Enough Evidence That (JCF) Officers Are Relegated To Blue-collar Grunge Work In Nationals Security Process

or eight long years, this rather small pub­li­ca­tion stood like a flick­er­ing light in a sea of dark­ness and brave­ly offered a glim­mer of light to the decent hard work­ing mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

In the inter­est of full dis­clo­sure I am a for­mer mem­ber and so my world­view is always going to be influ­enced by my 10-years expe­ri­ence serv­ing in the depart­ment, good and bad.

I am the first to con­fess that my impres­sion of the (JCF) lead­er­ship or lack there­of, sig­nif­i­cant­ly impact­ed my deci­sion to make an ear­ly exit from the agency.
However, it was nev­er my opin­ion that the depart­ment did not play a sig­nif­i­cant part in nation build­ing, and must con­tin­ue to do so.
I was also unique­ly mind­ful that the neg­a­tives attrib­uted to the (JCF) were not unique to the agency, but to the extent that those attri­bu­tions were cor­rect, those attri­bu­tions should be laid at the feet of the leadership.

The typ­i­cal scene of orga­ni­za­tions donat­ing the most basic of items to the police, this time it was the Adventist Church which donat­ed chairs to officers .

The (JCF) top man­age­ment struc­ture oper­at­ed not from an enlight­ened posi­tion of moti­va­tion and guid­ance prin­ci­ples but from an over­lord posi­tion of bul­ly­ing befit­ting despot­ic strong­men in banana republics.
That is not to say that there haven’t been real­ly fine lead­ers in the recent his­to­ry of the JCF, there has been. It isn’t total­ly a ques­tion of men its a ques­tion of the culture.

The for­gone was an acknowl­edg­ment that the Police depart­men­t’s lead­er­ship can in no way deny it’s part in the fail­ures of the JCF to the extent that fail­ures exist, and they do.
It is impor­tant that while the(JCF) take respon­si­bil­i­ty for its fail­ings that there is full recog­ni­tion that the depart­men­t’s fail­ures, to the extent they exist, are not fail­ings in a vacuum.
Neither can those fail­ings be cred­i­bly viewed out­side the larg­er sys­temic fail­ings all across the pub­lic sec­tor since the Independence dec­la­ra­tions of 1962.

Importantly as well, the (JCF) is one of the most vis­i­ble, most con­se­quen­tial agency of gov­ern­ment, as such, what­ev­er ails the depart­ment is going to be high­ly vis­i­ble, high­ly amplified.
It is the only agency of the gov­ern­ment which has sev­er­al lev­els and lay­ers of over­sight and account­abil­i­ty. The only agency which con­tin­ues to purge itself all toward a bet­ter self. So much over­sight that the Agency is now an inef­fec­tu­al top-heavy behe­moth ripe and ready for a final coup de grâce by the very same peo­ple who ensured its fail­ure through active mea­sures and neglect.

MOCA offices…

That coup de grâce is evi­denced by the con­tin­ued install­ments of out­side forces to head the depart­ment. By the Bill, they have to cod­i­fy into law their attempt to tear away the Major Organized Crime Anti Corruption Agency, a part of the depart­ment which has been work­ing well, and make it a sep­a­rate agency.
God for­bid that they would give the req­ui­site sup­port need­ed to the (JCF) to make it a mod­ern police agency with the pow­er and com­pe­tence to deliv­er the qual­i­ty ser­vice required of a 21st-cen­tu­ry police department.

Instead, they have embarked on a process of demo­niz­ing the (JCF) remov­ing parts of which are work­ing and installing their upper St. Andrew cronies over those parts. This has been a sys­tem­at­ic approach of the two polit­i­cal par­ties which for all intents and pur­pos­es are cod­i­fy­ing the depart­men­t’s offi­cers into a set of sec­ond-class cit­i­zens who must die for their coun­try in a (JCF) that they are no longer good enough to lead.

It began when they removed the Passport pro­cess­ing from the purview of the police in order to reward their cronies. The next arm of the Police to go was the Firearm Licencing Authority(FLA). That depart­ment need­ed much fix­ing under the police but it has since become a colos­sal cesspool of graft, polit­i­cal malfea­sance and a true exam­ple of what polit­i­cal cor­rup­tion can do to a country.

More shiny objects of deflection.

The bill before the Parliament will effec­tive­ly sev­er (MOCA) from the (JCF), of course, they had already placed their cho­sen one, you guessed it from the paper mil­i­tary to head it even as the peo­ple doing the real grunge work there are .….….….….….….….….….….mem­bers of the hat­ed (JCF).
All of the peo­ple now head­ing the agen­cies which make up the nation­al secu­ri­ty land­scape are polit­i­cal place­hold­ers. Many are immi­nent­ly qual­i­fied to be sol­diers, lawyers, none have law enforce­ment bona fides. Terrence Williams, (INDECOM)Anthony Harriot,(PCA) Anthony Anderson,(JCF) Desmond T Edwards(MOCA) Shane Dalling(FLA).

The cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence inher­ent in the place­ment of peo­ple who have zero law enforce­ment expe­ri­ence into crit­i­cal posi­tions usu­al­ly reserved for law enforce­ment exper­tise is proof enough of a sys­temic cam­paign to reduce mem­bers of the (JCF) to blue-col­lar roles in the nation­al secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus despite their aca­d­e­m­ic accomplishments.

Shiny objects of deflec­tion, while they dis­mem­ber the JCF

Clearly what they have done is to move around their choice picks from role to role to role as they have done With Anthony Anderson the now com­mis­sion­er of police) from the (FLA) to cre­at­ing a new role, National secu­ri­ty advis­er which nev­er exist­ed before, just for him, and final­ly to place him in charge of the (JCF).
Anderson’s case is only one of the many exam­ples but you would have grasped my gist at this point, all of this has been hap­pen­ing while you weren’t even pay­ing attention.

It is absolute­ly crit­i­cal that mem­bers of the (JCF) are clear-eyed about what is hap­pen­ing to them and the agency they love. (1) Never be ashamed of your ser­vice to the coun­try, (assum­ing you are true to your oath of office. The fail­ings of the depart­ment where they exist, are not your bur­den to bear.
Those of us who served under­stand well that with­in the force of over 12,000 there are some bad actors but by and large the vast major­i­ty of offi­cers who step out each day to do the job are hon­est hard work­ing patriots.

Can the 63 who occu­py the low­er cham­bers on Duke street say the same? That’ss the real question.
Don’t be daz­zled by a few used cars and some motor­bikes, they do not belong to you. Surely you must see these things as essen­tial to the trade and should not be daz­zled by these shiny objects they place in front your eyes while they are empow­er­ing the rogue INDECOM to imprison you for doing exact­ly what you were sworn to do.