Even Those Discriminated Against, Discriminate Against Others

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It is said that hate begets hate. 
Nowhere is this more self-evi­dent than in American soci­ety, where even those dis­crim­i­nat­ed against have learned to dis­crim­i­nate against and foment hatred for oth­ers dif­fer­ent than they are.
Is this phe­nom­e­non a nat­ur­al human reac­tion of lash­ing out after being hurt, or is this an intrin­sic, built-in, true rep­re­sen­ta­tion of American cul­ture? That may be a ques­tion for oth­ers, yet it appears to me that it is more the lat­ter than the former.


One thing is cer­tain: a large swath of American vot­ers vote against their larg­er self-inter­est. Let us begin with Black peo­ple. I dare any­one to show me a piece of leg­is­la­tion put forth by the Republican Party at any lev­el in the American Government that ben­e­fits Black Americans’ inter­est. In fact, let’s scratch that; show me a piece of leg­is­la­tion that does not have built-in bias­es against Blacks. Yet you may be sur­prised at the num­ber of Black men, in par­tic­u­lar, that I have come across sym­pa­thet­ic to Trump and the Republican Party.
The usu­al spiel I hear from them is what have the Democrats giv­en us?
How pathet­ic is that? Donald Trump want­ed the mil­i­tary to exe­cute the pro­test­ers in DC dur­ing the George Floyd protests, make that sink in. So what is it with the Blacks, some of whom are out there wear­ing white T‑Shirts defend­ing Dotard, I mean Donald Trump, in his lies as he faces Federal indict­ments for his alleged crimes?
I believe some of the men secret­ly envy the progress some Latino Groups (Mexicans in par­tic­u­lar) are mak­ing due to their hard work. Tim Scott, the shame­less South Carolina Republican US Senator, long sur­ren­dered what lit­tle dig­ni­ty he may have pos­sessed to be accept­ed as a lap­dog at the feet of the table of white supremacy.


I hope I don’t go to hell for this, but I have always felt that Hispanics/​Latinos in the United States tend to lean Republican because they see the American con­struct of white­ness as ben­e­fi­cial. Cubans are par­tic­u­lar­ly right-lean­ing because of their hatred of the Castro broth­ers. However, they vote for Republicans even though the Republican Party, a xeno­pho­bic fas­cist par­ty, is the par­ty of insur­rec­tion and totalitarianism.
Miami, Florida, is filled with these Hispanics, Cubans, and their descen­dants in par­tic­u­lar, who con­tin­ue to attach them­selves to the Republican Party for no rea­son that makes sense except that they would like to con­sid­er them­selves whites in wait­ing. Some are even ashamed of their Hispanic her­itage; Raphael Cruz, for exam­ple, would nev­er refer to him­self as Raphael but rather goes by “Ted.” How sad!
Don’t get me start­ed with the lit­tle one named Marco Rubio, anoth­er self-loathing Cuban who once referred to the classy Barack Obama as hav­ing no class because the then-pres­i­dent invit­ed some rap­pers to the White House.
This insignif­i­cant incon­se­quen­tial has noth­ing to say about the dis­hon­or Donald Trump brought to the White House and the country.
Even the Mexicans who arrived late in the United States and were the tar­get of Donald Trump’s xeno­pho­bic hatred when he launched his 2016 Presidential cam­paign have vot­ed Republican because the Republican Party pro­motes a far­ci­cal front of being Christian and for families.
Never mind that when the thin veneer of fraud is peeled back, the Republican Party is any­thing but for fam­i­ly or Christianity and is instead a Satanic cult that is behold­en to the god of mon­ey and hatred.


Here is anoth­er group, par­tic­u­lar­ly those from India or first-gen­er­a­tion Americans of Indian ori­gin. These peo­ple come from a vicious caste sys­tem in India that dis­crim­i­nates against their own peo­ple based on skin col­or. Here is the rub, many Indians are of a dark­er hue than the dark­est African. Yet they treat their own coun­ty’s men and women with total dis­re­gard based on entrenched igno­rance. India is arguably one of the most hate­ful coun­tries on our planet.
Though not total­ly con­fined to British rule, the vicious caste sys­tem in India today is inex­tri­ca­bly asso­ci­at­ed with the big­otry and asso­ci­a­tions devel­oped in that coun­try due to European colonialism.
The likes of Bobby Jindal, Nimarata Nikki Randhawa (Nicky Haley),Vivek Ramaswamy, and oth­ers, all Republicans, would soon­er reject their ances­tral names than give up their quest for accep­tance into the con­struct of American whiteness.

Among the spat­ter­ing of oth­er eth­nic groups that make up much small­er shares of the American demo­graph­ic pie, Native Americans, Chinese, and oth­ers, pri­mar­i­ly from Asia, the num­ber who asso­ciate with the Republican par­ty opposed to their very exis­tence is shocking.
In the final analy­sis, it is alarm­ing that even on the most seri­ous and exis­ten­tial issues fac­ing these groups, being asso­ci­at­ed with pow­er and the idea of belong­ing takes prece­dence for many.;




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.