Female Cop Visciously Murdered In Her Own Home

The Police are report­ing the mur­der of District Constable Mellisa Edwards- White, 43 years old, attached to Crime Stop a res­i­dent of Farmbroke Avenue, Patrick City, Kingston 20.

According to the report­ing, the dece­dent was mur­dered between 7:30pm and 8:50pm Saturday, September 29, 2018.

Police reports indi­cate that the broth­er of Mrs. Edwards left both the deceased and her hus­band, Mr. Barrington White, o/​c “Barry” o/​c ” Drops“53 years old, a Taxi oper­a­tor of the said address and went to a near­by premise.

On his return, he dis­cov­ered the house secure­ly locked and his call to his sis­ter’s cell phone went unan­swered.
He then went to the back of the house and looked through a win­dow and he dis­cov­ered the muti­lat­ed body of his sis­ter lying face down on the bed­room floor in blood and called the police.

On the entry of the police, the body of Mrs. Edwards was dis­cov­ered to have mul­ti­ple chop wounds to the head, face, and hands. A blood-stained machete believed to be the mur­der weapon was found on the bath­room floor.