Fighting Mad !!!

I wish words could cause more than just emo­tion­al pain. Call me weird, but I wish words were capa­ble of inflict­ing real pain on some peo­ple. Yup !! you know your­selves, you are the ones whom I wish I could reach out and touch through my com­put­er screen when you spout your sanc­ti­mo­nious drib­ble in sup­port of criminals.

download (9)You know your­selves. ” Oh cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment is evil. Oh it’s bar­bar­ic to kill the mur­ders when they are caught wan­ton­ly and sum­mar­i­ly killing oth­ers. Oh the Police are all evil. Oh the laws are uncon­scionable. Oh the per­son who got killed prob­a­bly did some­thing to deserve it. Oh the peo­ple only break the laws because they are poor. The list of excus­es is end­less. Jamaicans make so many excus­es for wrong-doing , it is now a job in our country.

download (1)Being a crim­i­nal cod­dling apol­o­gist is a career path in Jamaica, it’s also has strong sup­port from many hyp­ocrites in the dias­po­ra. The phar­isees in the dias­po­ra are par­tic­u­lar­ly rep­re­hen­si­ble, they live and thrive in coun­tries which are seri­ous about crime, yet they cheer-lead for crim­i­nals at home. Some of you fund crime back home. That makes you par­tic­u­lar­ly dis­gust­ing in my eyes.

download (4)Just ask Carolyn Gomes of (JFJ), ask Earl Witter of the Public Defenders office, Ask Horace Levy of the Peace Management Initiative, ask Yvonne McCalla Sobers of (FAST), Throw Terrence Williams of INDECOM into the mix. There’s more, they know them­selves. Oh by the way these phar­isees wit­ting­ly and unwit­ting­ly enhance crim­i­nal­i­ty in Jamaica. Where are the orga­ni­za­tions look­ing out for the help­less vic­tims of crime? The truth is the inno­cent does­n’t mat­ter, it’s a dog eat dog world. True until the killings reach­es indi­vid­ual door-steps. Criminality has always appealed to Jamaicans. The rule of law is most­ly seen as a shack­le and not a good toward their development.They give crim­i­nals the ben­e­fit of the doubt over those who risk life and limb in their defense. Here’s a nov­el idea, how about a nation­al coa­les­cence against crime? How about a nation­al con­sen­sus against crime? Oh I for­got that would put a lot of you out of busi­ness, not to men­tion a lot of you would have no more rel­e­vance. Criminals are like Cockroaches, shine a light and they scam­per for cov­er. Jamaicans can exter­mi­nate this mon­ster once and for all if they chose to. The fact is, they don’t want to, it’s good as long as it’s not their fam­i­ly mem­bers get­ting killed. Those able to read con­tin­ue to see the police through the prism of the Morant Bay Rebellion. The police force was cre­at­ed to pro­tect the plan­toc­ra­cy from the rab­ble. Last time I looked I did­n’t see any white plan­ta­tion own­ers, did­n’t see any rab­ble, so you need to get over that,and fast.What about those of you who know noth­ing about the Morant Bay rebel­lion, why do you hate the rule of law and the offi­cers tasked with uphold­ing the laws?

35917earlwitterJamaicans affin­i­ty for crim­i­nal sup­port may have been okay when there was no dis­tinc­tion between crim­i­nal sup­port and free­dom fight­ing. It is time to rec­og­nize the dif­fer­ence between the two. Paul Bogle , George William Gordon, Freedom Fighters. Three fin­ger Jack , Rigen, Sandokan , Natty Morgan, not.  We have been sub­ject­ed to a san­i­tized his­to­ry many of us are unsure where to posi­tion our­selves. We still hold the Maroons up as great war­riors, yet they active­ly engaged in return­ing run-away slaves to the British for cheap con­ces­sions. It seem clear then, that this mis­un­der­stand­ing between Jamaicans is deeply root­ed in our still unclear yet short his­to­ry. We seem con­fused about where our loy­al­ties should lie. This makes it easy for the fraud­sters and liars to cre­ate their own truths. You know like informer fi dead”. You should­n’t snitch. Why do you believe they don’t want you to tell what you saw? Democracy is a covenant between the Governed and those who gov­ern. As a peo­ple we must decide whether we want to have safe streets safe com­mu­ni­ties for our chil­dren, or we are going to con­tin­ue to tear down the rule of law so we may eat a food[sic]. Those who look out for your safe­ty are already say­ing “why should I both­er? Think about the sup­port you gave to the police when you open your mouths to crit­i­cize every­thing they do. This is not about the police, it is about uphold­ing the foun­da­tion struc­ture of our democ­ra­cy. The peo­ple who place stalls on the side­walks. Those who oper­ate auto-repairs on the side­walks. The sound sys­tem oper­a­tor who refus­es to turn down the music because peo­ple have to par­ty to relieve stress. The peo­ple who erect zinc shanties on lands which do not belong to them. The peo­ple who steal elec­tric­i­ty and water forc­ing oth­er poor peo­ple to pick up the tab. The bus dri­vers who claim they have to block off the streets to get cus­tomers , while the line of traf­fic is held up. Wonder how many man-hours are lost that way each year? Wonder what is the cost of that to the coun­try? Oh it does­n’t mat­ter “a jus suh Jamaica stay”. The author­i­ties are cru­el for smash­ing the stalls. You know all of Jamaica’s ills are a result of pover­ty ? Do explain to me why Jamaica has the high­est depor­ta­tion num­bers in the Caribbean, those deport­ed did get a chance did­n’t they?