My Fellow Jamaicans Lets Do Away With The Rule Of Law.….….….….….

At a time when policing tactics have come under increasing scrutiny because of the proliferation of smart recording devices, and social media platforms which disseminate images across the globe in nano seconds, it is understandable that passions are inflamed.
What is not under­stand­able under any cir­cum­stances is cit­i­zens of any coun­try decid­ing to get into phys­i­cal fights with law enforce­ment officers.
Let me be clear , even though it prob­a­bly will not alter the views of those who har­bor sin­gle-mind­ed hatred for the rule of law and by exten­sion those who enforce the laws.
♦The police has a duty to be respect­ful to the cit­i­zens they serve>.
♦ Citizens have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to be respect­ful and coöper­a­tive with law-enforce­ment when they are oper­at­ing lawfully.
It can­not be over­stat­ed that there are bad police offi­cers across the globe. We already know that, as a con­se­quence in the same way we do not need to high­light that there are many good cops when we deal with police abuse , we do not need to speak about bad police when we see cit­i­zens act­ing con­trary to their respon­si­bil­i­ties as cit­i­zens toward police.
Over the many years of writ­ing about my expe­ri­ences as a police offi­cer, I repeat­ed­ly point­ed to the vast dis­par­i­ty in the lack of sup­port Jamaica’s police offi­cers get as against how oth­er coun­tries treat their officers.
I have point­ed to the over 6 decades long assault on the rule of law by those who hold polit­i­cal pow­er on both sides of the polit­i­cal divide. Those in so called civ­il soci­ety, which I find a laugh­able oxy­moron. The media elites who shape opin­ion based on their nar­row inter­ests and even those who should see them­selves as part of the rule of law but does­n’t act accord­ing­ly. I speak in this regard about the lib­er­al activists who pass as judges , (with the excep­tion of a few).
I am par­tial to the rule of law, so I am pre­pared to be def­er­en­tial to those who are against the rule of law. I am pre­pared to lis­ten to the sug­ges­tions of those who have ideas on how we can main­tain civ­il soci­eties with­out the rule of law, or those who enforce the laws?
Once we get past that par­tic­u­lar hur­dle, which I expect we will since most of us are sane rea­son­able peo­ple. My next ques­tion is how do we enforce our laws with­out police officers?
Again I take the lib­er­ty in assum­ing that even the most rabid anti-police antag­o­nists will con­clude that we need police officers.
I do not need to be remind­ed or lec­tured about the unruly nature of Jamaicans. I have writ­ten exten­sive­ly about how Jamaicans lit­er­al­ly assault police offi­cers to test their tough­ness, to test their resolve, to test their met­tle, before they accord offi­cers respect.
Officers so test­ed, must demon­strate the nec­es­sary met­tle deci­sive­ly to make sure that those offend­ers face a court of law.
Replace the abil­i­ty of the police to aggres­sive­ly take on crim­i­nal ele­ments and replace it with a crime enhance­ment act which encour­ages cit­i­zens to assault and kill our police offi­cers, defeats the pur­pose for the few Jamaicans left who want to live in a crime free soci­ety.
That is what the INDECOM Act does .
We can have a legit­i­mate con­ver­sa­tion around polic­ing tac­tics. We def­i­nite­ly need to have a respect­ful and in-depth con­ver­sa­tion about bad polic­ing con­cepts, not just in Jamaica or the United States, but in oth­er coun­tries where cit­i­zens con­tin­ue to resist abu­sive and unlaw­ful behav­ior by police.
What we can­not have is a sit­u­a­tion in which even as we have those con­ver­sa­tions we open the doors and allow those who would destroy our com­mu­ni­ties through mur­der and may­hem to feel empowered.
Regardless of the mam­bo-jum­bo smart ass advice that is out there on social media and even in the cor­po­rate media,once the police tells you you are under arrest you must com­ply. When you refuse to be arrest­ed you and only you decide that you want to be roughed upThe onus is on mem­bers of the pub­lic to sur­ren­der to being arrest­ed that is the law uni­ver­sal­ly. Police offi­cers are empow­ered to use all nec­es­sary force to effect an arrest.

Citizens in Jamaica have a litany of agen­cies and orga­ni­za­tions mil­i­tat­ing on their behalf. It is a ver­i­ta­ble cot­tage indus­try mil­i­tat­ing against police in Jamaica, clear­ly those who do so have no solu­tion to the prob­lems which face the police or the nation as a whole.

More mon­ey and sup­port is poured direct­ly into agen­cies which sup­port those who break the laws than is allot­ted to fight­ing crime. Hence there is no basis for not sur­ren­der­ing to an arrest and fight­ing it out in court. The crim­i­nal courts lit­er­al­ly give new mean­ing to the term crim­i­nal courts.
Withing that sys­tem of cor­rup­tion, incom­pe­tence and col­lu­sion crim­i­nals have tremen­dous support.
Modern advance­ments in tech­nol­o­gy has giv­en all of us aver­age cit­i­zens a tremen­dous boost when we wish to claim police abuse. We should use those advance­ments wise­ly and judi­cious­ly , We should nev­er for one moment assume that those tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments are tools which empow­ers us to be dis­re­spect­ful , abu­sive , or vio­lent to police offi­cers doing their law­ful duties.
What kind of soci­eties are we seek­ing to build when we assault and abuse our police offi­cers? It does not mat­ter where in the world we live.
Police offi­cers have a job to do . We must expect them to act respect­ful­ly, we should accept noth­ing less.
Conversely all of us cit­i­zens have respon­si­bil­i­ties, those respon­si­bil­i­ties include being respect­ful to the police as well.
Jamaicans have no choice but to obey laws when they arrive in the United States, England , Canada or any oth­er nation, includ­ing CARICOM coun­tries. Those who don’t end up on a flight back home.
So what is the rea­son so many Jamaicans act like rabid animals ?
Simply because they are allowed to get away with it !!!