Evangelical Apostasy Places It’s Values Over God’s Words

Are you a per­son of faith who some­times feel despon­dent and anx­ious as events out­side your con­trol seem to put the very exis­tence of a God into question?
Do you see few­er and few­er peo­ple in your church pews as the assault on truth and decen­cy inten­si­fy, seem­ing­ly, in a direct assault on every­thing you believed?
You are not alone.

Almost dai­ly we see and hear of events which fright­en and ter­ri­fies us, we hear the obvi­ous question,“Where is God, how could a God allow this to hap­pen”? Sometimes the very events which are sup­posed to bring us clos­er to God are the events which dri­ve us far­ther away from him,
The idea of trust­ing to our own under­stand­ing has been a non-starter from the begin­ning. Hence the Lod gave us his word to guide us in times when we see no way out, in times when we ask where is God in all of this.

We some­times live our lives trust­ing on our own knowl­edge„ our own under­stand­ing, we make deci­sions on how we relate to unfold­ing events sole­ly on what we know. Totally con­ver­sant of how that can be destruc­tive to us the Lord encour­ages us in his holy word to have faith.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the sub­stance of things hoped for, the evi­dence of things not seen.

Where do we turn for com­fort when the very body of Christ align itself with the dark forces which made you despon­dent in the first place?
Well the word of God acknowl­edged that we would find our­selves in this dilemma.
Philippians 2:12: Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my pres­ence but much more in my absence, work out your own sal­va­tion with fear and trembling,

Dr. David R. Reagan writ­ing about Apostasy in the Church said, The Bible clear­ly proph­e­sies that the Church of the end times will be char­ac­ter­ized by apos­ta­sy. Paul said that the Antichrist will not be revealed until “the apos­ta­sy comes first”(2 Thessalonians 2:3). Jesus proph­e­sied that “many will fall away” and “most people’s love will grow cold” (Matthew 24:1012).

As we report­ed in a pre­vi­ous arti­cle Churches are clos­ing rapid­ly, and those which have remained open are expe­ri­enc­ing few­er peo­ple in their pews. Additionally, Christians in some parts of the world are increas­ing­ly com­ing under vio­lent attack and are being killed in shock­ing numbers.
We look at church lead­ers and we see ram­pant hypocrisy and ver­bal Jiu-jit­su on their part as they try to jus­ti­fy and legit­imize those with whom they agree while lam­bast­ing oth­ers they dislike.

Earlier this year MSNBC’s Alex Witt asked Franklin Graham, son of famed Televangelist Billy Graham and him­self a Minister and head of Samaritan’s Purse” about reports of Donald Trump’s alleged infi­deli­ties and dalliance.
Anytime reli­gion is politi­cized it’s in dan­ger of extinction,”[Ravi Zacharias]

He said he didn’t say it,” Graham said. “I don’t think any of those sen­a­tors if he did use that lan­guage, have heard that word for the first time. I’m sure that’s a word they’ve used before, I think there’s a lit­tle hypocrisy here.”
“We have a busi­ness­man who is a pres­i­dent, not a politi­cian, but a busi­ness­man,” Graham said. “We should all be grate­ful that he’s brought his knowl­edge to Washington and he’s help­ing to turn this econ­o­my around.”

Obama’s pri­vate sec­tor job growth graphic.

So there you have it moral­i­ty in high office is no longer a virtue as long as the econ­o­my is doing well. Is there any won­der that young intel­lec­tu­als are not rush­ing to hear about God?
While we are on the sub­ject of the econ­o­my it is instruc­tive to do the utmost to ensure that in that nar­ra­tive about eco­nom­ic well-being we do not lose sight of the facts.
Intellectualism/​Science and Religion were not always at odds with each oth­er. Previously the most learned schol­ars were the most reli­gious. the American National Academy of Sciences has writ­ten that “the evi­dence for evo­lu­tion can be ful­ly com­pat­i­ble with reli­gious faith”, a view offi­cial­ly endorsed by many reli­gious denom­i­na­tions globally.

Obama’s econ­o­my.

The sim­ple truth is that the word of God remains unchanged, the prob­lem is with the mes­sen­gers. Franklin Graham is by no means the only white so-called con­ser­v­a­tive who have tied them­selves into pret­zels try­ing to legit­imize what they want you to believe.
In fact, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, and shock­ing­ly even some Black pro­claimed min­is­ters of the gospel have used the Bible and their own twist­ed inter­pre­ta­tions of God’s words to bring the body of Christ into disrepute.

At no time in our recent his­to­ry, at least not in my life­time has pol­i­tics so ensnared the evan­gel­i­cal move­ment and places the body of Christ in con­tra­ven­tion to the teach­ings of Jesus Christ. Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glo­ry of God.
♦Proclaiming oppo­si­tion to Abortions while hat­ing chil­dren not of your skin col­or is not Christlike.(Not tak­ing sides on the abor­tion issue)
♦Abortions may very well be sin­ful but to dis­re­gard every­thing else and vote for a par­ty which would put judges in place who rule against the basic human and civ­il rights of all peo­ple is equal­ly sin­ful and hypocritical.

♦We may not agree with the lifestyle of our neigh­bor but we are duty bound to love them with the agape love, “the high­est form of love, char­i­ty” and “the love of God for man and of man for God”.That love which is the God kind of love, if we want to claim to be his children.
♦We can­not claim real Christian faith if we con­tin­ue to dwell in the cesspool of igno­rance, con­tin­u­ous­ly engulfed in the tox­ic imbe­cil­i­ty of the supe­ri­or­i­ty of skin col­or, lack­ing the sim­ple and fun­da­men­tal under­stand­ing that there is only one human race.
♦We can in no like wise claim God when we turn our backs in obliv­i­ous dis­in­ter­est at the pain and suf­fer­ing of our dis­en­fran­chised and abused broth­ers and sisters.

The evan­gel­i­cal move­ment has fall­en woe­ful­ly short on lit­er­al­ly all counts.
The church is active­ly engaged in dis­tort­ing the word of God and turn­ing away some of those who were once believ­ers of the faith and alien­at­ing fur­ther, those on the out­side look­ing on.
2nd. Thessalonians 2:1 – 3 King James Version (KJVNow we beseech you, brethren, by the com­ing of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gath­er­ing togeth­er unto him,

That ye be not soon shak­en in mind, or be trou­bled, nei­ther by spir­it, nor by word, nor by let­ter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.