Fear In Mud Town After Pastor Shot Dead At Prayer Meeting

Police walk through the community of Mud Town yesterday after gunmen attacked and shot dead a pastor during a prayer meeting.
Police walk through the com­mu­ni­ty of Mud Town yes­ter­day after gun­men attacked and shot dead a pas­tor dur­ing a prayer meeting.

THERE was gloom in Mud Town, St Andrew, yes­ter­day as res­i­dents mourned for Pastor David Roper, who was shot dead while con­duct­ing a prayer meet­ing at his Greater Work Revival Mission Church about 9:30 Wednesday night. The church­man, known by his fel­low com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers as Brother Sam, is the broth­er of incar­cer­at­ed gang leader, Joel Andem, the once reput­ed leader of the feared Gideon Warriors Gang. Police report­ed yes­ter­day that armed crim­i­nals crept onto the grounds of the premis­es, entered the church and pumped bul­lets into the pas­tor. “The pas­tor was preach­ing and while talk­ing on the mike we just heard the loud explo­sions,” said one com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber. The res­i­dent said min­utes after the shoot­ing the bul­let-rid­dled body of the pas­tor was found at the foot of the altar. His plaid shirt was soaked in blood and the mike on which he deliv­ered his mes­sage lay a few metres away from his out­stretched hand. Police sources said at least 12 spent shell cas­ings were removed from the scene. Yesterday, police said they increased their pres­ence in the area while launch­ing a search for those respon­si­ble for the attack that sent shock waves through the small com­mu­ni­ty. The increase in police num­bers, how­ev­er, pro­vid­ed lit­tle com­fort for res­i­dents in the area who said the killing has left them in fear for their lives. “Right now we liv­ing in fear is as if we don’t want night to come down because we do not know who could be next,” said one res­i­dent. And she was not alone. “Right now we [are] wor­ried. If the man them can shoot a pas­tor what would they do to me who is a reg­u­lar res­i­dent,” said anoth­er res­i­dent. Yesterday, a group of police­men were seen slow­ly mak­ing their way up the dusty track in the com­mu­ni­ty, sec­tions of which were fenced off with zinc. Andem was in 2005 sen­tenced to 20 years impris­on­ment for shoot­ing with intent and ille­gal pos­ses­sion of a firearm.

– Kimmo Matthews and Tamara Dunbar.
See sto­ry here: Fear in Mud Town after pas­tor shot dead at prayer meeting