The Obama Administration has announced they are ready to launch their 2012 elec­tion cam­paign, this coin­cid­ed with Mitt Romney all but lock­ing up the nom­i­na­tion for his par­ty. Santorum the last real chal­lenger dropped out before Romney swept all of the five states which were up for grabs last Tuesday. Of course I think we are all aware there are no coin­ci­dences in pol­i­tics, so it’s safe to assume that the launch was intend­ed to coin­cide with Romneys inevitable win in the states which had their pri­maries Tuesday.

President Barack Obama. Governor Mitt Romney

The Obama cam­paign would be well advised that the lev­el of excite­ment which char­ac­ter­ized their first vic­to­ry may not be avail­able to them this time around. The econ­o­my is still only ten­ta­tive­ly recov­er­ing, Guantanamo Bay is still open,The Afghan war is still being waged, even though it seem no one knows why and to what end. Unemployment is high, and there is a gen­er­al malaise in the air. much of the stag­na­tion in the econ­o­my may actu­al­ly be traced to the doorstep of repub­li­cans in con­gress who uni­tary have opposed every pro­pos­al or leg­is­la­tion the pres­i­dent has put forth. Mitch McConnell stat­ed emphat­i­cal­ly that his only goal is to ensure that the pres­i­dent serves only one term.

Mitch McConnelEric Cantor

One would have thought that as Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell would have had more to do than sub­vert the pres­i­dent ‘s agen­da for polit­i­cal gain. Obviously vot­ers in the state of Kentucky are sat­is­fied with this tired lame excuse of a pub­lic ser­vant so he is allowed to do it with­out con­se­quence, come next elec­tion they will vote him back into office, such is the state of ide­o­log­i­cal pol­i­tics in this coun­try that peo­ple like the sen­ate minor­i­ty can sub­vert the will of the vast major­i­ty of the peo­ple who elect­ed the pres­i­dent.

Make no mis­take, the rea­son we have seen this una­nim­i­ty of GOP oppo­si­tion to this pres­i­dent is racial ani­mus. Many of the poli­cies this pres­i­dent has put forth are most­ly car­ry overs from the Bush pres­i­den­cy. Bush enact­ed the Patriot Act, Obama con­tin­ued it. Bush start­ed the stim­u­lus, Obama con­tin­ued it. Bush spent tax­pay­ers mon­ey like a drunk­en sailor, Obama spend to stim­u­late the econ­o­my. Bush mass deport­ed peo­ple, Obama accel­er­at­ed the depor­ta­tion process. Bush start­ed the Afghanistan war, Obama con­tin­ued and broad­ened it. In fact many of Obama’s sup­port­ers are mad at him for exact­ly these poli­cies of Bush which he railed against as can­di­date Obama.

As a con­se­quence Obama has lost sup­port from the left, lost sup­port from the inde­pen­dent mid­dle and gained noth­ing from the right. Many make the case that Obama had to try to work with repub­li­cans, I dis­agree, elec­tions have con­se­quence. President Obama was elect­ed to car­ry out a man­date, if vot­ers want­ed repub­li­cans they would have vot­ed for them, they did not. Democrats had the house the sen­ate and the white house , yet rather than enact the pres­i­den­t’s agen­da they squab­bled and fought amongst them­selves, argu­ing about left­wing, lib­er­al, and blue-dog, and who fit­ted into what cat­e­go­ry. Voters boot­ed them from the house and hand­ed con­trol to repub­li­cans , who have since done noth­ing for the aver­age American.

Republicans in the house and Senate should not have had a oppur­tu­ni­ty to affect this pres­i­den­t’s agen­da, democ­rats were hand­ed a size­able major­i­ty in the house, con­trol of the sen­ate and con­trol of the white house. Given all of that pow­er repub­li­cans would have changed the face of America. President Obama has been forced to play defense and use exec­u­tive orders to get any­thing done, which saw him spend­ing a lot of time sell­ing his plans to the American peo­ple when he should be doing what he was elect­ed to do, govern.

John Boehner 

Paul Ryan

When the his­to­ry books are writ­ten detail­ing this chap­ter of American History, this con­gress will have the dubi­ous dis­tinc­tion of hav­ing assault­ed and abused the first African pres­i­dent. Not with water-hoses , guns , dogs and legal thugs , but by una­nim­i­ty of inac­tion, dis­re­spect and deri­sion. This con­gress led by John Bohnear must be remem­bered with the likes of George Wallace, and Bull O’Connor.

Republicans nev­er ceas­es to amaze me, I nev­er quite under­stood how they man­age to get so many peo­ple to vote against their own self-inter­est. The oth­er sub­ject of amaze­ment for me is that they lie bla­tant­ly , some­thing which is a pet peeve of mine , but I digress, I utter­ly loathe liars, yet repub­li­cans as a unit to the last troll, are able to lie bare-faced with­out bat­ting an eye and peo­ple vote for them. Lying is a seri­ous char­ac­ter flaw, to me it goes to the heart of one’s char­ac­ter, or as in the repub­li­cans case, the lack there­of. I won­der if oth­er peo­ple find the act of lying as loath­some as I do?

The repub­li­can Governor of Mississippi recent­ly stat­ed on right-wing radio that all democ­rats and planned par­ent-hood wants is to com­mit abor­tions. Now grant­ed that it is all lies, abor­tions is a small part of the ser­vices that planned par­ent-hood offers to women. The very repub­li­cans who holler and pros­trate them­selves as sav­ior of unborn chil­dren in Paul Ryan’s bud­get would deny the very chil­dren the most basic of neces­si­ties, food.

It fol­lows that what they care about is only what hap­pens in a wom­an’s womb, they care noth­ing about chil­dren, they would cut ser­vices like food stamps, and oth­er basis ser­vices to the poor­est peo­ple who are unable to help them­selves, whilst giv­ing more and more tax breaks to the wealth­i­est peo­ple who do not need the money.

The tried and failed poli­cies of trick­le down eco­nom­ics which Herbert Walker Bush cor­rect­ly labeled voodoo eco­nom­ics has been exposed as a sham and a fraud­u­lent back-door way of pay­ing off wealthy cam­paign donors, cou­pled with recent supreme court deci­sions in cit­i­zens unit­ed , aver­age Americans are in for a very rough ride. The pow­er of the American peo­ple are now cen­tered in the hands of a very few filthy rich people.

The wishy- washy nature of democ­rats, does not allow them to call repub­li­cans out as the flam­ing liars they are. This has giv­en them unre­strained acces to shape the debate based sole­ly on fic­tion. Say what you want about repub­li­cans they under­stand the art of decep­tion, I would nev­er sup­port them but one has to give cred­it to an orga­ni­za­tion that can effec­tive­ly make fools of so many, get­ting them to dis­re­gard their own interest.

Republicans have very strict dis­ci­pline, they all repeat the same lies , and they usu­al­ly do so with­out any push­back from their feck­less polit­i­cal adver­saries. Democrats choose rather to use nuanced terms, giv­ing cre­dence to the lies that they are elit­ists. Rather than speak direct­ly to the American peo­ple, the way repub­li­cans do, democ­rats beat around the bush. With the loss of a straight shoot­er like Barney Frank of Massachuset, democ­rats will be even worse off. Bill Clinton had Carville and Begala, Obama has himself.

If Obama shape the nar­ra­tive with easy and direct clar­i­ty he will win re-elec­tion, con­tin­u­ing to speak in pro­fes­so­r­i­al terms will end up in defeat for him . Based on his record there is no rea­son for him to lose this election.