Fall Images In The Hudson Valley

I was sur­prised by this beau­ti­ful plant in the mid­dle of November. While most of the foliage was already gone from oth­er trees and plants, the for­est floor lit­tered with fall­en leaves, this beau­ty was adorned in all its glo­ry in a wood­ed area close to my house.

There she is in the fore­ground with an all yel­low foliage in the back­ground… I had to get these shots.

Simply stun­ning.

Bright reds or soft yel­lows fall in the Hudson Valley is sim­ply beautiful…I con­sid­er it a bless­ing to have these on my prop­er­ty to enjoy, right in my backyard.

Then there are the greens and browns.

Yup, still fall .…

The cat­a­log would not be com­plete with­out a shot of the Wappingers Creek.

This one I stole from my neigh­bor’s yard…

I hope you enjoyed view­ing them as much as I enjoyed shar­ing them with you?