Firebrand Republican Congressman Allan West’s Wife Arrested In Dallas On DWI Charges


Angela & Allan West

The wife of for­mer Florida Republican con­gress­man Allan West was arrest­ed on a DWI charge with her 3‑month-old grand­son in the car last Friday Night.
Angela West was arrest­ed and spent the night in jail and was released Saturday afternoon.
Angela West’s hus­band, Allan West, is a retired lieu­tenant colonel and con­gress­man. Allan West announced his can­di­da­cy for Governor of Texas in July of this year, days before resign­ing as Chair of the Texas Republican Party.

West is livid that his wife was arrest­ed, even though the road­side test came up neg­a­tive. It is easy not to like Allan West, and maybe his wife is a piece of work just like he is; how­ev­er, to be fair, here we are again with these cops that can­not sim­ply issue a cita­tion if they see some­thing that seems like an infraction.
Instead, they take every minute infrac­tion and esca­late until they cre­ate an arrestable offense, even in a sit­u­a­tion in which the breath­a­lyz­er does [not]show the pres­ence of alcohol.
‘The thing that upsets me the most is that they [Dallas police] took my wife, arrest­ed her, brought her to jail, and left my grand­son with two Dallas police offi­cers,’ West said in the Twitter video.

You may all remem­ber that West was a dem­a­gogue who con­sis­tent­ly called for the impeach­ment of Barack Obama as soon as he took office in 2008.
Allan West main­tains that his wife was not drink­ing and called the arrest ‘insid­i­ous.
Angela Graham-West, 61, was dri­ving home from din­ner at P.F. Changs with her three-month-old grand­son, Jaxton, when she was pulled over for a traf­fic vio­la­tion at around 8.45 p.m. Friday in Dallas County, lead­ing to an offi­cer to sus­pect that she was intox­i­cat­ed before per­form­ing a field sobri­ety test on her. After the breath­a­lyz­er test, which her hus­band says ‘came up neg­a­tive,’ Graham-West was charged with ‘Driving While Intoxicated with a Child under 15 Years Old’ and stayed in jail overnight before her release on Saturday after­noon. West is said to be ‘beyond livid’ with the Dallas Police Department for the arrest, which he insists was wrong­ful and that his wife was sober at the time.

West post­ed a pho­to of his wife’s receipt the night she was arrest­ed, which shows a lemon­ade, but lists no alco­holic bev­er­ages at P.F. Changs in Dallas, Texas…

I guess it does not mat­ter that you act white, name your kids like white kids, give your grand­kids white-sound­ing names, and go all out against your race to impress them, or whether you are run­ning for Governor.
When the rub­ber meets the road, you are just anoth­er n*****.