Fighting With Police Officers Citing The (indecom) Act Is Silly And Dangerous…


Over 800 Jamaicans have been slaugh­tered since the start of the year, this is a marked increase in the num­ber of Jamaicans slaugh­tered at the hands of crim­i­nals over the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od last year. At this rate it’s log­i­cal to expect that over 1600 of the Island’s cit­i­zens will be killed at the hands of criminals[sic].
Additionally there are wound­ings from gun vio­lence which may not nec­es­sar­i­ly result in instant deaths and which ulti­mate­ly may be exclud­ed from homi­cide data.
Then there are vio­lent wound­ings. Jamaicans wound each oth­er with any weapon they get their hands on. Weapons of choice includes Guns. Knives. Machetes. Ice-picks. Sulphuric acid. Hot water. and even rocks. There is an insane propen­si­ty and a desire to inflict ulti­mate harm, to maim and to kill. Violence is used and sup­port­ed as the only means of con­flict resolution.
It is incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult to rec­on­cile the hypocrisy of Jamaicans when they lament that the Police use lethal force in a way that may seem to be extra­or­di­nary to an unin­formed observ­er in view of the fact that the pop­u­la­tion is inher­ent­ly violent.

A cou­ple of years ago I wrote an Article detail­ing the insane pre­dis­po­si­tion of many Jamaicans to fight with Police offi­cers. In that arti­cle I out­lined what I saw as a mem­ber of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) where peo­ple in cer­tain com­mu­ni­ties actu­al­ly forced police offi­cers to use vio­lence to do their jobs.
In a sick way it was a means-test­ing method employed by cit­i­zens on police offi­cers to test their met­tle to be offi­cers wor­thy of respect and capa­ble of mak­ing even the sim­plest arrest.
In oth­er words Cops had to use force of vio­lence to arrest in order to qual­i­fy to make the next arrest. As a young con­sta­ble walk­ing the beats of east. west, south and north parade I was draped in my uni­form , but­tons fly­ing every­where by a woman no less.….
Of course that woman, hope­ful­ly she is still alive will nev­er put her hands on anoth­er per­son, least of all a police offi­cer. The courts had some real no non­sense judges at that time and she had some time to sit in jail and real­ly think about touch­ing an offi­cer in the law­ful exe­cu­tion of his duties.
Today Jamaica is a law­less Serengeti of crim­i­nal­i­ty, where pow­er­ful gun-tot­ing thugs lord over the powerless.

As we look at the dis­in­te­grat­ing sit­u­a­tion in Jamaica it is impor­tant to ask whether those killed are all inno­cent? Not guilty does not nec­es­sar­i­ly mean inno­cent or with­out blame or guilt. Many who them­selves fall vic­tim to vio­lent crimes in Jamaica lived a life of crime or offered sup­port to those who shed inno­cent blood.
We reap what we sow and it is impor­tant that as we con­tem­plate the vio­lence play­ing out across the Island that we under­stand the vio­lence which is taught and encour­aged as a way of life. The vio­lence which vio­lence breeds.
Literally every Jamaican has an opin­ion on the num­ber of Jamaicans killed by Police each year.
They are pret­ty smart when it comes to police killing crim­i­nals but are woe­ful­ly igno­rant of the facts and fig­ures which neces­si­tates the use of lethal force in those encounters.

Literally every­one believes the num­ber is too high. Ironically they call for the death penal­ty and demand that police exter­mi­nate crim­i­nals when they know the vic­tims of crimes.
So even though they lam­bast the Police , encour­age peo­ple being arrest­ed to fight the police and some open­ly espouse the killing of police offi­cers on social media they want their friends and fam­i­lies avenged by the very same police.

There are some basic facts which are alarm­ing­ly miss­ing from the knowl­edge-base of many Jamaicans which I believe may lead to more police vio­lence against them to include death.
In addi­tion to igno­rance of their respon­si­bil­i­ties under the laws, the cre­ation of (inde­com) and the con­tin­ued pos­tur­ing by Terrence Williams, there is a seri­ous risk to the pop­u­la­tion as it relates to poten­tial errors in judge­ment when deal­ing with police officers.
As a result I take the lib­er­ty to include here some basic facts as it relates to how one should oper­ate when deal­ing with a law enforce­ment officer.

When an officer tells you that you are under arrest, simply submit to the arrest and have your day in court. It is never a good idea to fight with someone who has the power of life and death over you...
When an offi­cer tells you that you are under arrest, sim­ply sub­mit to the arrest and have your day in court.
It is nev­er a good idea to fight with some­one who has the pow­er of life and death over you…


(1) A Police offi­cer is empow­ered to uphold the laws with­out FEAR of FAVOR, MALICE or ILL-WILL.
(2) A Police Officer has ever expec­ta­tion of doing his/​her job with­out being assault­ed by any­one that includes the per­son being arrest­ed and those stand­ing by.
(3) A Police Officer is autho­rized to use force equal to the force being used by an offender.
(4) However it must be borne in mind that the offi­cer is giv­en wide lat­i­tude as to how he/​she per­ceives that threat lev­el as it relates to his/​her life.
(5) All of this goes away if a cit­i­zen who is told he/​she is being arrest­ed agrees with the offi­cer’s deci­sion to arrest him/​her.
(6) You do not get to lit­i­gate that in the streets . You do not get to fight a police offi­cer. You await your day in court.
(7) Police offi­cers have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to be cour­te­ous. Citizens have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to be courteous.
(8) Your Rights can­not be guar­an­teed when you make a con­scious deci­sion to assault a Police officer.
(9) (inde­com) can­not help you when you break the laws , put your hands on a police offi­cer and you get what’s com­ing to you.
(10) Do you think that the offi­cer will say okay I change my mind because you decide to resist ?
(11) Contrary to pop­u­lar opin­ion the police CAN be jus­ti­fied in using LETHAL force even though an assailant does not have a weapon.

The Commissioner of (inde­com( Terrence Williams under­stands the val­ue of media in get­ting his mes­sage and his agen­da out.
The Commissioner of Police on the oth­er hand COWARDLY refus­es to stand with decent hard work­ing police offi­cers who go out and put their lives on the line in defense of a thank­less and unde­serv­ing people.
Williams hides instead behind super­flu­ous press releas­es while police offi­cers are being killed and assault­ed in the streets because they are unsure of their mandate.
I have seen some weak and feck­less police Commissioners in my time this guy Carl Williams has got be be the most feck­less of all.

Go out do your jobs with­out fear, or favor , mal­ice or ill-will and when you do this Commissioner and this police high com­mand will stand with you every step of the way as you exe­cute the man­date of putting your­selves in har­m’s way to bring san­i­ty and secu­ri­ty to the nation.
Know the laws , enforce the laws and as your com­mis­sion­er I will ensure you are not bul­lied , or brow­beat­en by anyone.
The laws are there to be obeyed as police offi­cers we have a duty to enforce the laws and that is what I want you to do.
If they do not like the laws it is up to their elect­ed offi­cials to change the laws but we will enforce the laws with­out fear or favor.
Do not be per­turbed by those tasked with inves­ti­gat­ing what you do your sac­ri­fice gives them the right and the secu­ri­ty to do what they do.

Police offi­cers going out to do their jobs can­not be uncer­tain whether if they do their jobs they will be pros­e­cut­ed and per­se­cut­ed. It can­not be that police offi­cers lives hang in the bal­ance because an illit­er­ate vio­lent pop­u­la­tion can­not under­stand they do not get to fight with police offi­cers when they break laws and are being apprehended.
This is what obtains in Jamaica.
I do not know Carl Williams, in the late eight­ies and ear­ly nineties when real police offi­cers includ­ing myself who did not take that kind of shit had the streets locked and crim­i­nals run­ning to oth­er coun­tries I believe he was at Narcotics.
What I do know is that if he did not fit the bill of what the pup­pet mas­ters want­ed he could not have got­ten the job of Commissioner of Police. That does not com­port with the safe­ty and secu­ri­ty of offi­cers who police the streets.
It seem like more police offi­cers will die and the vio­lence toward offi­cers will con­tin­ue unabat­ed because their leader is a feck­less pup­pet of the upper Saint Andrew crowd.

2 thoughts on “Fighting With Police Officers Citing The (indecom) Act Is Silly And Dangerous…

    • Not inter­est­ed Garfield , lol , I believe more peo­ple read my work than than they do the glean­er nowa­days, I am humbled.…

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