Family Demands New Probe As Jury Fails To Finger Culprit


According to pre­sid­ing coro­ner Patrick Murphy, the sev­en-mem­ber jury, in their unan­i­mous ver­dict, con­clud­ed that “rat insec­ti­cide” was the agent used to poi­son the for­mer com­mand­ing offi­cer for the trou­bled Clarendon divi­sion that has been linked to the death squad inves­ti­ga­tion. “They [jurors] agreed that he was poi­soned, but they don’t have the infor­ma­tion to say how he was poi­soned or who poi­soned him,” Murphy explained. The ver­dict, which came after 35 min­utes of delib­er­a­tion, means that if new infor­ma­tion is uncov­ered, the police can reopen the probe into Henry’s death. As is report­ed in the JAMAICA GLEANER .

I have dogged­ly fol­lowed this case from the moment I heard that SSP Dathan (Duffy Henry was Hospitalized. To those who do not know him, SSP Henry Officer in charge of the Parish of Clarendon. To Me he was Duffy. Duffy and I served at the Constant Spring CIB in the late 1980’s to ear­ly 1990’s I was pro­mot­ed Acting Corporal. We sat the Accelerated Exams togeth­er we both passed. I left the Force in 1991 Duffy stayed . I was proud but not sur­prised to see Duffy climb the lad­der to the rank of SSP rather rapidly.

He was smart , and curi­ous. No mat­ter what sit­u­a­tion you are in he could make you laugh , he was just an all around good guy. I spoke to him just months before he died, by phone from New York . He had­n’t changed a bit , same Duffy !

From the begin­ning the streets had it that he was poi­soned, any­one famil­iar with us Jamaicans


know once there is a rumor cir­cu­lat­ing in the streets , it bears inves­ti­gat­ing. I have writ­ten sev­er­al Articles since his death. I did so to keep the case alive, so some­one would be brought to jus­tice for killing him.

As I said in a pre­vi­ous Article, a Coroner’s Jury can­not say who poi­soned Dathan Henry . It can only say that his death is a Homicide. Well guess what? Everyone sus­pect­ed that. The Jury has said that he was sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly poi­soned mean­ing he was poi­soned over a peri­od of time.

My great­est fear after Duffy’s death was that the so-called Detectives at the Major Investigations task­force (MIT) inves­ti­gat­ing his death would not be worth a damn nickel.

This will be upset­ting to many past and present mem­bers, frankly I don’t real­ly care. These Detectives today can­not inves­ti­gate a crime com­mit­ted in their view. They are prac­ti­cal­ly worth­less when it comes to doing a prop­er Investigation clos­ing all the loop-holes and bring­ing a cred­i­ble case to Prosecution.

I wrote rather point­ed­ly dur­ing this peri­od of wait­ing, beseech­ing the Police to con­tin­ue to do a thor­ough Investigation with a view to bring­ing the perpetrator‑s to jus­tice for killing this man. Even as I did , I was nev­er con­vinced they had the abil­i­ty to con­duct a cred­i­ble Investigation.

Never once, In the time since I left the Force have I ever wished I was still serv­ing, until now. I may come off a bit arro­gant, but so be it. If I was serv­ing I would have done every­thing in my pow­er to help in bring­ing Dathan Henry’s killer/​s to Justice , and she/​he would be convicted.

Roxan Henry, SSP Henry’s broth­er and the fam­i­ly spokesman, made it clear that they will con­tin­ue their push to have the police con­duct a more detailed probe and are con­tem­plat­ing hir­ing an attor­ney to ensure that this happens.

The prob­lem with this is, that the incom­pe­tent Police Department is still nec­es­sary. Yes an Attorney can watch pro­ceed­ings on behalf of the fam­i­ly but it requires good police work to bring the perpetrator/​s to jus­tice. The kind of Investigation which ceased to exist many years ago.

It is sad but the JCF owes this fam­i­ly a con­vic­tion. Dathan Duffy Henry was a smart young man who could have done any­thing he chose to with his life. He chose the Police Department. It is a sad indict­ment on that Department that it can­not bring to jus­tice the killer/​s one of one of it’s best and bright­est stars. “He did not poi­son him­self … he did not com­mit sui­cide. Someone poi­soned him,” Roxan Henry insist­ed. He cer­tain­ly did not , his killer/​s are walk­ing around right there in Jamaica.