Farrakhan Addresses Netanyahu’s Presumptuousness

Minister Farrakhan speaks about Netanyahu.
Speaks about why that Charlatan Benjamin Netanyahu is so intent to use America’s wealth and mil­i­tary might to go against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
It was the same Netanyahu who pushed America into a war against Iraq under the pre­text that Iraq pos­s­esed weapons of mass destruc­tion that was­n’t only an exis­ten­tial threat to The Zionist state of Israel but to America as well.
Like goats the American Government , it;s Administration and con­gress­es launched an ille­gal, ille­git­i­mate and uncon­scionable war against the Iraqi peo­ple which killed and muti­lat­ed mil­lions of them.

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No weapons were found because none exist­ed , Netanyaha and Ariel Sharon laughed at the stu­pid­i­ty of America.
As Farrakhan said, Ariel Sharon knew that America is under Israel’s con­trol ‚all of it’s politi­cians Republicans and Democrats have been bough and paid for with Zionist money.