Fifteen Million Dollar Drug Bust In Trinidad And Tobago

The $15 mil­lion drug bust at Regents Gardens apart­ment com­plex in Westmoorings on Tuesday, has been linked to a St Ann’s busi­ness­man with close ties to one of the sus­pects held for the drug seizure.

The busi­ness­man was under sur­veil­lance for sev­er­al months and inves­ti­ga­tors believe he car­ried on a lucra­tive and brisk trade involv­ing mar­i­jua­na and cocaine between TT, oth­er Caricom coun­tries and North America. 

The man is believed to have very close ties with crim­i­nal ele­ments in Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico. According to intel­li­gence sources, the drugs may have entered Trinidad on Monday night close to a busi­ness­place in Carenage. 

The ille­gal port of entry which is close to a gas sta­tion in the West is also believed to be the area where drugs are usu­al­ly dropped off. Newsday under­stands the drugs was sup­posed to be re-pack­aged to be sold local­ly, in the Caribbean and in North America. 

The five who were detained fol­low­ing the seizure of the drugs at the apart­ment were first tak­en to the Four Roads Police Station but lat­er removed to dif­fer­ent sta­tions in Port of Spain Division. 

On Tuesday at 11 am, a joint team of offi­cers from the Special Operations Response Team act­ed on infor­ma­tion went to the apart­ment where the drugs were found. It is believed the drugs orig­i­nat­ed from Venezuela. No charges have been laid as yet and inves­ti­ga­tions are ongo­ing.
(Source: news­​.tt)

Detainees of the raid
the com­plex where raid was car­ried out
A detainee
anoth­er detainee’