Elitists Are Vultures Who Feed On The Carcasses Of Murdered Jamaicans.…


Raymond Wilson Chairman of the Police Federation came out with a blis­ter­ing push-back against the foun­da­tion sup­port struc­ture which facil­i­tates crime in Jamaica. In a blis­ter­ing broad­side against Politicians who sup­port gar­ri­son pol­i­tics , so called rights groups which insti­gate and aid and com­fort criminals,to (inde­com), Wilson spared no punch­es. Speaking at the funer­al ser­vice for slain police offi­cer Crystal Thomas at the Ebenezer Fellowship Church of God Seventh-day in Spanish Town, St Catherine Wilson final­ly let loose. Wilson said that for too long admin­is­tra­tors have been giv­ing police “bas­ket to car­ry water” and it should now stop as he called for the sup­port of the wider society.

Wilson said he asked Dalley, dur­ing a nego­ti­a­tion, if he was wait­ing for a police offi­cer to be mur­dered while using the pub­lic trans­porta­tion sys­tem before a bus is made avail­able to take them home after work. He said the min­is­ter’s response was that no mon­ey was avail­able to ful­fill that request. “That is what the val­ue of the life of a police offi­cer is,” Wilson told mourn­ers in his no-holds-barred address.
What gave crim­i­nals “more right to life” than a police offi­cer or “law-abid­ing cit­i­zens of this country”?

Of course as is to be expect­ed it did not take long for the pseu­do-colo­nial­ists caste-seg­re­ga­tion­ists to come out against Raymond Wilson. Today the Editorial page of the Observer exco­ri­at­ed Wilson , label­ing him disin­gen­u­ous and Irresponsible. In it’s dia­tribe the writer pon­tif­i­cat­ed quote :Sergeant Wilson, obvi­ous­ly play­ing on the emo­tions of the con­gre­ga­tion, asked what gave crim­i­nals “more right to life” than a police offi­cer or “law-abid­ing cit­i­zens of this country”.
Of course these cow­ard­ly mouth­piece of the crim­i­nal class are able to do much dam­age from their lofty perch­es while they hide behind the papered walls of anonymi­ty. They are cow­ard­ly func­tionar­ies and per­pe­tra­tors of may­hem who nev­er have to face bul­lets and knives but who have the lux­u­ry of shap­ing opin­ions. I can­not wait for the may­hem to reach the doorsteps of these mod­ern day Pharisees.

On every occa­sion that mem­bers of the JCF stand up for them­selves these Vultures emerge and get to work feed­ing on the car­cass of the police issue. They are bot­tom feed­ers who pre­tend they have Jamaica’s inter­est at heart but they don’t and the peo­ple must be edu­cat­ed about that. The com­plic­it crim­i­nal sup­port­ing media is not object­ing sub­stan­tive­ly to the con­tent of Wilson’s speech , what they object to is his right as a local boy from Saint Mary to say what he said.
There is a cer­tain class which is destroy­ing our coun­try and it’s time the wrath of the peo­ple be turned against those people.

Raymond Wilson spoke elo­quent­ly about them but there are others.
♦ The Norman Manley Law School.
♦ The Bar Association of Jamaica.
♦ (inde­com).
♦ Jamaicans for Justice(JFJ).
♦ Families Against State Terroris (FAST).
♦ The Independent Jamaica Council on Human Rights.
♦ The Peace Management Initiative. (PMI).
These are just a few of the crim­i­nal sup­port­ing groups which are active­ly engaged in lob­by­ing for leg­is­la­tion against seri­ous law-enforce­ment on the Island. These are just a few of the groups arrayed against Police.
The police need allies, the Police do not risk their lives against Jamaica’s ruth­less mur­der­ers for them­selves they do so for the peo­ple who are against criminals.

Raymond Wilson
Raymond Wilson

Many of these Pharisees have dual cit­i­zen­ship most have visas. The major­i­ty of poor law abid­ing peo­ple can­not afford to run. Those who come to Jamaica and offer help to muz­zle the police have their coun­tries to go back to and guess what they are absolute­ly pow­er­less in their coun­tries in shap­ing pol­i­cy or affect­ing the way police do their job.
I under­stand that the hero of the Elites Terrence Williams will be address­ing the com­ments of Raymond Wilson at anoth­er func­tion he will be attend­ing today , this time in Mandeville Manchester.
It must be nice to have a job where not much else is done for the mon­ey beyond per­se­cut­ing hard work­ing peo­ple and attend­ing social func­tions . We can­not wait to get that speech , we are already antic­i­pat­ing the sar­casm and con­de­scen­sion which is sure to come and we will be address­ing that as well.

One of the non­sense being sold the Jamaican peo­ple is that if police offi­cers are doing their jobs the cor­rect way they have noth­ing to fear.
There is also the nar­ra­tive that inci­dents of police shoot­ings have gone down because of (inde­com’s) vigilance.
Both are bull-shit argu­ments which are not sup­port­ed by facts and I will now address both.
♦ Every com­plaint made against a par­tic­u­lar police offi­cer real or mali­cious­ly con­trived is inves­ti­gat­ed by (inde­com) .Not just shoot­ings or killings.
♦ That Officer is then sub­ject­ed to an inves­ti­ga­tion which includes but is not con­fined to going to the offices of (inde­com) to give state­ments to their oper­a­tives in sup­port of his/​her innocence.
♦ As per the (inde­com) Act offi­cers refuse to com­ply with those dic­tates at the risk of crim­i­nal prosecution.
♦ Under Jamaica’s Constitution no Jamaican may be forced to give a state­ment which may be used against them as such the (inde­com) Act is unconstutional.
♦ Jamaican police offi­cers are the only peo­ple in the coun­try who may be forced con­trary to the con­sti­tu­tion to give state­ments against their will.
♦ Police offi­cers are left out in the cold to fend for them­selves usu­al­ly result­ing in tremen­dous finan­cial hard­ships usu­al­ly end­ing in finan­cial ruin for officers.
♦ By (inde­com’s) own admis­sion the vast major­i­ty of cas­es it inves­ti­gates against police offi­cers result in no case being brought against the officer.
♦ Officers careers are destroyed because of these witch hunts.
♦ Criminals report abuse against offi­cers to get rid of effec­tive police offi­cers who pose a threat to their operations.
♦ Let me see those of you who make those asi­nine com­ments about hav­ing noth­ing to fear deal with the real prospect of prison hang­ing over your head every day you go to work because a cer­tain crim­i­nal Don wants you gone and have the pow­er to force peo­ple to lie against you.
♦ And hav­ing a Government Agency facil­i­tate that persecution.

Terrence Williams
Terrence Williams

Many years ago I was engaged in an inves­ti­ga­tion which tar­get­ed a par­tic­u­lar fam­i­ly in Cassava-Piece just below the Constant Spring Police Station where I was sta­tioned. The fam­i­ly was a know fam­i­ly of crim­i­nals which was engaged in cocaine dis­tri­b­u­tion, theft of auto­mo­biles, high-end motor-cycles and oth­er crim­i­nal activities.
I went to the house look­ing for the two sons who were engaged in the crim­i­nal enter­prise with their moth­er. She told me her sons were not at home. I asked her to inform her sons they were the sub­ject of an inves­ti­ga­tion I was con­duct­ing and as such it would be in their inter­est to con­tact me at the Station as soon as possible.
That par­tic­u­lar case involved but was not con­fined to the theft of a motorcycle.

I also told her in no uncer­tain terms that I knew they stole the motor­cy­cle and it would be in their best inter­est if they placed the motor­cy­cle out in the open where I would find it before I found them .
We then left her yard.….…
The motor­cy­cle end­ed up in New Kingston on Knutsford Boulevard in the same con­di­tion it was stolen
We fin­ished our tour and went home.
The next Morning My Sub Officer in charge of crime informed me that the Superintendent in charge need­ed to speak to me. I though it odd I but went along with my so/​ic crime to his offi­cer. He was on the phone chat­ting away as if I was trans­par­ent, so I bit my tongue and stood there for a cou­ple of min­utes . I turned and start­ed walk­ing out which prompt­ed him to hasti­ly hang up the phone and mer­ci­less­ly lit into me. He accused me of fir­ing mul­ti­ple shots at the wom­an’s house and raft of oth­er accu­sa­tions. I was nev­er one who par­tic­u­lar­ly liked, nor admired these old­er cops. In my esti­ma­tion most I thought were unpre­pared and ill-equipped for the posi­tions they held, usu­al­ly attained due to long ser­vice or polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion or both.
His brazen igno­rance intrigued me.. So I indulged him by stand­ing there, seem­ing­ly sub­dued ‚(play­ing pos­sum) giv­ing him more con­fi­dence to berate me.
♦It nev­er occurred to him that if a weapon was fired a sim­ple foren­sic test would con­firm it.
♦ It nev­er occurred to him that if shots were fired at all it would have elicit­ed a response from oth­er police offi­cers on patrol and Police con­trol would have had a record of it par­tic­u­lar­ly in the mid­dle of the day.
♦It nev­er occurred to him that he was a gullible clue­less pawn of a fam­i­ly whose busi­ness was crime.
♦ It nev­er occurred to him that a sim­ple com­mon crim­i­nal woman had out­smart­ed him tak­ing advan­tage of what she knew would have been his weak­ness of throw­ing a junior offi­cer under the bus at a momen­t’s notice to assuage any­one regard­less of the circumstances.

After he was fin­ished yelling I pulled my weapon from it’s hol­ster released the mag­a­zine and extract­ed the round I had up the breech, I then removed the spare mag­a­zine I car­ried from it’s case and threw them on his desk. I told him a sim­ple foren­sic test will tell the story.
The remain­der of what I said to him will remain between him, my So/​ic crime Jerry Wallace and myself . I walked out fol­lowed by Jerry Wallace who placed his hands on his head and said “Jeezas crise nev­er inna mi life, mi nev­va hear one cor­po­ral dress dung one super­in­ten­dent so”.
Later that day the Superintendent came to my office and apol­o­gized to me.
There was no (inde­com) at that time. Had there been (inde­com) those lies would have been told to them. I would have been sub­ject­ed to deal­ing with them . Of course I would be exon­er­at­ed but inves­ti­gat­ed yes.
That is just a sin­gle day in the life of an effi­cient cop.
That is just what crim­i­nals do on a dai­ly basis.
The woman and her sons under­stood that con­cept the super­in­ten­dent did not. Nothing she did nor what the Superintendent said pre­vent­ed or stopped my work . Both her sons were arrest­ed by me and placed before a court of law. Both were sen­tenced to prison time.

Those who argue that low­er inci­dents of police shoot­ings are attrib­ut­able to (inde­com’s) vig­i­lance is blow­ing smoke up your ass­es. They have zero data in sup­port of that claim. What I will tell you is that the low­er inci­dents of police shoot­ings are exact­ly attrib­ut­able to the dra­mat­ic less­en­ing of police engagement.
The Country’s astro­nom­i­cal­ly high homi­cide rate and oth­er seri­ous crimes is tes­ta­ment to that fact.
Like every­thing else the Political left in Jamaica has come up with since inde­pen­dence they are wrong on this. Wrong On (inde­com) . Wrong of the econ­o­my , wrong on pover­ty, and yes they are wrong on crime.
The mis­guid­ed wannabe-be big-shots (pen­ny mil­lion­aires) who coin pub­lic pol­i­cy and secu­ri­ty strate­gies do so with zero under­stand­ing of polic­ing or the con­se­quences of it’s absence on the population.
These are the shit-heads who are mak­ing deci­sions for the Jamaican peo­ple . As Wilson said the Police are the scape-goats who are giv­en bas­ket to car­ry water.

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