Ethnicity Over Country. Shumer Betrays Party And President.…

Charles Shumer
Charles Schumer

New York’s Senior Senator and Senate Minority Leader in wait­ing Charles Schumer has decid­ed he will not sup­port the deal nego­ti­at­ed between the (P5) Permanent five and (1)One. Schumer the largest Jewish voice in the Congress pre­tend­ed to be delib­er­at­ing on the sub­ject of whether to sup­port the President’s Iran deal or not.
In fact it appeared to cyn­ics like myself that Schumer was mere­ly wait­ing for the Republican Presidential debates to pro­vide him cov­er so he could do what he knew he was going to do from the start.
That deci­sion was to throw President Obama and the the rest of the World under the Bus in favor of his Jewish Ethnicity.
What we now know is that being a Jew trumps every­thing , includ­ing being respon­si­ble to one’s own country.

Said Schumer :“The very real risk that Iran will not mod­er­ate and will, instead, use the agree­ment to pur­sue its nefar­i­ous goals is too great,” Schumer said in oppos­ing the pact. He said he based his deci­sion on the nuclear and non-nuclear ele­ments of the accord and on the ques­tion, “Are we bet­ter off with the agree­ment or with­out it?”

In a stun­ning dis­play of cow­ardice and betray­al Schumer chose to be a sooth­say­er on the basis of his Jewish eth­nic­i­ty rather than stand with President Obama the pres­i­dent of his own Party and the rest of the world.
Schumer chose instead to stand with the war­mon­ger­ing Benjamin Netanyahu .
There was no delib­er­a­tion on this for Schumer, he knew what he was going to do from the start. Schumer’s actions high­lights what many peo­ple in the United States and cer­tain­ly across the World already knew, that is the death grip in which the Zionist Apartheid state of Israel has on the American Congress.
Benjamin Netanyahu cer­tain­ly is not wor­ried about being dis­re­spect­ful to President Obama , he knows where the loy­al­ties of the American Congress lies.
In fact Netanyahu have nev­er been par­tic­u­lar­ly care­ful how he deals with American Presidents after meet­ing with him in 1996 President Bill Clinton report­ed­ly remarked pri­vate­ly “who the fuck does he think he is” ? Who is the fuck­ing super­pow­er here?

Many includ­ing Jews in Israel and the United States already feel Netanyahu has already pushed too far. However Netanyahu is not wor­ried about los­ing clout with the America Congress. In fact there are sev­er­al instances where he has gloat­ed about the hold Israel has on the American Congress.
Charles Schumer mere­ly did what most crit­i­cal thinkers expect­ed him to do,.