Dathan (duffy( HenrySSP Dathan (Duffy) Henry (deceased)

On learn­ing of the death of my good friend Senior Superintendent Dathan(Duffy) Henry, I was shocked beyond belief. On the 12:05:30 I wrote a blog-post titled “What caused the death of SSP Dathan Henry”.

Henry’s rank and his smarts belied his age, he was only in his ear­ly 40’s when he passed. Duffy, as we called him when he was a young con­sta­ble, was every­thing the force need­ed in a young officer.

He was smart , will­ing , hon­est, fear­less, and even though we were once con­sta­bles work­ing at the CIB office at Constant Spring after I left the depart­ment, Duffy’s tal­ents took him to the rank of SSP rather quick­ly, through the accel­er­at­ed Promotions pro­gram. We are left to won­der what would have hap­pened had he lived? The lega­cy he left in Clarendon will be hard to repli­cate. the Police depart­ment is expo­nen­tial­ly worse off for his passing.

Since his pass­ing, there has been reports that the med­ical exam­in­er could not decide what caused his death, lat­er after the fam­i­ly pressed the author­i­ties, they revealed that the sub­stance Warfarin was dis­cov­ered in his body.
Checks with online med­ical ref­er­ences show that War­farin is used to pre­vent the blood from clot­ting, so that it takes longer than usu­al for some­one to stop bleed­ing if they have a cut or is injured.

I have tried to keep the feet of the Authorities to the fire in my small way, by con­tin­u­ing to high­light this mys­tery. Word on the streets in Jamaica has been that Senior Superintendent Henry was poi­soned. I know that heresy is not evi­dence as such I will be judi­cious with my comments.

However it bears men­tion­ing that the Police have been woe­ful­ly inept in bring­ing to jus­tice the killers of Superintendent Anthony Hewitt, Superintendent Denzil Boyd, Seargant Simpson, or any of the oth­er Police Officers who have been vicious­ly slain since Duffy died.

This is unac­cept­able, how can a police force be unable to bring to jus­tice even those who slaugh­ter it’s biggest and bright­est stars. What kind of inves­ti­ga­tions are being done? As we speak the police have far more tools at their dis­pos­al. Yet two decades ago we were able to bring crim­i­nals to jus­tice with more alacrity and in much high­er numbers.

The Police force has been reduced to a shell, a tooth-less paper Tiger, by the forces of crim­i­nal sup­port in Jamaica, and the Commissioner of Police has fall­en for it.

carolyn gomes

Carolyn Gomes

No one in their right mind could argue that the police force does not need seri­ous over­haul, but the police force is a secu­ri­ty agency first. As such the inner work­ings of the force must be to run on a need-to-know basis at a bare minimum .

I call on the Commissioner of police Owen Ellington to :

♦ Create a cold-case squad to inves­ti­gate and bring to jus­tice the killers of the police offi­cers where there has been no clo­sure. No coun­try, no police depart­ment, may sur­vive if it’s law-enforce­ment agents are sum­mar­i­ly slaugh­tered and no one is held account­able. I call on you to do this in light of the fail­ure of suc­ces­sive admin­is­tra­tions (of both polit­i­cal par­ties) to pass mean­ing­ful leg­is­la­tion which pro­tects law-enforce­ment officers.

♦ Ask senior Investigators who have served , the likes of Ruddy Dwyer, Dick Hibbert and oth­ers ‚to vol­un­teer their time to help with these inves­ti­ga­tions, the way good old fash­ioned crim­i­nal Investigations were done.

♦ Impress upon the brain-dead politi­cians who are above you, that they must pass mean­ing­ful leg­is­la­tion that dif­fer­en­ti­ate the killing of police offi­cers from oth­er murders.(No life is more valu­able than anoth­er, but oth­er nations have attached more puni­tive teeth to the killing of cops, it works)

♦ Begin to train and equip detec­tives so that they may once again begin the task of investigations,so the police force may once again be able to solve a crime.


Horace Levy

♦ Cease and desist from pub­lish­ing the Force Orders to the public/​criminal under­world, they have no expec­ta­tion or right to what’s in it . It’s none of their damn business.

♦ Stop pan­der­ing to the very forces that are destroy­ing the rule of law in Jamaica. Stand for some­thing or step aside. There is a rea­son those peo­ple believe you are doing a good job. Even as police offi­cers are killed and no one held account­able. Even as you argue that crime is on the decrease. Do you seri­ous­ly believe any­one buys that nonsense.

♦ Build a rela­tion­ship with the cops under your com­mand, and for God’s sake I do not mean those who walk around with their guts hang­ing below their belts, in Khaki uni­form, who nod at every­thing you say, they are robots.

The police Force must be free to do it’s job, the job of polic­ing can­not be dic­tat­ed by Jamaica’s elit­ist pre­tenders, the law must be obeyed by everyone.

I call on you to find the killers of all the police offi­cers killed, it can­not be any com­fort to you that less that 7% of the coun­try’s crim­i­nals are being brought to court and even less are being con­vict­ed in a court of law.

That, Commissioner is not suc­cess , no mat­ter what Carolyn Gomes, or Horace Levy tell you.