Fear Or Forced ?

I recent­ly saw an arti­cle which sug­gest­ed the cas­es of police shoot­ings are out of fear on the part of offi­cers. This notion is so laugh­able if it was­n’t insult­ing to Jamaica’s hero-cops, I would actu­al­ly laugh.

I must admit I did not read the arti­cle as I was pressed for time. I how­ev­er tried to find the arti­cle again and was actu­al­ly direct­ed to the Mail Online a British tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch, there I was greet­ed with this head­line. Life and death in the police state of Jamaica: The scan­dal of the offi­cers who dou­ble as state executioners
Read more: http://​www​.dai​ly​mail​.co​.uk/​h​o​m​e​/​m​o​s​l​i​v​e​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​-​1​3​5​2​8​8​5​/​J​a​m​a​i​c​a​-​L​i​f​e​-​d​e​a​t​h​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​s​t​a​t​e​-​o​f​f​i​c​e​r​s​-​d​o​u​b​l​e​-​e​x​e​c​u​t​i​o​n​e​r​s​.​h​t​m​l​#​i​x​z​z​1​T​W​D​S​Y​lsm

This arti­cle which may be accessed at the above link ‚was writ­ten by Johnathan Green. I gen­er­al­ly reserve judge­ment on peo­ple or orga­ni­za­tions when they are going through tri­als. However after read­ing the arti­cle I could­n’t help but harken to who owns this tabloid, and the method­olo­gies that they use to get information.I won­der how much they paid these poor souls to get them to sell out Jamaica. This is a para­graph tak­en from that arti­cle: ref­er­enc­ing the shoot­ing the night sergeant Wayne Henriques and anoth­er offi­cer was slaugh­tered, and six oth­er offi­cers ‚try­ing to help a motorist trapped on moun­tain view avenue was vicious­ly ambushed and shot.

The Mail Online is one of Rupert Murdoch’s tabloids that uses all kinds of dirty tac­tics to gain a scoop, includ­ing tap­ping phones, pay­ing Police offi­cers to give them infor­ma­tion and oth­er ille­gal means. The British Police Commissioner and one of his lieu­tenants recent­ly resigned over this scan­dal,. These are the cops that are sup­posed to clean up Jamaica’s police Department , we all know how the mark Shields fish­ing expe­di­tion went, girls drinks , low morale in the force . In the end the coun­try has noth­ing to show for his stay in Jamaica. Shields on the oth­er hand has a secu­ri­ty con­sul­tan­cy firm in Jamaica , what he was after all along. Serves the Authorities right , still stuck in the colo­nial men­tal­i­ty , of look­ing to the euro­pean mas­ters for answers to our problems.

Green the author of the epis­tle was pret­ty sold on Shields , in this sen­tence he artic­u­lates the way he felt about Shields.

Quote ‚People are so des­per­ate and trau­ma­tized that many have lost faith in crim­i­nal jus­tice and the abil­i­ty of the state to pro­tect them,’ says Shields, a sil­ver-haired, prag­mat­ic man who stands at an impos­ing 6ft 6in. He now runs a secu­ri­ty con­sul­tan­cy in Jamaica. Rational, uni­ver­si­ty-edu­cat­ed peo­ple are advo­cat­ing des­per­ate mea­sures which they think are accept­able. They say if a few inno­cent peo­ple get killed, “Well, that’s what hap­pens.”’(mail online)
Well now we know Shields feel that peo­ple who haven’t attend­ed University are irrational.

The bot­tom line about this whole piece of garbage, is that it failed to address the seri­ous nature of urban ter­ror­ism in Jamaica and the seri­ous­ness that secu­ri­ty force mem­bers face day in day out. Does Jamaica have rogue cops ? you bet, should they be root­ed out , you bet, Is this unique to Jamaica ? no! The gar­risons are replete with all kinds of high-pow­ered weapons, some­thing Green , Shields, or Felice do not have to deal with in their coun­try. By his own admis­sion the writer allud­ed to this from some­one he spoke to. quote:

[As dark­ness falls, young men take up posi­tion at key van­tage points, behind low walls. Buried in the ground are guns, loaded and ready. A rau­cous par­ty gets under way. Thumping bass makes the ground trem­ble. I notice a mon­i­tor above the record decks linked to four CCTV cam­eras dis­play­ing entrances to the com­mu­ni­ty. Recently gun­men from that neigh­bour­hood killed the rel­a­tive of a near­by don. Reprisals are expected.‘You are safer here than in a mid­dle-class neigh­bour­hood,’ Andy says with a sly smile We used to have M16s, but they jammed all the time, so now we use AK-47s.’After a moment he adds, ‘When you do good work in the com­mu­ni­ty, peo­ple will kill for you or die for you.’Violence could be trig­gered at any time. Andy is par­tic­u­lar­ly wor­ried about the police.The don from the oth­er area has the police in his back pock­et,’ he declares. ‘It’s a time bomb here. We are walk­ing dead.’Many of the young gun­men have reg­u­lar jobs, but they stay up all night to pro­tect the neighbourhood.The police can’t help you here; you have to defend your com­mu­ni­ty,’ says Andy.He makes it clear that while some vio­lence in Kingston is relat­ed to drugs and oth­er crim­i­nal enter­pris­es, it evolved from politi­cians arm­ing com­mu­ni­ties loy­al to them against oth­er neigh­bour­hoods .Some of the vio­lence is due to the fact that the area falls between two polit­i­cal bound­aries, so it has two MPs, which means that res­i­dents can demand new roads, fund­ing and oth­er perks, which make rival areas jealous.The politi­cians have cre­at­ed the prob­lem,’ says Andy. ‘They are play­ing a num­bers game. It’s divide and rule.’]

Reading this drib­ble is tan­ta­mount to an arti­cle Al jazeera did about the dead­li­ness of Jamaican Police; Imagine al Jazeera, where is their report­ing on the Killings of police offi­cers in Pakistan, and Afghanistan,what about the behead­ing and ston­ing being done to women go clear out your own dirty back­yard. I sug­gest the Mail online clean up their own dirty police force and let us clean up and imprison ours .

The arti­cle went on to talk about a man shot in the Mountain View are of St. Andrew.

[It was here that Ian Gordon, 34, came to vis­it the moth­er of his two young chil­dren, bring­ing them food and mon­ey as he often did. Gordon was a hard-work­ing for­mer art stu­dent. He built a small store from bam­boo where he sold fried fish. He wasn’t to know that a few days ear­li­er three gang­sters had engaged in a shoot-out with police after their rob­bery attempt was foiled. Two offi­cers were killed and six oth­ers wound­ed.](mail online)

This moron glossed over the fact that 8 police offi­cers had been shot the pre­vi­ous night, 2 fatal­ly . can any­one imag­ine if black men had shot 8 British police offi­cers killing 2, how they would have react­ed? . Would there be any Jamaicans left in England? that was not the nar­ra­tive he want­ed , what he want­ed was to draw atten­tion to the actions of the Police​.Now let me be clear I have no infor­ma­tion or evi­dence on the verac­i­ty of his state­ments regard­ing the man killed. I hope how­ev­er that he did not loose his life inno­cent­ly as some would have you believe. What I do know is that you real­ly do not want to be caught any­where in the wrath of any police depart­ment when one of their own has been mur­dered, much less when one con­sid­ered the casu­al­ties the JCF takes.

I frankly won­der why any­one would want that job any­more? , then I think about my rel­a­tives and friends liv­ing there ‚who depend on them , so I salute all clean cops and give them my sup­port. I must be clear , because there are some who accuse me of uncon­di­tion­al­ly sup­port­ing the Jamaican police, this could not be fur­ther from the truth, in fact any­one who fol­low my blogs can attest to the fact that I am one of their harsh­est con­struc­tive crit­ic. As an offi­cer I myself brought 3 of my col­leagues to book and had them kicked out of the force. What I will not do is turn to whole­sale con­dem­na­tion, of the peo­ple who risk their lives and die ‚so that I can live in safety.

There are cer­tain ele­ments with­in the soci­ety that are fraud­u­lent hyp­ocrites , and blood suck­ing leech­es , suck­ing the blood out of those who sac­ri­fice, while they sit in air-con­di­tioned offices , made pos­si­ble by the blood and sweat of Police offi­cers. I served 10 years but nev­er worked in an air-con­di­tioned office. The Commissioner of Police still oper­ates out of the same build­ings at 101 – 103 old hope Road in St. Andrew. Yet as the writer Green allud­ed to Justin Felice’s office is luxurious .

quote: Isolated from the killing streets, at the top of an air-con­di­tioned tow­er block with mir­rored yel­low glass, is the JCF’s Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB). Beyond a bio­met­ric thumb scan­ner near a smoked-glass door, a poster declares, ‘Corruption: it takes two.’I am greet­ed by Justin Felice, head of the ACB, an avun­cu­lar and dap­per for­mer Scotland Yard offi­cer who had great suc­cess work­ing in Northern Ireland. In 2010 his unit removed 184 police offi­cers.(mail online)

I am so insult­ed by this arti­cle, on so many lev­els, but we need to be hum­bled , untill we start respect­ing our­selves and each oth­er ‚we will for­ev­er be the unwant­ed stepchild of the British empire, to be lord over and treat­ed as half wit illiterates .

Just ask Mark Shields what he thinks of us..

mike beck­les :

have your say: