Enhanced Video Good To Arrest College Professor : Great Quality Un-enhanced Video Not Enough To Indict Cop Who Killed Garner

Commisioner William Bratton . lets see Bratton bring the same level of determination and fortitude to demanding that a Federal grand jury indict Pantaleo for killing Eric Garner
Commisioner William Bratton . lets see Bratton bring the same lev­el of deter­mi­na­tion and for­ti­tude to demand­ing that a Federal grand jury indict Pantaleo for killing Eric Garner

Two NYPD cops attached to the depart­ments legal affairs bureau were alleged­ly assault­ed on the Brooklyn Bridge , sup­pos­ed­ly dur­ing a peace­ful march over the week­end. The two, Patrick Sullivan and Phillip Chan are both Lieutenants. The pair were sup­pos­ed­ly wear­ing NYPD jack­ets with iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and were there to ensure pro­test­ers rights were pro­tect­ed , as report­ed by CBS​.com and the Associated Press. 
Which brings us to ask why are spe­cial cops there to ensure cit­i­zens fun­da­men­tal right to protest against their gov­ern­ment? Aren’t all cops sup­posed to be par­tic­u­lar­ly alert­ed and informed on that fact? What hap­pens when legal affairs is not there?

I believe we all know what hap­pens when they are not.
The NYPD has since arrest­ed Eric Linkser a 29-year-old Baruch College Professor who teach­es Composition. Notice how quick­ly they arrest­ed some­one who alleged­ly attacked one of their own? The Commissioner William Bratton said quote: “We do not take attacks on our police offi­cers light­ly, we nev­er have and nev­er will,”. I bet New Yorkers of col­or would like that sense of res­olute­ness when it comes to police vio­lence on them. 
The Department says there are oth­ers involved in the alleged attack , which they say occurred when the two cops inter­vened when Linkser alleged­ly tried to toss a 50-pound garbage can from the ele­vat­ed walk­way at offi­cers on the road­way below. They are sup­pos­ed­ly putting togeth­er a twelve thou­sand dol­lar ($12,000.00 reward to fer­ret out oth­ers involved in the assault. 
The young man who video­taped NYPD cops killing Eric Garner was arrest­ed on weapons charges, rather con­ve­nient­ly after the video became pub­lic. Pantaleo the cop who killed Garner and the oth­er mur­der­ers who aid­ed and abet­ted him have so far faced no crim­i­nal sanctions.

A disrespectful   Ed Mullins calls the Mayor a Nincompoop , how do they treat people with no power is the real questions those who support everything cops do
A dis­re­spect­ful Ed Mullins calls the Mayor a Nincompoop , how do they treat peo­ple with no pow­er is the real ques­tion those who sup­port every­thing cops do should ponder

In respond­ing to the inci­dent New York City’s Mayor Bill deBlasio called the inci­dent an “alleged assault” That char­ac­ter­i­za­tion drew the ire of the sergeants benev­o­lent asso­ci­a­tion. Union pres­i­dent Ed Mullins labeled the Mayor a “nin­com­poop”. The PBA pres­i­dent Patrick Lynch who encour­aged mem­bers to sign a peti­tion demand­ing that the Mayor and city Council pres­i­dent not attend their funer­al in the event they are killed in the line of duty, said “It is very clear to me that the may­or has no idea of just how angry New York City police offi­cers are at him for his lack of sup­port and for lay­ing decades of soci­ety’s prob­lems unde­served­ly at their feet.”

Does any­one recall when Rudolph Giuliani led a rag-tag throng of drunk­en cops in 1992 onto the steps of City Hall in protest against Mayor David Dinkins? Yup, they called Dinkins a N****r, they called him a wash-room atten­dant. Do you detect the same kind of dis­re­spect to this Mayor who is mar­ried to a black woman ?
In 2007 the New York dai­ly news Mike Mcalary wrote ” This city has two police forces: one small and hor­ri­ble, and one great and noble. People see the uni­form and fig­ure all cops are part of the hor­ror. That’s not true. In the 1820s, the city had two police forces, and they fought on the steps of City Hall. That police riot occurred when one force tried to arrest the may­or. The clos­est we’ve come to that was when Giuliani encour­aged a police mob to rat­tle then-Mayor David Dinkins in 1992”.

PBA president Patrick Lynch has lost all credibility , he blames Eric Garner for his own death. A regular loud-mouth no one takes him seriously on police issues, he is more harm than good to officers
PBA pres­i­dent Patrick Lynch has lost all cred­i­bil­i­ty , he blames Eric Garner for his own death. A reg­u­lar loud-mouth no one takes him seri­ous­ly on police issues, he is more harm than good to officers

The depart­ment is active­ly seek­ing oth­ers involved in the mele. Bratton said the video of the assaults has been enhanced to help find the sus­pects. Isn’t it incred­i­ble how quick­ly they will enhance a shaky video to prove some­one attacked one of their own but will not acknowl­edge they mur­dered an inno­cent man on a video which need­ed no enhancement ?
I don’t know whether or not there are two police forces in new york city., Many peo­ple of col­or have nev­er seen the noble depart­ment Mike Mcalarry spoke of sev­en years ago, even though they are decent law abid­ing citizens.
What they see dai­ly is the “hor­ri­ble” the one above the law, the thug­gish one which demands respect even as it heaps scorn, deri­sion ‚con­tempt and dis­re­spect on oth­ers, even those set above them.
Every grouse, every gripe of the PBA and oth­er unions seem to be about respect. The unions would do them­selves and their mem­bers a tremen­dous ser­vice by being respect­ful to the Mayor, City Council President and peo­ple of col­or in the city, maybe then they will see a turn around in the way peo­ple respond to them.
As a very famous Pastor say from time to time,“If you want some­thing from God, give that thing to some­one else”. Give respect, you get respect. You do not demand respect , you com­mand respect. Stop whin­ing and com­plain­ing about just how dan­ger­ous your job is . No one forced you to join the police depart­ment, you did so of your own free will, and you are paid well to do it.
People have a right to demand that they be treat­ed fair­ly and just­ly, the laws does not only apply when the police say they apply.
If utter­ances and behav­ior are any­thing to go by, this police depart­ment is expo­nen­tial­ly worse than most peo­ple know. People in under served com­mu­ni­ties will tell you they do not call cops. Cops to them are no dif­fer­ent from reg­u­lar gang­sters. Many rob, beat, rape, steal, plant drugs, fal­si­fy reports and kill peo­ple with­out consequence.
These res­i­dents of the city have nev­er seen the “great and noble”.
Too many in the NYPD see them­selves above the laws and the peo­ple who hire and pay them. The media Houses are active cheer-lead­ers in this process, mak­ing them feel above being held account­able. It is time the back of this men­tal­i­ty is bro­ken once and for all.