Ellington Was Never The Right Fit For PNP


Over the suc­ceed­ing days ‚weeks and months, the abrupt depar­ture of Commissioner of Police Owen Ellington will invari­ably be the top­ic of many discussions.

Ellington’s sud­den Exit is not nov­el in the way Commissioner’s of Police have left their jobs in the Island Nation. Of course as Jamaicans like to say “if sup­pem nuh gu su it nealy gu su” .Translation , if what you heard is not total­ly true, it has some truth to it.

Owen Ellington could nev­er have been the first choice for the PNP Government. After all Ellington was appoint­ed Commissioner of Police under Bruce Golding and his JLP Administration in 2010. Anyone with knowl­edge of Jamaican pol­i­tics, knows that plum jobs are hand­ed out to die-hard par­ty loy­al­ists, some­times, irre­spec­tive of qual­i­fi­ca­tions or talent.

This is gen­er­al­ly true of both Political Parties. However the PNP hav­ing held elect­ed office for 28 of the last 40 years, have lit­er­al­ly trib­al­ized the entire pub­lic sec­tor from top to bot­tom. No area of nation­al life has been spared the cor­ro­sive insid­i­ous can­cer, which is the People’s National Party Agenda.

Bunting and Ellington
Bunting and Ellington

Ellington posed a prob­lem for the new PNP Administration how­ev­er. He was edu­cat­ed. He was well loved by the men and women under his com­mand. He also had the respect and admi­ra­tion of the pub­lic. Ellington’s pop­u­lar­i­ty with the pub­lic came large­ly from his stat­ed com­mit­ment to remov­ing rogue cops, restor­ing cred­i­bil­i­ty to the Agency and reduc­ing crime.

Hardly any oth­er Commissioner came to the top job with such a clear-eyed focus, on what need­ed to be done. How do you replace some­one with Ellington’s Resume, and game-plan

So the Directionally chal­lenged, moral­ly bank­rupt, crime lov­ing Administration was stuck with Owen Ellington. This does not speak to Ellington’s Politics far from it. In fact he may be a sup­port­er for all we know. Just not a died-in-the-wool PNP trib­al­ists like a Roy Thompson or a Francis Forbes. Or a poten­tial mem­ber of Parliament in wait­ing like a Lucius Thomas for that matter.

Jamaica's PM Portia Simpson Miller
Jamaica’s PM Portia Simpson Miller

Ellington is no fool, he must have had his res­ig­na­tion ready in his desk draw­er from the day the new Administration stepped into Jamaica House.They did not give him a sin­gle vote extend­ing the lim­it­ed state of emer­gency when he went into Tivoli Gardens to get Dudus Coke.

The PNP showed their hand when despite being chief cheer-lead­ers against Bruce Golding,they would not sup­port the secu­ri­ty forces. In a Country pop­u­lat­ed with rea­son­able peo­ple that par­ty would have been banned to polit­i­cal obscu­ri­ty. They were con­verse­ly reward­ed with the reins of Government just months lat­er. Golding for his part, was the one banned to obscu­ri­ty for stu­pid­ly inter­ven­ing into what clear­ly was a mat­ter for the coun­try’s courts.

It’s now 2014 this Government has been a colos­sal fail­ure by every met­ric. National Elections are con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly due between  December 29th 2016 and 16 March 2017 . It is impor­tant that the cor­rupt Simpson Miller Administration have trust­ed loy­al­ists in place in time to exe­cute their game plan.

We do not yet know what the true rea­son was, why Ellington was shown the door. He may have been asked to do some­thing anti­thet­i­cal to his beliefs and prin­ci­ples. He may have been put in a ten­u­ous posi­tion ren­der­ing it impos­si­ble for him to con­tin­ue . Whatever the rea­son, the nar­ra­tive put forth by Bunting and his Ministry amounts to noth­ing more than a load of crock.

I was nev­er a great fan of Owen Ellington, I am a huge fan of Jamaica, With Miller and the band of thieves run­ning the gov­ern­ment and Ellington run­ning the JCF it was always a sit­u­a­tion out of cor­rect order.

It must have been hard for him to dumb down for his polit­i­cal boss­es. Ellington gained my respect when he wrote an arti­cle trum­pet­ing the Indonesian mod­el and it’s suc­cess­es. I thought the writ­ing was on the wall for his tenure, I said so then.


3 thoughts on “Ellington Was Never The Right Fit For PNP

  1. Interesting piece. The Jamaican street is of the per­spec­tive that the mas­sive ral­ly in Half Way Tree Square spon­sored by the orga­ni­za­tion CAUSE against homo­sex­u­al­i­ty may be the rea­son for his removal…

    • That may be one spec­u­la­tion my friend , as I have been informed there is a far more explo­sive expla­na­tion coming.

  2. Enjoyed the piece, however;I
    will await the real rea­son for his res­ig­na­tion. Bet it is some­thing that involves him­self and G. Bent.

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