Federation Late In Clapping Back At Anthony Harriot’s Immoral Ignorant Attack On Its Membership.


On January 29th of this year, news broke that head of the Police Civilian Oversight, Authority, a Professor Anthony Harriott declared that the Jamaica Constabulary Force was “TOXIC”.

The job of the Civilian over­sight agency is to ensure fair, impar­tial, and bal­anced over­sight of mat­ters relat­ing to the Police and the pub­lic, split­ting the dif­fer­ence square­ly down the middle.
In case you are won­der­ing, no, the PCOA is not the only Agency tasked with over­sight of the JCF. Overseeing the JCF are six such agen­cies, includ­ing PCOA, The Independent Department of Investigations (INDECOM) , and others.
This does not include the litany of crim­i­nal rights agen­cies which have tak­en up res­i­dence on the Island in sup­port of the rights of criminals.

Harriot argued that (MOCA)the Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency, an arm of the force, be split apart from the JCF and declared a sep­a­rate elite Agency sep­a­rate from the JCF.
I fair­ness to Harriot the Island’s Parliament already has a Bill in front of it which would if passed into law, does sep­a­rate MOCA from the sup­posed [toxic]Jamaica Constabulary Force(JCF).

Moca is work­ing quite well accord­ing to reports. Because it has been work­ing so well they placed a for­mer mem­ber of the JDF in charge of the entity.
It should be not­ed that the Andrew Holness led Government is ful­ly behind split­ting this part of the JCF which is staffed large­ly with mem­bers of the JCf and was led by JCF lead­er­ship from its par­ent .…… you guessed it, the JCF.
The Minister of National Security Robert Montague is respon­si­ble for pilot­ing the process through the house.

POLICE OFFICERS of MOCA doing their jobs…

So what is dif­fer­ent about MOCA which would cause the elites to like it?
Well, MOCA offi­cers are not on the streets deal­ing with the delin­quent, indis­ci­plined and law­less cretins who believe the laws do not apply to them.
So, of course, the lack of con­tact reduces or plain elim­i­nates com­plaints against MOCA officers.
When MOCA offi­cers do act and are seen in the news it is usu­al­ly in a pos­i­tive light in which they are seiz­ing con­tra­band and remov­ing crim­i­nals from the streets. Seizing prop­er­ty and fat­ten­ing gov­ern­ment cof­fers with the pro­ceeds of crime seized from crim­i­nals is what politi­cians want, whats not to like.
So if the police are prop­er­ly retro­fit­ted to be a lot more like that lit­tle part of itself nec­es­sar­i­ly com­plaints would trend down as the pos­i­tives would inex­orably trend up.


On the same day Harriot’s state­ments became pub­lic, this writer was stunned at the lev­el of dis­re­spect in the state­ment. As a con­se­quence, yet despite my anger and hunger to respond­ed I had to seek ver­i­fi­ca­tion that he had actu­al­ly made the state­ments attrib­uted to him.
The occu­pa­tion­al cul­ture of the JCF is one where you take the car and you go off and drink rum and do no inves­ti­ga­tion. You are not called to account, and when the mur­der rate goes through the roof, you squeal that you don’t have enough of this or that.” (Anthony Harriot)

My God, as a young offi­cer in my ear­ly twen­ties I would work so hard and for so many hours on end that I would pick up a cup of cof­fee and my hands would some­times shake from lack of sleep and exhaustion.
A typ­i­cal shift for us at the CIB would begin at 7: 45 in the morn­ing until 1:00 pm we would return at 6:00pm after a 5‑hour break. We would recon­tin­ue our work through until 8:00 am the next day.Of course, leav­ing at 8:00 was pred­i­cat­ed on whether we were active­ly held up and or engaged in an ongo­ing investigation.
As mem­bers of the Criminal Investigations Branch we near­ly always had to attend court, some­times two sep­a­rate courts as we had crim­i­nal mat­ters on the dock­et either for pre­sen­ta­tion, men­tion or trial.

I was not sur­prised that there was absolute silence at all lev­els of the food chain in this coun­try which is now a crim­i­nal par­adise. But my lack of sur­prise did noth­ing to bri­dle my out­rage and so I respond­ed to his dis­grace­ful igno­rant broad­side immediately.
I total­ly under­stood and was com­plete­ly con­ver­sant that these despi­ca­ble blood par­a­sites who inform debates, shape opin­ion and con­trol the peas­antry was quite com­fort­able with Harriot’s divi­sive and dis­re­spect­ful language.
I nev­er expect­ed much amongst the robot­ic peas­antry to be out­raged either, once we set aside the close fam­i­ly mem­bers of our police officers.
It is now time for the Police Oversight to be reau­tho­rized and Andrew Holness is set to once again appoint Anthony Harriot as head and a part of that over­sight body.

On February 4th a full (5) days Economist and Lecturer Mark Ricketts wrote a response to Harriot’s out­ra­geous state­ments demand­ing that he should apologize.
Professor Ricketts response is summed up in the very first state­ment quote :

So low is our police force in the eyes of our opin­ion mak­ers that until Wednesday, not one offi­cial stepped up and asked for an imme­di­ate apol­o­gy to the police from Harriott, as well as his res­ig­na­tion as head of the Police Civilian Oversight Authority. Not the prime min­is­ter, not the leader of the Opposition, not any church offi­cial, no uni­ver­si­ty pres­i­dent, no pri­vate-sec­tor leader.( Mark Ricketts is an econ­o­mist, author, and lec­tur­er liv­ing in California).

It was­n’t until February 7th that the Police Federation issued a state­ment demand­ing Anthony Harriot’s Resignation.
What was the Federation expect­ing why it took so long to speak out about Harriot’s bla­tant disrespect?
Was the Federation expect­ing Holness or Montague to come out in sup­port of the police when it is Holness’s inten­tion to ren­der the JCF defanged?
Since Holness took Office he has been noth­ing but dis­re­spect­ful and slan­der­ous of the JCF, all from behind the safe­ty and pro­tec­tion of Police Officers who risk their lives to pro­tect him.
Why would he crit­i­cize a Donkey’s ass when he was mere­ly par­rot­ing what Holness him­self believes?

Did the Federation expect Peter Phillips and or the PNP to step for­ward in defense of the JCF, if so when has the People’s National Party stood with the rule of law or under­stood it’s val­ue to our country?
Did the Federation expect the civ­il soci­ety which is pop­u­lat­ed with the left­ist from the UWI to speak out against Harriot’s slan­der, if so what would be the basis of the Federation’s expec­ta­tions when he was car­ry­ing out their agenda?

If none of the above apply, were the Police Federation wait­ing on oth­ers to come out against Harriot’s state­ments before it did? If so how can the Federation be suc­cess­ful if it is afraid or ten­u­ous in the defense of its own membership?
Now is the time for the Federation to gath­er some balls and push back against the filth which exists at the top in our country.
It can­not wait to defend its mem­ber­ship, it must be unre­lent­ing and proac­tive in self-defense and oth­ers will follow.

Jamaica is a crim­i­nal par­adise, the Government is infect­ed with crim­i­nals so is the Opposition​.At every lev­el of civ­il soci­ety, there is mor­bid cor­rup­tion. It fol­lows there­fore that the Constabulary should be patent­ly con­scious that there will not be across the board sup­port for its work if any at all.
As the Constabulary work to rid itself of its own cor­rupt­ing demons, it must be heart­ened that it will only be its best prac­tices and suc­cess­es which will even­tu­al­ly change our country.
Clean house of cor­rupt cops, inves­ti­gate and arrest offend­ers whether they con­trol Jamaica House or lives in Riverton.