FBI And Its Divisive, Disruptive And Downright Dangerous Role It Has Historically Played In The African American Community.


One of the things I learned over the last 24 years liv­ing in the United States is the absolute arro­gance of white men . Whether it is a ques­tion of invad­ing the sov­er­eign Iraqi Nation and cre­at­ing ISIL in the process or whether it is their response to the Black Lives mat­ter move­ment as it relates to police exces­sive behav­ior their atti­tudes are the same.

Most of us oth­er peo­ple argue points based on mer­its , pros and cons, we defend our posi­tions based on the inher­ent feel­ing that we are right and justified.
Not so with the American white male.
He nev­er quite got around to explain­ing how Christopher Columbus man­aged to dis­cov­er land peo­ple were liv­ing on in orga­nized soci­eties before he hap­pened upon those lands.
He makes no attempt to explain or address the fact that the “Moors” Black Africans had arrived set­tled here beside Native Indians and lived peace­ful­ly with the Natives since around the 12th century.
The ques­tion of his lack of fideli­ty to the numer­ous treaties he signed with the Indians and dis­hon­ored is nev­er broached or discussed.

So it’s no sur­prise that when he refers to America in the con­text of Immigration or the Black Lives mat­ter move­ment he nev­er both­ers to speak to the strug­gles of either group he sim­ply dou­bles down on what he sees as his right to the land and his right to do with the world what he sees fit.
It’s not just his right to do with the entire United States as he sees fit. He also believes in his absolute right to con­trol the entire globe.

He speaks about remov­ing and replac­ing Governments and Administrations as if it’s his duty and job to do so , the unspo­ken under­stand­ing being America’s right to dic­tate to every­one else.
Just last Sunday Tony Blair the Conservative Former British Prime Minister speak­ing to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria took the unprece­dent­ed step[ of apol­o­giz­ing for his role in the Iraq war.
The apol­o­gy was not with­out the ever present white male arrogance .….…..
Quote ‚“I apol­o­gise for the fact that the intel­li­gence we received was wrong. “I also apol­o­gise for some of the mis­takes in plan­ning and, cer­tain­ly, our mis­take in our under­stand­ing of what would hap­pen once you removed the régime.”
You won’t get even that from Bush or the war crim­i­nal Dick Cheney.
On that note I salute the Canadian peo­ple for rec­og­niz­ing and demon­strat­ing that the rea­son peo­ple respect their coun­try is not because it throws its weight around the world in wars of choice but because it has a his­to­ry of not doing so.
The unmis­tak­able rejec­tion of Stephen Harper speaks vol­umes about the sophis­ti­ca­tion of the Canadian vot­er on this par­tic­u­lar subject.


But the gall of them, who gives them the right to decide who rules in these coun­tries ? They nev­er quite got around to explain­ing that either . So we are left to assume and maybe more defin­i­tive­ly con­clude that the col­or of their skin gives them that authority.
The FBI Director says Police are feel­ing scared they don’t want to get out of their cars that’s the rea­son some crimes are trend­ing up is that Police are scared to do their jobs because they are under more scruti­ny because cit­i­zens are video­tap­ing their activities.
The infer­ence being that Police can­not do their jobs unless they abuse and kill peo­ple indis­crim­i­nate­ly despite hav­ing access to the best and most sophis­ti­cat­ed sup­port struc­ture prob­a­bly of any nation.
The tragedy in all of this is that for the vast major­i­ty of peo­ple of col­or who have been abused by the sys­tem the FBI and the Federal appa­ra­tus was seen as a Savior of sorts. I nev­er quite rec­on­ciled that notion con­sid­er­a­tion the his­to­ry of the FBI and the divi­sive, dis­rup­tive and down­right dan­ger­ous role it has played in the African American Community historically.
I guess when you are a drown­ing man you clutch at straws.
Simply put Black peo­ple’s faith in the FBI as an inde­pen­dent inves­tiga­tive Agency was always mis­placed. Blacks plac­ing their faith in the FBI as an impar­tial play­er between them and the police was always an exer­cise in stu­pid­i­ty and futil­i­ty. Comey sim­ply con­firmed what I always believed.

Whites take own­er­ship of America and the world , blacks can­not even say this is my coun­try and not blink, in fact they sim­ply nev­er say it. Guess what if you don’t take own­er­ship the oth­er guy will. As such white men con­tin­ue to tell them do not look up at me , don’t you dare look in my eyes and there­in lies the problem.