ther of those char­ac­ter­i­za­tions but were dis­grun­tled whites who, despite being told that their rise to wealth was just around the cor­ner, could nev­er quite cut in under American cap­i­tal­ism, so they blame every one of a dif­fer­ent col­or for their inabil­i­ty to cash in their white priv­i­lege card.

They are afraid to live in a plu­ral­is­tic soci­ety where every­one has equal oppor­tu­ni­ties and rights. They are pre­pared to jet­ti­son democ­ra­cy to ensure con­tin­ued white dominance.
For their part, the Democrats make for a hor­ri­ble oppo­si­tion. It is bad on orga­niz­ing, bad on mes­sag­ing, and hor­ri­ble on fight­ing back against the cam­paign of lies and sedition.
Historically, when cit­i­zens betray their coun­try by attempt­ing a coup d’é­tat, they are arrest­ed, tried in a court of law, impris­oned, or exe­cut­ed for treason.
Not so in the United States; there are peo­ple who can com­mit trea­son and sedi­tious activ­i­ties and suf­fer no con­se­quence under the laws. They threat­en fur­ther actions against the state if they are held accountable.….In fact, they are free to run for office again and around the coun­try, endors­ing can­di­dates to ensure that a future gov­ern­ment over­throw will succeed.

Women vot­ers are in the major­i­ty in the United States. Though the Supreme Court saw fit not to add to the rights of Americans but to take away rights two gen­er­a­tions of Americans enjoyed for almost half a cen­tu­ry, women will go out and elect Republicans to con­gress claim­ing that gas prices are too high and that they are hav­ing a hard time with the price of food.
No one should fall for the lies that the cor­po­rate media feeds the pub­lic inces­sant­ly that so-called pock­et­book issues are why the trea­so­nous Republican par­ty is poised to win the house and maybe even the sen­ate despite attempt­ing to over­throw the two hun­dred and forty-six-year demo­c­ra­t­ic experiment…
It has noth­ing to do with pock­et­book or kitchen table issues, as they call it. Realistically, Americans live at an expo­nen­tial­ly high­er stan­dard than most peo­ple world­wide. The women in par­tic­u­lar that are vot­ing now and will go out and vote for Republican can­di­dates that have fought to turn back the clock on rights they enjoyed are not vot­ing kitchen table or pock­et­book issues; they are vot­ing for their race.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.