Faux- Shock At Antony Anderson’s Silence: He’s Learning On The Job, Hello…

Before we delve into what is or isn’t work­ing let’s give thanks to Almighty God and to the hard-work­ing unap­pre­ci­at­ed men and women of the JCF and the JDF for the 18% reduc­tion in homi­cides this year against last year’s numbers.

Last year the police report­ed that 1617 Jamaicans were mur­dered over the course of the year. If the present trend holds it means that a cal­cu­lat­ed 291 few­er Jamaicans will be killed this year. That is rea­son to celebrate!


In the same way that 1617 peo­ple were slaugh­tered last year it is rea­son­able to con­clude that there are read­i­ly iden­ti­fi­able rea­sons which thus far this year has caused few­er peo­ple to lose their lives.
The state of emer­gency in parts of St. James and St. Catherine has seen a dra­mat­ic reduc­tion in crime, not just homi­cides but oth­er major crimes as well.

Though com­mend­able, it is impor­tant to rec­og­nize that the ben­e­fits derived from the state of emer­gency declared and enforced in those areas is not a sus­tain­able strat­e­gy for the long run.
The Jamaican dai­ly, (Jamaica​-glean​er​.com) Editorialized that fact argu­ing that “lim­its are placed on cit­i­zens’ rights and that their com­mu­ni­ties are under watch by large num­bers of police and soldiers”. 
Ahh yeah, that is gen­er­al­ly what a state of emer­gency is.

I have no quar­rel with the idea of the unsus­tain­abil­i­ty of the emer­gency pow­ers giv­en to the secu­ri­ty forces. But of course, the Editors of that dai­ly news­pa­per can­not make a sen­si­ble state­ment with­out act­ing like a cow which gives a pail of milk and then turns around and kicks it over.
Pomposity, grandios­i­ty and pure [bull-shit-tery] always take over with these folks.

States of pub­lic emer­gency, with their impinge­ment of con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly guar­an­teed fun­da­men­tal rights and free­doms, were not intend­ed to be long-term polic­ing tools in demo­c­ra­t­ic soci­eties, but short-term respons­es to secu­ri­ty threats. In that regard, we ques­tion the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of the exist­ing ones. Further, with less than five per­cent of the well over 2,000 peo­ple detained in St James not charged for any crime, it is moot whether it is the state of emer­gency per se or the height­ened pres­ence of the secu­ri­ty forces, that is respon­si­ble for the decline in killings”.

It is always the obnox­ious nature of these edi­to­ri­als which gets me upset. Of course, we all agree that states of emer­gen­cies are not long-term, not sus­tain­able but for God’s sake why are you talk­ing about “long-term polic­ing tools in demo­c­ra­t­ic soci­eties, but short-term respons­es to secu­ri­ty threats”.

Should the Government not do some­thing about the blood­shed? The state of emer­gency declared in St James and St Catherine are exact­ly short-term respons­es to the threats res­i­dents faced.
Would the edi­to­r­i­al board of the Gleaner be more com­fort­able with 18% more Jamaicans killed in order to main­tain a façade of a demo­c­ra­t­ic society?

I sug­gest that the Gleaner edi­tors take a first aid class where they will learn the pro­ce­dures and pro­to­cols of treat­ing a casu­al­ty. If there is bleed­ing stop the bleed­ing where pos­si­ble, make the casu­al­ty com­fort­able, reas­sure the casu­al­ty, get the casu­al­ty to a hospital.

The Government has stopped some of the bleed­ings in some of the more vio­lent com­mu­ni­ties, (hence the drop in homi­cides). Talk to some of the peo­ple in those areas, based on their past expe­ri­ences and they are ecsta­t­ic that the secu­ri­ty forces are vis­i­ble in their communities.


Look, I am not one who believes that the show of force in high-risk com­mu­ni­ties is a sus­tain­able polic­ing strat­e­gy. Nevertheless, I believe that over the span of a year the idea of 291 few­er dead Jamaicans is not such a bad idea.

As I have stat­ed in pre­vi­ous arti­cles, there is no way that the elites, includ­ing those at the Gleaner and the fake upper crust of the soci­ety, would give a police offi­cer who came up through the ranks the lever­age and def­er­ence giv­en Antony Anderson.

Anderson spent his life in the mil­i­tary, a mil­i­tary which has nev­er seen a war of any kind, yet he attained the rank of major gen­er­al with­out any bat­tle experience.
Nevertheless, the idea that he was qual­i­fied to be com­mis­sion­er of police for Jamaica based on his bona fides, impres­sive though they are, was as laugh­able as the prospect of a real­i­ty TV star becom­ing a com­pe­tent President of the United States.

The Gleaner’s shock that Antony Anderson is death­ly silent on any strate­gic crime pol­i­cy (out­side of the imple­men­ta­tion of the state of emer­gency) is real­ly laugh­able if they weren’t so pathet­ic. They were all clam­or­ing for him to be named com­mis­sion­er of police because of course, he has a cer­tain skill-set.

He can­not for­mu­late strate­gies in areas in which he has no exper­tise. Being com­mis­sion­er of police requires polic­ing and legal know-how. No, the fact that one has a cer­tain skillset does not give that per­son exper­tise in all disciplines.

Anderson is learn­ing on the job and as such, the nation will have to be sat­is­fied with what it gets. In the mean­time, we pray for the police offi­cers and sol­diers who are putting their bod­ies between the anar­chists and the public.

We pray for the inno­cent peo­ple who are denied cred­i­ble and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice based on our coun­try’s stub­born insis­tence on pre­tend­ing it is a devel­oped country.

Thanks to those who con­tin­ue to do the heavy lift­ing against the coun­ter­pro­duc­tive unveil­ing of murals hon­or­ing criminals.
Thank you for your ser­vice, even though many absolute­ly do not deserve it.