Ex-Police Chief Gets 3 Years In Prison For Framing Black Men

A for­mer South Florida police chief has been sen­tenced to three years in prison for fram­ing black peo­ple for crimes they didn’t com­mit, in order to boost his department’s crime-solv­ing stats.
Raimundo Atesiano, 53, for­mer­ly the chief of the Biscayne Park Police Department in Miami-Dade County, was sen­tenced by a fed­er­al judge on Tuesday for con­spir­a­cy to deprive indi­vid­u­als of their civ­il rights.
“When I took the job, I was not pre­pared,” Atesiano told U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore before his sen­tenc­ing, accord­ing to the Miami Herald. “I made some very, very bad decisions.”

Biscayne Park, Florida, former Police Chief Raimundo Atesiano was sentenced on Nov. 27 to three years in prison for framing t
Biscayne Park, Florida, for­mer Police Chief Raimundo Atesiano was sen­tenced on Nov. 27 to three years in prison for fram­ing three black men for burglaries.

Atesiano was report­ed­ly giv­en two weeks before hav­ing to report to prison, allow­ing him to spend time with his moth­er, who is ter­mi­nal­ly ill.One month ago, three oth­er for­mer Biscayne Park offi­cers — Guillermo Ravelo, Charlie Dayoub and Raul Fernandez — were sen­tenced for their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the scheme.
Prosecutors said Aresiano on three occa­sions ordered them to false­ly arrest and charge three peo­ple for unsolved bur­glar­ies. One of those arrest­ed was just 16 years old when he was false­ly accused. Davoub and Fernandez were each sen­tenced to one year in prison; Ravelo was sen­tenced to 27 months.
“Putting an arrest sta­tis­tic above the rights of an inno­cent man instead of work­ing to pro­tect all our cit­i­zens under­mines the safe­ty goals of every Miami-Dade police depart­ment,” said State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle in a state­ment on Tuesday. “Miami-Dade’s res­i­dents deserve hon­esty and integri­ty, qual­i­ties that Raimundo Atesiano delib­er­ate­ly failed to deliver.”One of the three vic­tims, who served five years in prison for a series of bur­glar­ies that he was false­ly accused of com­mit­ting, has filed a fed­er­al law­suit that accus­es the town and its for­mer offi­cers of vio­lat­ing his civ­il rights. His con­vic­tion was tossed by a judge in September. Story orig­i­nat­ed here;https://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​e​n​t​r​y​/​e​x​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​c​h​i​e​f​-​s​e​n​t​e​n​c​e​d​-​f​o​r​-​f​r​a​m​i​n​g​-​b​l​a​c​k​-​m​e​n​_​u​s​_​5​b​f​d​9​4​9​d​e​4​b​0​3​b​2​3​0​f​a​7​b​293