One thing is sure about the 63 loud-mouthed Jackasses in Gordon House, is that whatever we say about them, they are sure to prove us right.
Collectively, they are a bunch of incompetent bozos, who shout at each other as they try to score cheap, inane, political-points against each other, rather than act as dignified stewards of the people’s trust.
Banging on the desks, and hurling insults and derogatory remarks at each other from their respective sides, are the norm rather than the exception.
The critical issue of violent crime in our country, is inextricably tied to every aspect of what occurs among this band of incompetent and corrupt morons.
No one among the 63, is more reprehensible than the (JLP) St Catherine South West Member of Parliament Everald Warmington, by virtue of his disgustingly coarse and malignant behavior.
In a submission in the people’s house, Warmington found common cause with Opposition members of the House when he berated the police for closing down dances and wakes within the prescribed time.
Said Warmington to much applause from the PNP members;“The only thing that the police in Old Harbour do effectively is to shut down birthday parties and set-up.
“I have been to two set-ups (wake)recently and the police arrive at 10:15 p.m. to lock down the set-up, and I made it clear that the set-up naw lock down, dem have to lock me up first.”
We talk about the ineffectiveness of the police in this medium with much frequency. We also talk about the many ways in which politicians have contributed to the state of lawlessness in our country.
Strangely, many Jamaicans fail to hold politicians accountable for the state of affairs in the country.
Instead of holding them accountable, they engage in narrow partisan (what about-isms).
Did you speak out when the other party was in power?
Yes we did, we have over a decade of doing so, read for yourself.
Now can we talk about the issue at hand in a substantive way?
Nah, I’m not interested in facts, I just want to score political points for my party.
And so despite the fact that these incompetent crime generating bozos are in charge of our country, many people steadfastly refuse to hold them accountable as if fish does not rot from the head.
If we do not hold them accountable, who should we hold accountable?

This brings me to the next issue which is the incompetent piss-scared keystone cops operating in Jamaica under the guise that they are real police officers.
If you arrive at a location to carry out a lawful function, and someone steps up and obstructs you in the execution of those functions, why was he not arrested?
Don’t bother to answer, you are scared shitless of this punk.
Rather than swiftly place him in cuffs, and haul his ass off to jail you allow him to break the law, by preventing you from carrying out your lawful duties, and potentially inciting a riot that would have placed your lives in jeopardy.
And to the ever-growing bunch of apologists who claim that the police did the right thing to avoid a riot, please spare me that nonsense.
Allowing that kind of behavior to continue because police officers are scared of reprisal is a self-fulfilling endeavor that brings more lawlessness.
If you make the decision not to arrest him on the spot, then arrest him before he gets home and place him in jail where he belongs.
This kind of [man-rule] must stop and it must stop now. Everald Warmington should have been in jail, and even if he brags about it afterward, it should have been while he awaits his day in court.
Everald Warmington was bemoaning the murder statistics in the people’s house, what he and the cheering PNP failed to grasp as they cheered him on for their own political reasons, is that Warmington is a fireman who uses gasoline to put out fires. The PNP members later feigned disgust when Warmington bragged about obstructing the police but for me, their concerns rang hollow.
Everald Warmington is the personification of what is wrong with politics in Jamaica. He is the face of what is wrong with our country politically.
This administration must forthwith stop its interference in policing.
The Prime Minister pretends to care about the homicides, but it is his actions that have further hamstrung the police through his support for INDECOM and his shameful disrespect for the police, which has led us to this.
It is exactly Andrew Holness’ posture that has emboldened Everald Warmington. It is his posture that has emboldened INDECOM & Jamaicans For Justice(JFJ). It is his posture that has further eroded public respect and emboldened attacks on our police officers. It is his continued support for the rights of criminals over the rights of law-abiding Jamaicans, that have made the police tentative and afraid to do their jobs.
And sad to say, it is his actions cumulatively, that has provided fuel to the expanding inferno of criminality which is taking over our country.
Mike Beckles is a former Jamaican police Detective corporal, businessman, researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
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