Even In Our Greatest Suffering God Is !

We tear­ful­ly and prayer­ful­ly offer Gods com­fort­ing words to the suf­fer­ing peo­ple of Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominica, the US Virgin Islands, Texas and Florida who may feel aban­doned at times like these.

Know that our God will nev­er leave nor for­sake you.
Know also that it is in these, the great­est moments of your tribu­la­tion that his mer­cy and Grace is exem­pli­fied and manifested.
We con­tin­ue to pray God’s hand of Providence to sup­ply the com­fort and calm of his holy spir­it in this your hour of uncertainty.
Do not be afraid when you see these things, under­stand that your redemp­tion is near.
God bless you.

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