Extremists Rethuglican Whiners Too Entitled To Be Questioned By Media…

Ben Carson
Ben Carson

Republicans are fum­ing mad or just plain whin­ing because they did not get soft­ball ques­tions from CNBC’s ques­tion­ers at their last debates.
Both the Republican National Committee’s Chairman Reince Priebus and most of the can­di­dates have com­plained about the ques­tions the bunch of GOP losers were asked.
Heading the enti­tled list of whin­ers were Donald Trump. Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and a few others .
Shockingly can­di­dates and the Republican National Committee are demand­ing that only Right wing nutjobs mod­er­ate the debates, their choice of debate mod­er­a­tors include Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity and others.
Seriously if this was­n’t so absurd it would be worth a chuckle.

Here’s the kick­er though Donald trump who is run­ning as a “win­ner” did say he was­n’t opposed to “whin­ing” if he did­n’t get his way.
So there you have it Republicans who talk through the sides of their mouth about lib­er­ty and democ­ra­cy are actually

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

opposed to answer­ing prob­ing ques­tions from the press . You sim­ply can­not make this up .
In the mean­time Democratic can­di­dates are out doing what they do , lis­ten­ing to vot­ers needs so they can for­mu­late poli­cies to solve problems.

The white male par­ty real­ly has noth­ing to offer the coun­try out­side the con­stant drum­beat for war , usu­al­ly with dredged up ene­mies and of course trick­le down eco­nom­ics which gives an inor­di­nate amount of resources to the rich who will in turn offer crumbs from their table to every­one else.

This is the most ridicu­lous exper­i­ment which failed under Reagan and Herbert Walker Bush , brought the Country to near eco­nom­ic col­lapse under George W Bush and is being advo­cat­ed by all the can­di­dates after the Democrat Barack Obama brought the econ­o­my back from the brink of col­lapse, as Bill Clinton did after the débâ­cle of the first Bush presidency.

Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz

So you won­der how is it that they are able to win elec­tions when clear­ly peo­ple must be able to see through the bull?
Well not so fast the Republican Party was hijacked by the rabid Racist Dixiecrats after Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. Democrats have not won the South since.
White men have not gone back to the Democratic par­ty since. Ever since they have launched a cam­paign of fear­mon­ger­ing at aver­age whites, telling them that “those peo­ple” are try­ing to take their coun­try , their jobs , their way of life and every­thing else.
Those peo­ple who are pret­ty much every­one else oth­er than white males.

Funny thing is many don’t have any of those things to lose but hatred caus­es them to vote and mil­i­tate against their own self interest.
So there you have it.…..