Ellington Finally Grows Some Balls.


At the risk of sound­ing like a bro­ken record I ask again does the Jamaican peo­ple real­ize that the bro­ken Justice sys­tem is lit­er­al­ly killing our coun­try. Some pay lip-ser­vice to human rights because they have an axe to grind, soon enough how­ev­er the truth will lay bare their true inten­tions for those with eyes to see. The tragedy is that even with an abun­dance of truths some still fall for the bull.(Wid an abun­dace of wata, di fool still ded fi thirst.Honorable Robert Nesta Marley)

We sim­ply have to face the facts which are star­ing us in the face, In our coun­try Jamaica a small Island 4411 square miles and rough­ly 2.8 mil­lion peo­ple we kill each oth­er with more fre­quen­cy than all the oth­er coun­tries in the world except about 3 to 5 oth­ers. So we ask our­selves ‚to what is this depar­ture from civil­i­ty attrib­ut­able? Those of us who were raised into believ­ing in God, argues that we have ceased believ­ing in the sov­er­eign­ty of God Almighty. We have turned to our own ways now, because we are way too intel­li­gent to believe in a God we have nev­er seen and who allows hor­ri­ble things to happen.

Some intel­lec­tu­als go fur­ther, label­ing the Bible an old book of fables, anti­quat­ed out-dat­ed and irrel­e­vant to our times. Ironically the Bible did pre­dict that in the end times , man would trust to his own under­stand­ing. It clear­ly states that knowl­edge will be the great­est vice for man and the cat­a­lyst for his down-fall. One truth has evad­ed the intel­lec­tu­als who are turned out of Institutions of high­er learn­ing, from the University of the West Indies to Harvard, Yale and Oxford is that God gave us free-will. So God does not sit around wait­ing for us to mess-up , like an umpire call­ing balls and strikes. You see the Élite have failed to real­ize that the Universe giv­en to us by God oper­ates on set prin­ci­ples. Simply put you chose a life of las­civ­i­ous, hedo­nis­tic plea­sures the end there­of is cor­rup­tion of the flesh and spir­i­tu­al death. If we chose to live our lives lov­ing each oth­er, car­ing for each oth­er, giv­ing to each oth­er, we by our own actions, cre­ate the Utopian par­adise we want. We get to decide, because God gave us free will he can­not and will not take back that free-will, he is not man that he should lie. Having a heart which fears God is not a heart that wants to kill, rape, or hurt any­one, if the world have a heart for God there would be none of those evils. To the Elitists and the pseu­do-Intellectuals, you don’t have to believe in my God, but you will find it impos­si­ble to suc­cess­ful­ly argue against the prin­ci­ples I just laid out. You don’t have to call him God, I will, but the prin­ci­ples are sound. Every day we read of chil­dren being raped and mur­dered, old men and women decap­i­tat­ed, entire fam­i­lies wiped out. Yet there are many peo­ple who ratio­nal­ize those killings as nor­mal. They have a mouth-full of idio­cy to try to make you believe what you see and hear hap­pen­ing is no big deal, crime is every­where. Of course crime is every­where, does that mean we should find com­fort that not only Jamaica has crime? It’s crazy how Satan has pulled the wool over our eyes on issue after issue.

With that said how­ev­er let’s take a look at crime and what dri­ves crime in Jamaica. It was heart­en­ing to see Jamaica’s police com­mis­sion­er Owen Ellington’s arti­cle on Face/​Book deal­ing with the issue. https://​www​.face​book​.com/​p​e​r​m​a​l​i​n​k​.​p​h​p​?​s​t​o​r​y​_​f​b​i​d​=​5​3​6​3​0​6​3​8​6​4​3​2​6​8​1​&​i​d​=​1​7​7​0​0​6​5​5​2​3​6​2​668

download (6)Singapore. Singapore

Security ana­lysts describe a failed state as one in which the state has lost the capac­i­ty and the polit­i­cal will to per­form basic gov­er­nance func­tions, such as effi­cient rev­enue col­lec­tion; assure pub­lic secu­ri­ty and safe­ty; build and main­tain crit­i­cal pub­lic infra­struc­ture; pub­lic ser­vices such as secu­ri­ty, pub­lic health, edu­ca­tion; enforce the rule of law and exer­cise sov­er­eign con­trol over the territory.

My only ques­tion to the com­mis­sion­er , even as I applaud him is ‚what the hell took you so long? It can­not be that it took him all this time since he became com­mis­sion­er to real­ize that crime is a busi­ness and the ser­vice he and the depart­ment offers is also a busi­ness. After all Ellington has a degree in Business admin­is­tra­tion that ought to count for some­thing oth­er than let­ters behind names as is cus­tom­ary in our Island home. I was also buoyed and elat­ed that the com­mis­sion­er seemed to have lift­ed the nar­ra­tive from our web­site , the very nar­ra­tive I have been expound­ing for the last sev­er­al years.

Singapore, Singapore.

I have long sought to raise aware­ness of the neg­a­tive con­se­quences crime is hav­ing on the social fab­ric of our country.

♦Politics and Political interference.

♥ An incom­pe­tent and cor­rupt Judicial system.

♣ Waste and theft of tax-pay­ers resources.

♠ Nepotism,corruption and graft.

♦ Abrasive ‚abu­sive and incom­pe­tent polit­i­cal lead­er­ship of both polit­i­cal par­ties which com­prised all the oth­er neg­a­tive char­ac­ter­is­tics laid out in the pre­vi­ous four lines.Jamaica’s politi­cians are large­ly crim­i­nals save and except a few.

Where there is no wis­dom the peo­ple per­ish. Many Jamaicans would read­i­ly give their lives for the two crim­i­nal gangs which runs the coun­try, in fact many will tell you they are born PNP or JLP. Those two acronyms rep­re­sent­ing the Peoples National Party and the Jamaica Labor Party. Between these two polit­i­cal gangs they have ren­dered Jamaica almost a failed state, reduced the coun­try to a International dis­grace and a pari­ah and the peo­ple almost to a man, hus­tlers and beggars.

Kingston Jamaica.

One need look no fur­ther than the present lead­er­ship of the coun­try, as well as the actions of Bruce Golding before this blind Bartimus at the helm, to get an idea why Jamaica is what it is today. We may chose to bury our heads in the sand of time and pre­tend, or we may face the truth. if we do not act fast we will not have a Jamaica the way we knew it, many say it’s already too late. Jamaica is fast becom­ing a failed state, even the peo­ple in gov­ern­ment are run­ning, the crim­i­nals have the police depart­ment issu­ing bul­letins to offi­cers to pro­tect their own lives. That my friend are the ingre­di­ents of a failed state. I encour­age you, as you read this, to read what Owen Ellington argued con­sti­tutes a failed state. I have pro­vid­ed the quote below and the link above for your information.

Security ana­lysts describe a failed state as one in which the state has lost the capac­i­ty and the polit­i­cal will to per­form basic gov­er­nance func­tions, such as effi­cient rev­enue col­lec­tion; assure pub­lic secu­ri­ty and safe­ty; build and main­tain crit­i­cal pub­lic infra­struc­ture; pub­lic ser­vices such as secu­ri­ty, pub­lic health, edu­ca­tion; enforce the rule of law and exer­cise sov­er­eign con­trol over the territory.

By those defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics you tell me if Jamaica is a failed state or not!

Kingston Jamaica.

In Jamaica, con­vict­ed gun offend­ers can walk out of court with a sus­pend­ed sen­tence or pro­ba­tion. Some pay a fine. Last year, for the peri­od January to September, 75 per cent of con­vic­tions in the Western Regional Gun Court result­ed in non-cus­to­di­al sen­tenc­ing, even as St James was record­ing twice the nation­al mur­der rate. In one case where a police raid net­ted four high-pow­ered rifles, over 1,200 rounds of ammu­ni­tion, bul­let­proof vests, tele­scop­ic lens and oth­er war-like equip­ment — enough to start a small war — the accused per­sons who plead­ed guilty were fined $80,000 and giv­en three years’ pro­ba­tion. This approach does not sig­nal any pol­i­cy intent to improve pub­lic security.(Owen Ellington com­mis­sion­er of Police).

Through the incep­tion of this pub­li­ca­tion I have labored to expose these truths , I am thrilled to see that Jamaica’s police com­mis­sion­er has final­ly grown the balls to call out the cor­rupt gov­ern­ment and the crim­i­nal cod­dling courts and crim­i­nal rights lob­by . Let me be clear they may fire Ellington for lay­ing out such broad-based pol­i­cy direc­tions as a civ­il ser­vant. I have asked him to do so in these blogs, in the news papers , chastis­ing him to step aside or speak out . I have no such fear, as such I have called them the thieves and mur­der­ers that they are, from the high­est office on down to the (dut­ty foot bwoy pon di street). Enough is enough.

One thought on “Ellington Finally Grows Some Balls.

  1. At last, some­one has the balls to call a spade a spade. but this alone will not stop the fail­ure from pro­ceed­ing apace. we the peo­ple have to decide to put our dol­lars and rhetoric behind a set of peo­ple who are pre­pared and will­ing to make some changes, come elec­tion time. who is will­ing to stand against the gangs and make some changes, how­ev­er unpalat­able those changes may seem at the present time, in order to effect some bet­ter­ment for our country

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