Myrlie Evers
Myrlie Evers

Born in 1933, Myrlie Evers-Williams was the wife of mur­dered civ­il rights activist Medgar Evers. While fight­ing to bring his killer to jus­tice, Evers-Williams also con­tin­ued her hus­band’s work with her book, For Us, The Living. She also wrote Watch Me Fly: What I Learned on the Way to Becoming the Woman I Was Meant to Be. Evers-Williams served as chair of the NAACP from 1995 to 1998.Born Myrlie Louise Beasley on March 17, 1933, in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Raised by her grand­moth­er, a school­teacher, Evers-Williams loved learn­ing and music. Growing up in the seg­re­gat­ed South, she went to Alcorn A&M College, one of the only col­leges in the state that accept­ed African American stu­dents. While at Alcorn, she met Medgar Evers, a World War II vet­er­an sev­er­al years her senior. The cou­ple fell in love and mar­ried in December of 1951.

Myrlie with President Barack Obama
Myrlie with President Barack Obama

When her hus­band became the Mississippi field sec­re­tary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Evers-Williams worked along­side him. She assist­ed him as he strove to end the unjust prac­tice of racial seg­re­ga­tion in schools and oth­er pub­lic facil­i­ties and cam­paigned for vot­ing rights as many African Americans were denied this right in the South. Medgar made ene­mies of those who did­n’t want race rela­tions in the South to change. On June 12, 1963, Medger Evers was shot to death in front of his home by a white suprema­cist named Byron De La Beckwith.
